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ТКТИ Халқаро ҳамкорлик - ТХТИ международное сотрудничество- TICT International cooperation 🇺🇿🇧🇾🇰🇷🇧🇬🇵🇼🇨🇳🇺🇸🇪🇸🇮🇹

Тошкент кимё-технология институтининг халқаро ҳамкорлик бўлими телеграм канали. Телеграм канал отдела международного сотрудничества Ташкентского химико-технологического института. Telegram channel of the international cooperation departament of TICT.

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🇺🇿🇰🇷 Koreya xalqaro hamkorlik agentligi (KOICA) “Oʻzkimyosanoat” AJ bilan hamkorlikdagi qoʻshma loyiha doirasida Koreyaning nufuzli oliygohida kimyo sohasida magistratura (2 ta oʻrin) va doktorlik (PhD, 6 ta oʻrin) yoʻnalishlarida grant asosida barcha harajatlar qoplangan holda taʼlim olish uchun tanlovlar eʼlon qiladi! Oʻqishni muvaffaqqiyatli tamomlaganlar yangi tashkil etiladigan Koreya-Oʻzbekiston ilmiy-tadqiqot va loyiha instituti – Kimyo texnologiya innovatsiya markazida oʻz faoliyatlarini davom ettirish imkoniyatiga ega boʻlishadi! Hujjatlar 2024-yil 18-oktabrgacha qabul qilinadi. Qoʻshimcha maʼlumotlar olish uchun quyidagi telefon raqamiga murojaat etishingiz va hujjatlarni onlayn tarzda yuborish uchun quyidagi havolaga oʻtishingiz mumkin: Telefon: (+998) 90 003-55-22 📤 Elektron manzil: [email protected] [email protected] 🇺🇿🇰🇷The Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) as part of a Joint Project with JSC Uzkimyosanoat is announcing full Scholarships for Master's Degree (2 seats) and Doctoral (PhD, 6 seats) Programs in Chemistry field at one of the prestigious universities in Korea! Successful graduates will continue their employment at the newly establishing Korean-Uzbek Research and Design Institute - Center for Chemical Technology Innovation! Deadline for Application submission is October 18, 2024. For more information contact phone number below and visit the link below for online Application submission: 📞Contact number: (+998) 90 003-55-22 📤 Email: [email protected] [email protected] —————————————————————————————— 🌐 Веб-сайт ✉️ Telegram 📱 Facebook 📱 Instagram 🌐 Youtube🇺🇿🇰🇷 Koreya xalqaro hamkorlik agentligi (KOICA) “Oʻzkimyosanoat” AJ bilan hamkorlikdagi qoʻshma loyiha doirasida Koreyaning nufuzli oliygohida kimyo sohasida magistratura (2 ta oʻrin) va doktorlik (PhD, 6 ta oʻrin) yoʻnalishlarida grant asosida barcha harajatlar qoplangan holda taʼlim olish uchun tanlovlar eʼlon qiladi! Oʻqishni muvaffaqqiyatli tamomlaganlar yangi tashkil etiladigan Koreya-Oʻzbekiston ilmiy-tadqiqot va loyiha instituti – Kimyo texnologiya innovatsiya markazida oʻz faoliyatlarini davom ettirish imkoniyatiga ega boʻlishadi! Hujjatlar 2024-yil 18-oktabrgacha qabul qilinadi. Qoʻshimcha maʼlumotlar olish uchun quyidagi telefon raqamiga murojaat etishingiz va hujjatlarni onlayn tarzda yuborish uchun quyidagi havolaga oʻtishingiz mumkin: Telefon: (+998) 90 003-55-22 📤 Elektron manzil: [email protected] [email protected] 🇺🇿🇰🇷The Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) as part of a Joint Project with JSC Uzkimyosanoat is announcing full Scholarships for Master's Degree (2 seats) and Doctoral (PhD, 6 seats) Programs in Chemistry field at one of the prestigious universities in Korea! Successful graduates will continue their employment at the newly establishing Korean-Uzbek Research and Design Institute - Center for Chemical Technology Innovation! Deadline for Application submission is October 18, 2024. For more information contact phone number below and visit the link below for online Application submission: 📞Contact number: (+998) 90 003-55-22 📤 Email: [email protected] [email protected] —————————————————————————————— 🌐 Веб-сайт ✉️ Telegram 📱 Facebook 📱 Instagram 🌐 Youtube
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UST 과학기술연합대학원대학교 미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST

