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Eric Dubay's International Flat Earth Research Society

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Flat Earth - Knowledge vs. Belief: How can we endeavor to know, and not just believe, the true shape of the Earth?
إظهار الكل... - Flat Earth Knowledge vs Belief_v720P.mp471.65 MB
The Theory of Evolution DEBUNKED: Let's explore various historical concepts that have been used to uphold and validate the Theory of Evolution. I'm confident that these findings and key historical events, which have been instrumental in shaping my own perspective, will similarly assist others in questioning and, ultimately, rejecting this theory entirely... Read the Full FREE PDF "Escaping the Maze" here:
إظهار الكل... - The Theory of Evolution DEBUNKED_720p.mp4126.99 MB
Loosh Farm Earth: Robert Monroe was an American radio broadcasting executive who was known for his work in the field of altered states of consciousness. He founded the Monroe Institute for the exploration of human consciousness, patented hemi-sync binaural beats, and coined the term out-of-body experience. Monroe wrote several books about his astral travels out of body, the beings he met in the spirit world, and the information they imparted to him. Perhaps the most notable of all occurs in Chapter 12 of his book Far Journeys, where he describes an out-of-body experience with a being who shared a creation story claiming Earth was made as “a garden to grow Loosh.”
إظهار الكل... - Loosh Farm Earth_v720P.mp4153.60 MB
How to Measure the Distance to the Sun: Ancient astronomers used triangulation, a method involving triangles, to measure celestial distances and chart the movements of celestial bodies. By observing the sky from different vantage points, they could calculate distances with remarkable accuracy, laying the groundwork for future astronomical discoveries...
إظهار الكل... - How to Measure the Distance to the Sun_v720P.mp433.33 MB
Star Trek Exposes the Soul Trap: During an episode titled “Coda” from Season 3 of the popular science-fiction show Star Trek Voyageur, Captain Catherine Janeway is directly confronted with a reincarnation soul trap matrix...
إظهار الكل... - Star Trek Exposes the Soul Trap_v720P.mp423.42 MB
Zetetic vs Scientific | Experience vs. Explanations: There is a quiet epidemic in science causing an unbridgeable rift between the truly inquisitive and the unknowingly indoctrinated. A branch of pseudo-science has been pedestalized and promoted to an untouchable position causing all skepticism and critical thought surrounding the subject to be swiftly silenced without consideration. The crux of the issue is a matter of philosophy of science, and what it means for a proposition to qualify as actually being “scientific.” This question was the main point of contention expressed by the late-19th century group of activists known as “Zetetics,” who caused quite a stir in the scientific community of the time. Their philosophy of Zetecism distinguished itself from mainstream Science with its emphasis on observation and experiments rather than on hypotheses and theories...
إظهار الكل...
y2mate_com_Zetetic_vs_Scientific_Experience_vs_Explanations_v720P.mp466.55 MB
The Big Bang is Bunk: The Big Bang theory relies heavily on indirect observation, interpretation, inference, and theoretical models. This reliance introduces numerous uncertainties at every turn, from the theory's inception to its current status as the most widely accepted scientific explanation for the origins of space, time, and matter... Read the Full FREE PDF "Escaping the Maze" here:
إظهار الكل... - The Big Bang is Bunk_v720P.mp437.32 MB
Soul Trap Solutions: Discussing the soul trap theory, gnosticism and agnosticism, the afterlife, and how to end the reincarnation cycle with Howdie Mickoski
إظهار الكل... - Soul Trap Solutions_v720P.mp4494.80 MB
How to Escape the Maze: What if we discovered that our most cherished beliefs and answers to the mysteries of our world are merely fragments of a grand illusion? What if this illusion were carefully crafted and slowly sustained over time by an elusive group with a specific agenda aimed at intentionally misleading us? Imagine these false realities and beliefs woven into a deception so vast that it stretches our very capacity to even consider them as possible... Read the Full FREE PDF "Escape the Maze" here:
إظهار الكل... - How to Escape the Maze_v720P.mp488.77 MB
The Near-Death Deception Experience: Throughout history people who have been pronounced dead but then later successfully resuscitated have recounted eerily similar stories...
إظهار الكل... - The NearDeath Deception Experience_v720P.mp4149.42 MB
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