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The Q brief

Simple view of the Plan Part 1-7. In order to see the future we must first go back to the future.

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1 687
+224 ساعات
+17 أيام
+3130 أيام

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History It happened War and atrocities We see them. Where? On TV. Bodies everywhere. Mayhem. Did they happen? As broadcast to us. We lived the plandemic Was it real On TV YES. It WAS REAL Bodies everywhere. Mayhem. On the ground NO Yet we believe mayhem and bodies everywhere. How do they get us to believe? News Our window into the world. First few segments. Are usually always from your local area. Something happened in your neighborhood. Or close proximity to home. Car fatality Weather event Traffic chaos Homicide It WAS REAL It happened. You probably even witnessed it or know someone who did. What follows next. The magic happens. Lies become REAL. World events. Bodies everywhere. Mayhem. It WAS REAL It happened. Why? Conditioned to believe. From previous. Slowly reeled us in. If you not there on the ground. Trust nothing. Everything is a lie.
إظهار الكل...
🔥 15💯 7👍 2
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For a man not in charge Trump saying and doing much. What he up to apart from dodging bullets🤣 No taxes on tips Tips are extra payments What extra payments we make? Taxes. No taxes on tips = no extra payments. No Tax. No tax on social security. Where does revenue for this comes form? Payroll and self employment tax No tax on social security = no payroll and self employment tax. No Tax. At the end of the day We not paying. Trumps signaling Checkmate. Time for the King to be taken off the chess board. No Taxes to the King of Great Britain. Trump is laying the groundwork for a new republic. So when it happens. It will be integrated by the people seamlessly. There will be no resistance. Mind you some will resist. Everyone has to pay taxes. Well you can pay them fools.🤪
إظهار الكل...
👍 20🔥 10🙏 1🏆 1
Perception is reality Everyday Hopelessness Despair Anguish Perception is reality We live as we see Hopelessness Despair Anguish There is an active war on the mind On consciousness One group Restoration of consciousness Other group Destruction of consciousness 911 was a hostile and brazen attack on consciousness. MSM Time for the exit door.
إظهار الكل...
👍 20
The Passion Mel Gibson Swamp in uproar Hysterics Remove it from script or else. Remove what? Matthew 27:25 His blood be on us and on our children. Why such drama? Belief manifests into reality World see it Believe it Come to fruition Can’t have that out there Too late It came to fruition🤪
إظهار الكل...
🔥 17❤‍🔥 4
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Much going on here apart from the obvious. I see a few things Disciples are paired in 3’s 33 to the left 33 to the right 3 windows in the background What else I see? On the walls To the left and right 1111 1111 What that doing there?
إظهار الكل...
👀 9👍 5 3
Insane in the Membrane CERN logo. Two orbiting gravitational fields coming TOGETHER. What’s coming together? If THEY can’t come to earth. We bring earth to THEM. CERN has magnets 100,000 times more powerful than earths magnetic field What magnets do? Push and pull. CERN? Push and pull earth off its gravitational field. I’m not saying it They are. Movie Star Trek Generations. The Nexus is an extra dimensional realm that exists outside of normal space time. Soren is obsessed in getting there but can’t. How he do it? Destroy a nearby star altering the gravitational field. The result is the Nexus will come to him. Can’t see it Well see it Movie Superman 2 Prisoners in space (THEM) In a different orbit to earth. Cannot come to earth. Trapped. A nuclear blast changes the gravitational orbit. Pushes them into earths orbit. General Zod FREE CERN logo. Two orbiting gravitational fields coming TOGETHER. See it. Whitehats watched their movies. All them. Bullet to their membrane😂🤣
إظهار الكل...
General Zod is Free - Superman II - The Richard Donner Cut - Christopher Reeve Terence Stamp

#superman #kryptonite #richarddonner #christopherreeve #genehackman #dccomics #superhero #movies #moviescenes

👍 10
Some VK birdie said there are two domes. Firmaments. One is above earth as we know it. Middle earth. The other dome is most likely beyond Antarctica. Outer earth. The Third Reich The German Antarctic Expedition 1938-39 What did the Nazis find beyond Antarctica? Everything changed after 1938z NASA created CERN created Shit got busy. What they find there? Coincidence? Superman Comic released 1938. In the movie Clark Kent went to the arctic (Antarctica). What he find? A hologram of his father. He tells him things. Secrets. Life imitates art. I would say so.
إظهار الكل...
🔥 23👀 7 3
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Ordinance of Heaven Calendar is based on the movement of the Sun. 12 times the sun moves into a different position. 12 months of the year. Zodiac. The position of the Sun in relation to the stars. Sun passes through 12 constellations. 12 signs of the zodiac. Zodiac and Calendar are one and the same. Prediction of things to come. But there was 13. 13 month calendar. 13 stars of the zodiac. 13th sign of the zodiac? Where you at? The constellation Ophiuchus. The Serpent Bearer. Any proof? Not in the sky. Here on the ground. I think so. World Health Organization. Symbol for Medicine Pope holds it as his staff. Rod of Asclepius The Serpent Bearer. Ophiuchus. Why change record of time? 13 months to 12 months. The Sun spends about nineteen days in this 13th zodiac. 19 is code for 1111 Dark Energy. Synchronize an outcome? 12/12/2012 at 11:11 am Yes. Why else? Why hide 13? It can be for only one reason. So we can’t accurately predict what’s to come. And what was to come? THEM.
إظهار الكل...
🔥 13💯 6 3👀 3
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Who broadcast their game plan? The swamp. 24/7 on repeat Movies, TV, Music, MSM, History, Literature, Science. Snippets here Snippets there Their plan unfolding to the world. Hands tied. Whitehats had to sit tight. All whilst misery and carnage raged around the world. Let them divulge all. Is what they had to do. Hands tied. Events had to align. Synchronized to the numbers and their Stars. Hands tied. Confidence turned into brass arrogance. 911. Full plan unfolded. Disbelief. These people are stupid. Hands tied. They WON. That was the mindset that had to be sown. Invincible. No force can stop us. Every battle is won before it’s fought. Hands untied. We have it all. Whitehats unleashed Hell upon them. You didn’t expect that. Did you😳😂
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🔥 18👍 8 5👎 1😁 1
Religion We have delegated responsibility to someone else. It is what it is. History We have delegated belief to someone else. This is what was. Medicine We have delegated our survival to someone else. We trust you do us right. Money We have delegated our energy to someone else. I’ll take your soul. Here’s you check. Villain or Righteous We have delegated opinion to someone else. At this point we scared. We listen. State of affairs We have delegated inevitability to someone else. This is your world Okey Dokey Your belief system is set. Brain is hardwired. Nothing I tell you will get through. If I present something contrary to what you believe. Your mind won’t stand for it. This is not what I know. I can’t handle the truth. The battle that lays ahead. When Q says the power will return to the people. Not talking just governmental power The real power. The arbiter of truth. The power will return to YOU.
إظهار الكل...
29🔥 11🙏 1
اختر خطة مختلفة

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