🇷🇺«Изучение электротехники в Саксонии» - онлайн семинар Три саксонских университета представляют свои возможности обучения и исследований в области электротехники и полупроводников: Посетите онлайн-семинар и узнайте о возможностях обучения и информации о стипендиях: Среда, 25 сентября 2024 г., 15:00–16:00 (по узбекскому времени) Ссылка для регистрации: Язык семинара: английский Семинар проводит доктор Джозеф Голдбергер. В Саксонии расположены 14 вузов, среди которых Technische Universität Dresden выделяется как элитный университет. Технический университет Дрездена уделяет большое внимание исследованиям и мощному отраслевому сотрудничеству. По доле иностранных студентов Technische Universität Chemnitz входит в число ведущих государственных университетов страны. Здесь вы найдете уникальное сочетание инженерии, естественных наук и математики с гуманитарными, социальными науками и экономикой. Университет прикладных наук HTWK Leipzig сочетает практическое обучение и прикладные исследования. Уникальным региональным преимуществом университета является его широкий инженерный и технический профиль. Сегодня Дрезден и Лейпциг образуют два основных промышленных кластера Саксонии, причем Дрезден особенно преуспел в привлечении ИТ-индустрии и получил название "Silicon Saxony". Новый завод TSMC строится на севере Дрездена, в непосредственной близости от заводов Bosch.
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🇺🇿„Saksoniyada elektrotexnikani oʻrganish“ mavzusida onlayn seminar Saksoniyaning uchta universiteti elektrotexnika va yarimoʻtkazgichlar sohasida oʻzlarining oʻqish va tadqiqot imkoniyatlarini taqdim etadilar: Onlayn-seminarda ishtirok eting va oʻqish imkoniyatlari va stipendiyalar haqida maʻlumot oling: 2024-yil 25-sentabr, chorshanba, 15:00 dan 16:00 gacha (O‘zbekiston vaqti) Roʻyxatdan oʻtish uchun havola: Seminar tili: ingliz Seminar Dr. Josef Goldberger tomonidan olib boriladi. Saksoniyada 14 ta oliygoh joylashgan boʻlib, ular orasida Technische Universität Dresden yuqori nufuzga ega universitet sifatida alohida ajralib turadi. Drezden texnika universiteti tadqiqot va kuchli sanoat hamkorligiga katta e’tibor qaratadi. Xalqaro talabalar ulushi boʻyicha Technische Universität Chemnitz mamlakatning yetakchi davlat universitetlari qatoriga kiradi. Bu yerda Siz muhandislik, tabiiy fanlar va matematikaning gumanitar, ijtimoiy fanlar va iqtisodiyot bilan noyob uygʻunligini kashf etasiz. HTWK Leipzig amaliy fanlar oliygohi esa oʻzida amaliyotga yoʻnaltirilgan oʻqitish va amaliy tadqiqotlarni birlashtiradi. Oliygohning mintaqadagi afzalligi uning keng muhandislik va texnik profilidir. Bugungi kunda Drezden va Laypsig shaharlari Saksoniyaning ikkita asosiy sanoat klasterini tashkil etmoqda, shuningdek, Drezden shahri IT sanoatini jalb etishda muvaffaqiyat qozonib, "Silicon Saxony" degan nomini olgan. Yangi TSMC zavodi Drezden shahrining shimolida, Bosch zavodlariga yaqin joyda qurilmoqda. ---------- 🇩🇪„Elektrotechnik studieren in Sachsen“ Drei sächsische Universitäten präsentieren ihre Studien- und Forschungsmöglichkeiten im Bereich Elektrotechnik und Halbleiter: Besuchen Sie das Online-Seminar und informieren Sie sich über Studienmöglichkeiten und Stipendieninformationen: Mittwoch, 25. September 2024, 15:00 – 16:00 Uhr (usbekische Zeit) Anmeldelink: Seminarsprache: Englisch Seminarleiter. Dr. Josef Goldberger Sachsen gilt als Wissenschaftsland mit 14 Universitäten, unter denen die Technische Universität Dresden als Eliteuniversität hervorsticht. Die Technische Universität Dresden hat einen starken Fokus auf Forschung und starke Industriekooperationen. Gemessen am Anteil internationaler Studierender gehört die Technische Universität Chemnitz bundesweit zu den besten staatlichen Universitäten. Hier finden Sie eine einzigartige Kombination aus Ingenieurwissenschaften, Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik mit Geistes-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Die Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig verbindet praxisorientierte Lehre und anwendungsorientierte Forschung. Das regionale Alleinstellungsmerkmal der Hochschule ist ihr breites ingenieur- und technikorientiertes Profil. Dresden und Leipzig bilden heute die beiden großen Industriecluster Sachsens, wobei Dresden besonders erfolgreich die IT-Industrie anzieht und sich den Namen "Silicon Saxony" verdient. Das neue TSMC-Werk entsteht im Dresdner Norden, in unmittelbarer Nähe der Bosch-Werke.
