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Galaxy Verge

The Empire of Galactic Vergence Owner: @galaxy_fire

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Because of the increase in wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.
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khymera_the_sun_goes_down_instrumental_loop.m4a1.49 MB
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I'm a 38-year-old unvaxed Caucasian Christian virgin living during a worldwide population collapse and I reached out to a million women in person and online and not one woman wants to date me, nor will my family or anyone I know help me. I offered $5 million dollars for help and nobody cares. How would you feel in my situation? Society is absolutely suicidal, and womankind is leading the charge. A billion pornography videos and not a virgin girl left under the age of 18, it is Weimar conditions on steroids. Might as well be Revelation 14:4 today leading to WW2, and I'm one of several who are made to suffer the rest of my lifetime for doing the right thing. This society is going to end within a few years. The voter base will be majority autistic, the family unit will be completely obliterated. And the economy will come to a grinding stop. Today is nothing short of a dozen compound destabilizations culminating in total crisis failure.
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I'm a 38-year-old unvaxed Caucasian Christian virgin living during a worldwide population collapse and I reached out to a million women in person and online and not one woman wants to date me, nor will my family or anyone I know help me. I offered $5 million dollars for help and nobody cares. How would you feel in my situation? Society is absolutely suicidal, and womankind is leading the charge. A billion pornography videos and not a virgin girl left under the age of 18, it is Weimar conditions on steroids. Might as well be Revelation 14:4 today leading to WW2, and I'm one of several who are made to suffer the rest of my lifetime for doing the right thing. This society is going to end within a few years. The voter base will be majority autistic, the family unit will be completely obliterated. And the economy will come to a grinding stop. Today is nothing short of a dozen compound destabilizations culminating in total crisis failure.
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I'm a 38-year-old unvaxed Caucasian Christian virgin living during a worldwide population collapse and I reached out to a million women in person and online and not one woman wants to date me, nor will my family or anyone I know help me. I offered $5 million dollars for help and nobody cares. How would you be in my situation?
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Repost from REVEALED EYE
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Population collapse! Join: @RevealedEye
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Women are used to pacify an enemy. At some point, men are going to trade away their women and children just to be left alone. The women are are complicit in the destruction of our civilization will not enjoy the outcome of their actions. They say we are supposed to be "men" and protect them from the consequences of their actions. The only one who cares about me is God, and he doesn't care what I need. Sure, he cares about birds and doesn't let one die outside his authority. But me? Society reflects the intention God has, like it or not. So many people only care about themselves and it gets them nowhere good. But when society wants to destroy itself with its selfishness, God consents and lets it destroy itself with its selfishness. But when a man decides to be selfless, his only friend is God who equalizes the scale of justice over a period of decades. The destruction of society is due. There's no point doing anything but mourning the loss of what could have been, the greatness we could have achieved had we chosen to selflessly trust God rather than selfishly pursue myopic wealth gain. Even communism could have worked had people not been selfish, despite it being a horrible slavery system like capitalism. But in the end, no one cares what I say. Why bother caring about others? So then Nick Rockefeller is right: why would you care about anyone other than yourself and your own family? If nobody cares what I say, why should I say anything? Silence was my friend. Jesus Christ was not silent in his selflessness, but even his disciplined silence spoke volumes more than words would. For it is experience that teaches a deaf man. And society has gone deaf. So let it fail and let the bodies fall where they may. Justice does not dictate that the worthy will survive. Those who are smug now will be dead tomorrow, and those who are insufferable now will be insufferable tomorrow. The test of survival is the test of God's patience. Who will he allow to live another day? Will it be the strongest who survives? Will a man who relies upon himself die equally as the man who relies upon Jesus Christ? Success, happiness, and prosperity, even if promised, are fleeting. Whether the blame falls upon the resultant pride, or whether it falls on his ungraciousness or greed, the blessed are just blessed with burdens. Better to be a poor week fool than a rich powerful genius. And yet God has the greatest burden of all in this reality he created. And he came as a servant of all, to demonstrate his desire for selflessness from his creation.
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Repost from N/a
As long as you stay in your house, the government doesn't care if you exist. Out of sight, out of mind, just like they abduct us off the street and people stand around watching, but as soon as that van door closes you inside, the public doesn't give a shit about you. You have to stand in front of a man, stare him in the face, grab him by the neck with both hands, and yell, "Wake up!!!"
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Repost from N/a MSNBC admitted in 2019 that they are waging a war against Christianity. The following year, churches were forced to shut down. Meanwhile, church cathedrals are being burned to the ground worldwide. Trump is a charismatic Rockefeller puppet who plays the Messiah lynchpin political figure to demoralize pacifist Christians who cannot understand the terrible war that is really happening against them. Christianity has become so effeminized that all it can do is bury its head in the sand. Why am I the only Christian who understands the importance of military intelligence in war by looking at enemy communications? Did not the Creator give us a brain in his image? Doesn't Truth sit on the throne as king of armies that have slain multitudes in battle? Did he not part the sea and drown a military force? Did he not use biowarfare of plagues and kill the firstborn of his adversaries? How will Christians expose the darkness if they keep their hands over their eyes? Did Jesus stay out of the wilderness to avoid being tempted by Satan? If Christians had any faith, they would not let fear keep them ignorant. Jesus and his disciples risked their lives fighting evil, they didn't twiddle their thumbs and vote for Caesar and hide in their comfy homes from public adversity. If 12 disciples made such an impact exorcising evil spirits and proving the truth, why have 2 billion Christians not each done more, but only less? What has caused Christianity to become so worthless to God? Did the desire for comfort, money, and the acceptance of fear ruin his name?
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اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.