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British Council Uzbekistan

We support peace and prosperity by building connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide. ☎️ +998712050660 ❓ @british_council_uz_admin 📸 🌐

إظهار المزيد
Uzbekistan5 000الإنكليزية37 092التعليم10 249
مشاركات الإعلانات
17 212
-424 ساعات
+1897 أيام
+34030 أيام

جاري تحميل البيانات...

معدل نمو المشترك

جاري تحميل البيانات...

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Bakayev Education Center is a proud IELTS registration partner of the British Council 🔵 Our IELTS Partnership programme with educational institutions provides many opportunities and benefits. 🔖 Through any of our partner centres, you can: — access free counselling sessions — prepare for IELTS — book the test with no additional fees
Contact Bakayev Education: 📞+998 91 822 08 22 ✈️ @bakayeveducenter
🤝 Interested in becoming an official IELTS partner of the British Council? Discover how partnering with us not only elevates your business but also provides opportunities for exponential growth. Learn more now! 🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan
إظهار الكل...
🔥 3🤝 2👍 1 1
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Shahar nomini toping! 🕵️‍♂️ Bu tarixiy shahar o'zining o'rta asr me'morchiligi va ajoyib Gotika usulida qurilgan sobori bilan mashhur. Uning tosh yotqizilgan ko'chalari va Vikinglarga oid merosi barchani o'ziga jalb qiladi ⚔️ Uning nomini topishingiz uchun katta bir yordam: AQShning eng mashhur shaharlaridan biriga ham bu joy nomi berilgan! 🇺🇸🍏 Sizga yana ham ko'proq ma'lumot kerakmi? 🍫 Bu yerda Buyuk Britaniyadagi mashhur shokolad fabrikasi joylashgan! O'z taxminlaringizni quyidagi izohlarda yozib qoldiring! 🤔 Shahar nomini topganingizdan so'ng, to'g'ri javobni bilish uchun rasm ustiga bosing va qanchalik to'g'ri javob berganingizni tekshiring! #trivia 🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan
إظهار الكل...
👍 4 2👏 2
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Guess the city! 🕵️‍♂️ This historic city is known for its medieval architecture and a stunning Gothic cathedral. Its cobbled streets and Viking heritage add to its charm ⚔️ Here’s a big hint: one of the most famous cities in the USA shares its name with this place! 🇺🇸🍏 Still need more? 🍫 It’s also home to a renowned chocolate factory in the UK! Drop your guess in the comments below! 🤔 Once you’ve guessed, click the image to reveal the answer and see if you were right! #trivia 🔵 | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan
إظهار الكل...
👍 5 1🔥 1
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Apply for the #StudyUKAlumniAwards 2025 and you could win a trip to the UK ✈️ The awards have four distinct categories: ✅ Business and Innovation, ✅Culture and Creativity, ✅Science and Sustainability ✅Social Action Which gives you the best chance to shine? 🖱 Learn more about the categories and application process... | 🔵 British Council Uzbekistan
إظهار الكل...
👍 9 4🔥 2
🏘Areas dealt with: … and north suburbsAnonymous voting
  • City centre
  • South suburbs
  • Northern area
0 votes
👍 6😭 3
👀 Properties available: West Park Road rent includes …Anonymous voting
  • water
  • park
  • telephone
0 votes
👍 10🔥 3
🌳 Properties available: West Park Road rent … a monthAnonymous voting
  • 325
  • 350
  • 525
0 votes
👍 6👏 4😭 4 2
🚙 Depends on: the area of availability of … and garage Anonymous voting
  • parking
  • garden
  • wi-fi
0 votes
👍 6
💸 Rent: from … to … a monthAnonymous voting
  • 150-350
  • 250-500
  • 350-600
0 votes
👍 5
Flagstone part 1.mp31.72 MB
👍 11 2🔥 2👏 1
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.