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#XALQARO Talabalar uchin🔥 Xalqaro seminarga taklif etamiz! Seminarlar har seshanba kuni online tarzda tashkil etiladi (ingliz tilida). Seminar Barqaror rivojlanish maqsadlarini organishga bag'ishlanadi. Tashkilotchi: BMT qoshida tashkil etilgan PRME asssotsoasiyasi. TKTI 2020 yildan buyon PRME asssotsoasiyasi a'zosi hisoblanadi. Ishtitok etish uchin registration otish zarur‼️
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Dear colleagues from PRME Chapter Eurasia, I hope this message finds you well! In partnership with the *PRME Global Students (PGS)*, the *PRME Chapter Eurasia* is thrilled to announce the launch of the *PGS Ambassador Program in Eurasia* - a unique opportunity for students across the region to engage in a transformative leadership education experience.  The PGS Ambassador Program is a 10-week workshop training that will take place on ten consecutive Saturdays from *12 October to 14 December 2024*. Each class will last two hours from *10:00 am to 12:00 pm CET*, and professors representing the PRME Working Groups will lecture in the Program, thus sharing their expertise in various global issues to empower students to drive change and promote sustainability and responsible management within their academic and professional communities. This is a fantastic chance for students to connect with like-minded peers, develop leadership skills, and contribute to global sustainability efforts. The PGS Ambassador Program is implemented by a dedicated student-led PGS Taskforce led by the co-coordinators, Muhammad Daffa Adjisena and Suhani Khera, with support from Paulo Speroni from the PRME Secretariat level.  🌏 *Open to students from PRME Signatory Members in Eurasia*.  Students from all levels (undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D.) enrolled in PRME Signatory Member institutions in the Eurasia region are encouraged to join the Program either through the application form or by recommendation from faculty members from PRME Chapter Eurasia (see more details below).  📅 *Application period*. The application window is open from *16 September to 03 October 2024*.  Students can apply using the application form (deadline: *03 October at 11:59 pm EST)*. Around 20 students will be selected to participate in this Program's edition.    🙋‍♂️ *Direct recommendations from faculty members in Eurasia!* We would highly appreciate your direct recommendations for students to participate in the Program. Therefore, if you have an outstanding student you believe must be enrolled in the Program, please email their names to the Program Coordinators, Muhammad Daffa Adjisena and Suhani Khera, so they can prioritize their application. Due to the limited seats in the Program, we will do our best to accommodate 1-2 students from each PRME Signatory Member in Eurasia.   📢 *Please help us to spread the word in your campus!* Please help us promote this opportunity among your students on your campus! To help you share this opportunity broadly, we’ve included a visual brochure below this email so that you can easily forward it to students on your campus! Additionally, please follow the PGS LinkedIn to repost our messages about the Program's application.  If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Program coordinators. *Daffa - [email protected] / +62 813 7921 1628 - Indonesia* *Suhani - [email protected]* Let’s work together to make this an unforgettable experience for students across Eurasia. With your support, we can inspire the next generation of responsible leaders! *Register here:* All the best!
