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Should a criminal background check be required in order to be a vendor at a Furcon?Anonymous voting
  • Yes
  • No
  • I'm not sure
0 votes
🤡 14👎 4🤪 4🗿 3🤔 1💩 1🍌 1
Is the PS5 Pro's Purchase Price ($700 USD, not including disk drive or stand) reasonable?Anonymous voting
  • Yes, companies can set whatever price they want / it's inflation's fault
  • Yes, it's worth that much
  • Yes, because I'm going to trade up for it / some other similar trick
  • Yes for another reason
  • No, that's an insane price for what you're getting
  • No, the upgrades aren't worth that much
  • No for another reason
  • It wouldn't be if it came with the disk drive and stand
  • I don't own a console / I don't have an opinion
0 votes
💩 7
Fine dining in Springfield, Ohio?Anonymous voting
  • No thanks, I already ate
  • We have Springfield, Ohio at home
  • I could nibble
  • Famished, whats for dinner?
0 votes
🤮 9👎 6🤣 3😈 2🗿 2👍 1🤷‍♂ 1
When you're attracted to someone, how does that usually present?Anonymous voting
  • I like them in a slowly increasing way
  • I obsess over them immediately and usually have to hold my feelings back
  • I shift in my feelings until it comes out finally as attraction
  • I yearn hard but struggle to translate that into words
  • I analyze my feelings extensively to see if they're right for me
  • I have to build trust before I can consider attraction
  • I do not experience attraction in this way
  • I don't know, I just kinda like people I like
0 votes
👍 4🤔 2
Have you ever been in the theater, watching the previews, and seen a beverage commercial and then got up to get a beverage because of said advertisement?Anonymous voting
  • Of course I have, that’s why they play them
  • Yes, but not because the ad told me to
  • No, I am not influenced by advertisements like that
  • Drinks at the theater are too expensive so no I haven’t
0 votes
1🤔 1🍾 1🤓 1
You ever get upset that someone doesn’t want you in their space?Anonymous voting
  • Doesn’t bother me a bit
  • I’m a little miffed
  • I wish that wasn’t the case
  • I’m seething, and probably cannot access the comment section here
0 votes
🖕 5🕊 1😐 1
You're walking near a body of water and the person in front of you falls in. It's of such depth / has a strong current / rampant shark infestation that they're in immediate mortal danger. What do you do?Anonymous voting
  • Jump in to save them
  • Make sure I put my phone / watch / iPad down then jump in to save them
  • Call someone on my phone
  • Organize a rescue with other bystanders
  • Watch
  • Get out my phone and record the events
0 votes
🤔 3👍 2🥱 2🐳 1👻 1
Which of these animals have you directly interacted with (ie, not seen from afar or online, but actually cared for / been in the presence of / been confronted by)?Anonymous voting
  • Livestock (Hogs, Cows, Goats, similar)
  • Horses
  • Wild Canines (Wolves, Foxes)
  • Wild Cats
  • Whales / Dolphins / Sharks
  • Bears
  • Deer / Mooses / Elk
  • Birds-of-Prey
  • Wild Snakes / Reptiles
  • I have not interacted directly with any of these animalz
0 votes
🦄 4🐳 3🗿 1
Do Protons decay?Anonymous voting
  • Of course they do, everything does.
  • Absolutely not, they are forever.
  • Oh man, it could go either way
0 votes
🤔 5
Have you ever put considerable thought into how you would accomplish (and get away with) a Heist / Similar Serious Crime?Anonymous voting
  • Yes, it's all planned out
  • I've thought about it at some length
  • I've considered it briefly
  • I've thought about it maybe once
  • No, because theft is wrong / I don't like the idea of breaking the law
  • No, I don't consider myself able to accomplish something like that
  • It's just never crossed my mind
  • I've already done it
0 votes
👻 7
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.