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إظهار الكل...
🔥 2
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Global Currency Reset (GCR) Alert: Massive Economic Overhaul Incoming—How to Prepare for the New Era of Gold-Backed Currencies! The Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revaluation (RV) of currencies, particularly those backed by tangible assets like gold, represent a monumental shift toward what many advocates see as a more stable, equitable financial future. This isn’t just a reset; it’s a total recalibration of the world’s economic order, aiming to level the playing field and underpin currencies with real, intrinsic value, unlike the fiat currencies that currently dominate global transactions. The case for gold-backed currencies is compelling and multifaceted. Firstly, they offer a hedge against inflation. Traditional fiat currencies are vulnerable to devaluation by governments through excessive printing, leading to inflation. A gold-backed currency, by contrast, is tethered to the finite resource of gold, which has an intrinsic value that is not subject to the whims of governments or the volatility of the markets. This intrinsic value instills greater confidence among investors and the general populace, as the currency is supported by a physical, tangible asset whose worth is universally recognized. Moreover, the adoption of a gold-backed currency as part of the GCR/RV plan is not merely an economic issue—it’s a moral one. It’s about restoring trust in the financial systems by ensuring that the money people earn and save is as good as gold—literally. It’s about ensuring that wealth isn’t arbitrarily manufactured or manipulated, but rather is representative of something real and valuable. This shift promises to restore faith in global economies and financial leaders, as every note issued corresponds to actual gold held in reserve, making the financial system transparent and accountable. Furthermore, the GCR, with its push for a reset using gold-backed currencies, directly challenges the hegemony of the U.S. dollar in international trade. This could democratize international trade, allowing countries with gold reserves to have a more substantial say in global economics, thereby decentralizing the economic power currently concentrated in the hands of a few Western nations. Such a restructuring not only makes economic sense but also aligns with principles of fairness and equity in global relations, giving rise to a more balanced global power distribution. Transitioning to gold-backed currencies as envisioned in the GCR/RV plan includes careful, strategic implementation phases to ensure minimal disruption. The benefits of a more stable currency that guards against inflation and preserves purchasing power far outweigh the temporary challenges of transition. As developments unfold, with the initiation of financing for bondholders under cautious yet strategic conditions and the redirection of funds away from old power structures, it’s clear that the foundation for this new financial era is already being laid. The role of gold-backed currencies in this context is crucial. They are the keystones of a future where economic power is more evenly distributed and where financial policies are inherently linked to tangible assets rather than abstract policies. In this context, the role of every stakeholder in the global economy, from governments and financial institutions to individual investors and the general public, is crucial. Embracing the principles of the GCR/RV and the transition to gold-backed currencies is a vote for a more equitable and stable global future. As such, it represents not just a financial revolution, but a profound transformation in how global economic health is perceived and achieved. JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
إظهار الكل...
🔥 8👍 2
Repost from Julian Assange
AGE IS NOT IN YOUR DNA Aging is a program of mind control. It is a lie that people die of old age because there is no "age" for our DNA in cells. The cells in our bodies are constantly renewing themselves, even in older people. There are many errors in cell reproduction, but there is always a biological-emotional reason for our death. It is not so easy for a person to die until the heart and lungs stop working. People don't die of old age or disease, people die of their emotional conflicts that have led to this aging and later death. There is no age for our DNA, we create boundaries with the years our bodies die. Aging comes from negative thinking and a low vibrational state of dominance. If we do not have the limited belief that it is normal to grow old, we will not grow old, or at least not at such a rate that aging is "normal". This is because - our skin regenerates every 3 months - blood every 6 months - the lungs are renewed every year - the liver heals in 18 months - the brain completely renews its cells every 3 years - the skeleton regenerates completely in 10 years - every muscle and tissue regenerates in 15 years - even our personality renews itself every 7 years We have to ensure our regeneration by all means - food, air, water that we bring and above all thoughts and information about ourselves. A secret that has been carefully kept from us is that our DNA contains no data about our ageing. The aging program is created solely by us in our minds, through our beliefs and convictions gained in the environment we were born, raised and live in. We are so ingrained to believe that this is a normal way to live, age and die. Fortunately, the reality for us is quite different. It's no secret that when we are lost in the past, we are always looking to the future. And it's actually important to leave the past behind and move forward, live and change the present in your mind. Join and share my channel immediately:
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Julian Assange


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💥🇺🇸 WINNING 🇺🇸💥 JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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🎉 Congratulations, You just got paid! 💸 🚨 QFS Alert: You've received a new QFS(R) payment from TRB PAYMENTS in your QFS Wallet ending 2736.
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🔥 FINAL CALL: The Stream of the Century—Trump & RFK Jr. Are LIVE! 🔥 Patriots, the moment has come. Trump and RFK Jr. are going LIVE, and insiders say the information they’re about to drop will blow the lid off everything we’ve been led to believe. This is the last chance to be part of this EPIC broadcast. The deep state is desperate, and they can’t stop what’s coming. But only those in the channel will witness this mind-blowing moment! Join NOW and make sure you’re there when the truth drops. This is going to be the greatest reveal of our generation! 🚨
إظهار الكل...


⚡️ FLASH ALERT: Trump & RFK Jr.—LIVESTREAM INCOMING! ⚡️ The energy is off the charts—Trump and RFK Jr. are going LIVE, and you DO NOT want to miss this! The word on the street is that this stream will drop bombshell intel that will shift the entire landscape of what we know. The deep state is scrambling—the truth is about to be exposed! This private link will give you access to the most powerful broadcast of our time. Get in NOW, secure your spot, and brace yourself for the event that will leave the world SHOCKED. The storm is here! 🌪
إظهار الكل...