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👍 Kimyoviy injiniring fakultetida talabalikka qabul qilingan 1-bosqich talabalari uchun "1- kurs maktabi" (Orientation week) tadbiri doirasida Xalqaro hamkorlik va tranformatsiya departamenti rahbari Z. Babaxanova ochiq dars o'tib berdi. Bundan asosiy maqsad institutning xalqaro aloqalari va xalqaro loyihalar xaqida ma’ulmot berish, hamda talabalarni xalqaro akademik almashinuv dasturlarida ishtirok etish , xorijda tahsil olish imkoniyatlari va mavjud grantlar bilan tanishtirish. ⚡️ Tadbir davomida Xalqaro hamkorlik va tranformatsiya departamenti rahbari Babaxanova Zebo Abdullayevna "Xalqaro akademik almashinuv dasturlari: talabalar uchun xorijda tahsil olish imkoniyatlari» mavzusida ma'ruza o'tib berdi. Tadbir ishtirokchilari chet elda ta’lim olishning turli dasturlari, stipendiyalar va stajirovka o‘tash imkoniyatlari bilan tanishdilar. | 🕯 Shuningdek, bugungi dunyoda akademik almashinuv dasturlarining ahamiyati va u talabalarning yangi ko‘nikmalarga ega bo‘lish imkoniyatlarini qanday oshirishi, aloqalarni mustahkamlashi va global nuqtai nazarini rivojlantirishi mumkinligini muhokama qildi. 👩‍🎓 TKTI.UZ | ✉️ Telegram | 📱 Instagram | 📱 Facebook | 🌐 YouTube | 📱 VK | 👍 Linkedin
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#INTERNATIONAL_CONFERENCE #SDG 🔥Greetings from INTI International University. INTI International University is organizing its 7th International Conference on Innovation and Technopreneurship (ICIT 2024). On behalf of the committee, we cordially invite academicians to participate in the conference as presenters or participants. The theme of ICIT 2024 is Adopting Innovation and Transformation to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which is the global commitment towards a more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive development adopted by Malaysia. This year, ICIT 2024 consists of 5 tracks that are aligned with the SDG to attract researchers with the anticipation that the conference can be a beneficial platform to facilitate interaction and establish a network and partnership among the researchers. ⏰Date: 26 & 27 September 2024 ✅Platform: Hybrid Mode 📆Registration link: 📬More information:
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#xalqaro_hamkorlik #международное_сотрудничество #international_relations 👩‍🎓 Toshkent kimyo-texnologiya instituti rektori, texnika fanlar doktori va pedagogika fanlar doktori, professor Usmonov Botir Shukurillayevich Venriyaning Obuda Universiteti Senat yig'ilishida "Faxriy Professor" sifatida ishtirok etdi. ☄️ Ushbu yig'ilishga dunyoning yetakchi mamlakatlaridan universitet rektorlari, olimlar va davlat arboblari taklif etildi. ✔️ Shu jumladan tadbirda Vengriya Bosh Vaziri o'rinbosari Jolt Semen, Moliya Vaziri Mihay Vargi, Oliy ta'lim masalalari bo'yicha kotibiyat o'rinbosari Veronika Barga-Vaush, Turkiya, Ozarbayjon, Portugaliya, Qatar, Tunis davlatlarining Vengriya Respublikasidagi elchixonalari vakillari va Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlari elchilari ishtirok etdilar. 👩‍🎓 TKTI.UZ | ✉️ Telegram | ✅ TUTOR.UZ | 📱 Instagram | 📱 Facebook | 🌐 YouTube | 📱 VK | 🌐 Linkedin
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В среду, 11 сентября, в 14:00, в Центре передовых Технологий, выступит с докладом научный сотрудник Université Libre de Bruxelles (Брюссельский свободный университет) Вадим Шлёнский, PhD ( на тему: «(Poly)phenolic acids vs. Staphylococcus aureus» Приглашаются все желающие!!!
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Vadim Shlyonsky

Université Libre de Bruxelles - Geciteerd door 1.343 - electrophysiology

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