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Ingliz tilini boshlang'ich bosqichdan boshlamoqchimisiz. Unda siz adashmadingiz ✔️musictime ✔️listening ✔️writing ✔️learn new words

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6 820
-1024 ساعات
-747 أيام
-24930 أيام

جاري تحميل البيانات...

معدل نمو المشترك

جاري تحميل البيانات...

Repost from Ҳақиқат
Ватан омон бўлсин Ҳақиқат
إظهار الكل...
Words related to " RELIGION" 🕌 1. Pray - ibodat qilmoq • I should pray 5 times a day 🕌 2. Faith - iymon, ishonch • I have great faith in God 🕌 3. Worship - sajda qilmoq • Muslim people worship only one God. 🕌 4. Practise - ado qilmoq • People can practise their religious activities in any countries. 🕌 5. Convert - o'zgartirmoq • Andrew Tate converted to Islam 🕌 6. Fasting - ro'za tutishlik • Fasting is an obligation for each Muslim. 🕌 7. Accept - qabul qilmoq • Duas of parents, teachers and visitors are directly accepted by Allah. 🕌 8. Mosque - masjit • I usually go to a Mosque every Friday. 🕌 9. Do good deeds - yaxshilik qilmoq • I always try to do good deeds as much as possible. 🕌 10. Commit a sin - gunoh qilmoq • I always try not to commit a sin as a good Muslim. 🕌 11. On the day of judgement - Qiyomat kuni • On the day of judgment, everyone themselves will be responsible for what they have done #sharingiscaring @English_tests_Inglizcha_testlar🔝
إظهار الكل...
🔥 6👍 5 3
Words used "ON A PLANE" ✈️ 1. Arrival /əˈraɪ.vəl/ - yetib kelish • His arrival is getting a bit late ✈️ 2. Departure /dɪˈpɑː.tʃər/ - jo'nab ketish • My departure is at 21:00 today ✈️ 3. Load /loʊd/- yuklamoq • It'll take 10 or 15 minutes to load our luggage ✈️ 4. Check in - ro'yxatdan o'tmoq • We need to check in ✈️ 5. Gate - darvoza, kirish chiqish yo'l • Could you please tell me where the gate is ? ✈️ 6. Flight attendant /əˈten.dənt/ - styuardessa • I would like to work as a flight attendant ✈️ 7. Take off - uchib ketishlikDo you know when the plane will take off ? ✈️ 8. Ascend /əˈsend/ - havoga ko'tarilmoq • Now the plane is ascending ✈️ 9. Descend /dɪˈsend/ - pastlamoq • The plane descended quickly, which made me scared. ✈️ 10. Land /lænd/ - yerga qo'nmoq • The plane is expected to land at around 18:00 ✈️ 11. Luggage /ˈlʌɡ.ɪdʒ/- yuk • Your luggage must be less than 35 kilos ✈️ 12. Passengers /ˈpæs.ən.dʒər/ - yo'lovchilarAirlines report that passenger numbers are down. @English_tests_Inglizcha_testlar🔝
إظهار الكل...
👍 2🤩 1
Shadowing🔥 Text: Cause I think that when I was younger, and I'm sure you guys can all attest to this, I was, like, a huge tomboy, like, couldn't really care less about fashion. I, like, all I cared about was my horses and, like, what sports I was playing. So it's really interesting that I think at the beginning, especially of our show, that was more me. and then over time I think I, you know, it kind of happened really naturally. Like I don't, I can't say I was like, you know, 10 years old dreaming about it, but when I did get to like 14, 15, I was like, wait a minute, this seems so fun. I would take pictures at our house. Like I got a, I loved, I started with photography. I really loved photography and I would take pictures of my friends and That was what was pushing me that direction. And I like presented the cutest like little modeling book to my mom when I was like 14. And then she did her Kris Jenner things and made it all come to life. ➡️@English_tests_Inglizcha_testlar🔝
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IDIOMATIC LANGUAGE 🚀 Common sense - farosat — Use your common sense, maaan!! 🚀 An eagle eye - ko’zi o’tkir. Uzoqni ham tinniq ko’ra oladigan — He has an eagle eye 🚀 Human nature - bu insonni tabiati — Gossing is human nature 🚀 In the same boat - bir xil vaziyatda bo’lmoq. — We are all in the same boat now 🚀 When pigs fly - hech qachon — You’ll achieve your dream when pigs fly. 🚀 Just the tip of the iceberg - bu dengizdan bir tomchi — This was just the tip of the iceberg #sharingiscaring @English_tests_Inglizcha_testlar🔝
إظهار الكل...
🤩 1
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Kripto aktivlarga qiziqqanlar uchun $DOGS loyihasi. Bu itdan tarqagan kriptovalyuta ertaga sotuvga chiqadi. Narxi NotCoindan kam emas ulgurmaganlar ulgurib qolinglar Bunda boshqa o'yinlar kabi tanga bosishingiz shart emas, shunchaki akkaunt yoshiga qarab loyiha o'zi tekinga tanga ajratadi, bundan tashqari TASK bo'limidagi shartlarni bajarish evaziga qo'shimcha bonuslar olishingiz ham mumkin. 14-avgust 23:00 da o'yin tugaydi. Demak hali bemalol ishlab olishga ulgurasiz.
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Sometimes the only way to control my own emotion it to say silent and not say anything Ba'zida òz his-tuyģularimni boshqarishning yagona yòli-jim turish va hech narsa demaslik @English_tests_Inglizcha_testlar
إظهار الكل...
3🔥 2👍 1
Phrases with “WAY” 🚀 There is no way - iloji yo’q. Hech qachon. — There is no way I can help you. I’m sorry. 🚀 All the way - butun yo’l davomida — I argued with him all the way home 🚀 Come your way - yo’lingda paydo bo’lmoq — Challenges may come your way, but never give up! 🚀 In one way - bir tarafdan — In one way, you’re right. 🚀 To my way of thinking - mening o’ylashimcha — To my way of thinking, this is not right. 🚀 Across the way - yo’lning nargi tarafida — There is a gas station across the way 🚀 One way or another - qanday qilib bo’lmasin — One way or another I’ll achieve 7 in speaking. 🚀 Have a long way to go - ancha bor, hali ko’p ishlashing kerak — You actually have a long way to go. 🚀 My way or the highway - meni gapimga ko’nasiz yoki ana katta ko’cha. — I’ll give you 50$. It’s my way or the high way. @English_tests_Inglizcha_testlar🔝
إظهار الكل...
👍 2 2🔥 2
IDIOMATIC LANGUAGE 🚀 Thanks a bunch (B1) - katta rahmat 🚀 Break a leg (B1) - omad tilayman 🚀 Give it a shot (C1) - sinab ko’r! Urinib ko’r! 🚀 Feel under the weather (B2) - o’zini yomon his qilmoq 🚀 Go the extra mile (B2) - keragidan ko’prog’ini qilmoq 🚀 Think outside the box (C1) - creative o’ylamoq 🚀 Face the music (C1) - qilmishiga javob bermoq, qilgan ishiga javob bermoq 🚀 Get out of my face (B1) - ko’zimdan yo’qol, ko’zimga ko’rinma! @English_tests_Inglizcha_testlar🔝
إظهار الكل...
4🔥 1
Shadowing 🔥 Text: It was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words, "Stay hungry, stay foolish." It was their farewell message as they signed off, "Stay hungry, stay foolish." And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. Stay hungry, stay foolish. Thank you all very much. ➡️@English_tests_Inglizcha_testlar🔝
إظهار الكل...
2.65 KB
👍 3 1🔥 1
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.