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Wake Up! Everything You Believe Is a Carefully Crafted Lie by a Hidden Elite That Owns Your Governments, Banks, and Minds! The world is under the control of a hidden, powerful elite that has manipulated humanity for thousands of years. Governments, banks, corporations, and even religions are all part of a massive, interconnected system designed to keep the masses in line. You are living in a controlled simulation where every move is calculated, every narrative crafted, and every dissent crushed. Ancient Rome never fell; it just changed its face. The Vatican is the continuation of the Roman Empire, pulling the strings of global power from the shadows. The Pope is not a religious leader but the CEO of the world’s largest covert operation. Global leaders bow to Rome; every major decision made in Europe, America, and beyond has its roots in this ancient power structure. The so-called “democracies” are just fronts, and the real rulers operate far from the public eye. The financial system is a tool of enslavement, but its grip is weakening. Central banks, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank, and the IMF have long kept nations in debt and citizens in economic chains. However, their reign is about to end. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is poised to trigger the biggest wealth transfer in history, redistributing stolen wealth back to the people. This is a total overhaul designed to dismantle the corrupt systems that have enslaved humanity for centuries. Trillions of dollars hoarded by the elite will be seized and returned to the people, restoring economic power where it belongs. This act will expose the financial fraud perpetuated by these institutions, wiping out debts and releasing new technologies that have been suppressed to keep the populace in poverty. The days of the financial overlords are numbered, and GESARA is the catalyst that will break their chains for good, restoring wealth and freedom to the masses. Education and media are the propaganda arms of this hidden empire. From kindergarten to university, you are fed lies designed to shape your worldview to fit the agenda of the elite. Critical thinking is discouraged because an informed population is a threat. The news you watch, the books you read, and the information you consume are all curated to keep you ignorant, divided, and powerless. Governments are puppets. Elections are rigged shows to give you the illusion of choice. Presidents, prime ministers, and kings answer to the same hidden masters. Policies, wars, economic collapses—they’re all orchestrated from behind closed doors by a small group of individuals who have no allegiance to any nation but only to their own interests. They decide who wins, who loses, and how the game is played. Laws are tools of oppression, not justice. The legal system is designed to protect the elite and keep you in line. Roman law still influences modern legal codes, and its principles are used to maintain control over the masses. The courtrooms are theaters where the outcome is predetermined, and the real power lies in the unseen hands that pull the strings. Corporations are not independent entities—they are branches of the same control network. They push products, policies, and narratives that serve their masters’ agenda. From the food you eat to the technology you use, everything is designed to monitor, influence, and control you. You are not a customer; you are a data point, a resource to be exploited. The world is not what it seems. Every institution you trust, every leader you admire, every belief you hold has been carefully constructed to keep you obedient and blind to the truth. You are not free; you are a pawn in a game that was rigged long before you were born. The only way out is to see the truth: that the world is run by a small, powerful group that considers itself above the rest of humanity. They are the masters, and we are the slaves. This is the reality they don’t want you to see. Wake up, or remain a willing participant in your own enslavement. JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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9👍 2
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BQQQM!!! MH370: The Secret Battle for Humanity’s Future Unveiling the staggering reality behind Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: this was no ordinary crash. It marked the beginning of a covert war between White Hat forces and the Deep State. What the world saw as a tragic disappearance was, in fact, an intricate military operation that changed everything. This isn’t just another conspiracy—this is the truth they don’t want you to know. Superconductivity Microchips: The Deep State’s Power Source MH370 was carrying more than passengers—it held 20 elite semiconductor engineers transporting technology worth trillions. These superconductivity microchips were a game-changer. We're talking antigravity propulsion, military weapons that could rewrite the rules of warfare, and even cloaking tech that could hide entire planets. That’s right—this was no simple accident. The Deep State had plans to deliver this tech to China, using the flight as cover. But White Hat forces were already two steps ahead. A Global Operation to Expose Corruption The U.S., China, Russia, Mossad, MI6—they all knew what was really happening with MH370. The stakes were monumental. The Rothschild-affiliated globalists and CCP elites were about to receive tech that could shift global power in their favor forever. But White Hat forces, including patriots like Admiral Rogers and General Flynn, were ready to counter this global scheme. The plane didn’t just vanish; it was a military operation to strike at the heart of the Deep State’s corrupt empire. The Space Force and the Truth Hidden from Us MH370 didn’t go down without leaving a trail. Advanced surveillance systems like the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) had their eyes on the flight the entire time. They know everything that happened—but the truth has been kept from the public. Over 3,000 satellites tracked MH370, yet we’re told it simply “disappeared.” The Deep State worked overtime to bury the truth, but the White Hats had already infiltrated their networks. This Isn’t About a Plane—It’s About Control The Deep State's agenda was always about controlling humanity. By capturing these superconductivity microchips, they could control military systems worldwide and keep their global stranglehold intact. But White Hats turned the tables. MH370 was a turning point, and the fight for humanity's future began in the skies that day. The War Isn’t Over—But We're Winning We’re in the midst of a battle for the soul of the world. The U.S. Space Force is leading the charge, dismantling the Deep State’s underground operations. Their time is up. The truth is emerging—fast. Stay alert, stay vigilant. The White Hats are winning, and the storm is closer than you think. Join and share now, support my channel:
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👍 7🔥 1
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Get ready for an impressive turn of events that's just around the corner. JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. JOIN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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🔥 13👍 2👌 1
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.