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🐸TruthSeekersZAR - The Great Awakening

Patriots welcome! A new world is unfolding right now. QFS. NESARA/GESARA. What an amazing time to be alive! AFRICA FIRST!! No fear, GOD WINS!🌍❤️

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US DEBT CLOCK - 🌟 UPDATE 🌟 🔑 US Debt Clock’s message has a KEY on the clock 🔑 Trump’s symbolic move to be the 1st President to make a payment in Bitcoin was done at a bar named PubKEY!!! 🔑 The TIME Trump made the bitcoin payment was initiated at 4:44pm ✨🙏🏼✨ Jesus' entire ministry lasted 44 months and 4 days (Hebrew years 3787 and 3789 had 13 months in them) and 4 days for 444! ✨ 44 months is equivalent to 3 years and 8 months. ✨ Trump has served as the “2nd” President since Biden was inaugurated on 1/20/21 ✨ 3 years 8 months and 4 days (444) after Biden was inaugurated is 9/24/2024 ✨ 9/24/24 is 6 days AFTER the US Debt Clock posted the clock with the key pointing to the 6!!! 🤯🤯 ✨ Kim Clement prophecy of the Supreme Court decision in favor of the Saints of the Most High God! 🌟 These next 30 days are going to be BIBLICAL!! 𝕏: Telegram: ✨Existential Gateway✨
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👀👆👆 Ties directly into my post way up there👆about the Committee of 300... Learn.
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the following is from Ghost Ezra on Telegram thoughts/feelings about what he states? “It's important to understand the original language. The term "jew" was added to every bible. The original term in the original language (Hebrew) is Judean. Those who lived in Judea at the time. There wasn't even a J in the Hebrew language at the time when the bible was penned. More accurately, it was actually Yudean. The important thing to grasp is this.. The term "jew" doesn't relate to bloodline or race which the entire bible explicitly outlines in it's genealogies for a reason, but rather a geographical location. So yes, Jesus was a "Judean" because Christ was born in Bethlehem. Many different people lived in Judea. When you say I'm a New Yorker, does that mean you're black, white, asian? For anyone to call themselves a jew today, they'd have to be able to prove their lineage back to Judea. They of course cannot. It's why all jews are fake. Even if they could prove it, effectively it would have no real bearing on anything. Just because you are from the same town Christ was born doesn't make one related in any way to Christ. The temple was destroyed in 70 AD. There are no records that were recovered. The tribe of Judah doesn't relate to jew or Judean either. The tribe of Judah are today's German/Irish/Scottish, European. Jews as we know them today, aren't Israelites and do not share in the lineage and blessing of Jacob (who was named Israel in Genesis). There is no land called Israel in the bible. It was and is always a lineage of Jacob and his offspring the "Israelites". They were all white. Jews are a mixed mongrel race known as Edomites. This is why jews have literally created the war on whites. Jesus was white. David was white. Abraham was white. They want to mix up the white race with lower iq races to dumb it down, eventually leading to a lesser capable opponent. It's real, and it's really happening at a record pace since WWI. It's called the KALERGI PLAN. So in summary, all jews are fake jews, unless they can prove their lineage back to Judea which would prove they are Judeans or "jews". If you look at bibles maps pre 1950, they'll all say Palestine not Israel because Israel was never a state or country but rather a nation spread out throughout the world. Also " jews" spoke Yiddish for centuries and just recently adopted Hebrew as a language. The purpose was to try to gain the lineage of the true Israelites which they are not. Would God's chosen people reject God in the flesh? Of course not. It's the biggest hoax in all of human history. They are God's cursed people with the highest rate of genetic disorders than any other group in history. That's not even mentioning their degenerate behavior and love of mammon. : The term "antisemitic" is rooted from the lineage of Shem or semites, Noah's son. It's another psyop like the term jew. "Jews" aren't even semites. Facts. : The Israeli flag is the flag of remphan. A satanic star denoting worship to demons. Stephen was stoned for calling this out 2k years ago. Everything about judiasm is a lie. David had no star.”… ~T edit: Do some research here on the page. Use this historical research archive for what it is.
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Kalergi Plan. As we've discussed here many times, for the newer members here.👀👇👇
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Repost from Mr. Pool
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Masters of GCR/RV: An In-Depth Exploration of Tiered Redemption, QFS, and the Influence of the Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Tier 4B, Tier 5, and the NESARA GESARA Act The term “Global Currency Reset” (GCR) might sound like conspiracy fodder to the uninformed, but those in the know understand that it is far from fiction. The Global Currency Reset refers to a recalibration of the world’s currencies, with the objective of restoring balance and fairness to a global financial system long dominated by the elites. The Revaluation (RV) is the mechanism by which the value of individual currencies will be readjusted to reflect their true worth. This recalibration has been quietly brewing, and several key currencies - often dismissed as “junk” or “exotic” - are poised to play pivotal roles. The Zimbabwe Dollar, the Iraqi Dinar, and the Vietnamese Dong have become central to the GCR/RV, much to the surprise of traditional economists. These currencies, once devalued by political instability, war, and hyperinflation, now stand at the forefront of the financial revolution. The world’s focus may be elsewhere, but for those paying attention, a seismic shift is happening. Exotic currencies like the Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, and Vietnamese Dong - once considered marginal - are central to this transformation. It’s more than a mere financial event; it’s a battle for control, an Information War where the informed few in Tier 4B stand against the oblivious masses of Tier 5. The veil is lifting. Beneath the surface of our global economic system lies a gripping, unseen battle, a revolution that could reshape the financial landscape as we know it. This is the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revaluation (RV) - a shift poised to redistribute wealth, tear down the old structures, and usher in a Golden Age of financial sovereignty. But let us be clear - this is not a time for blind faith or hasty decisions. As you read, remember that the insights presented here are drawn from thorough research, yet your own due diligence is crucial. You hold the reins of your financial future. Will you rise to the occasion or be left behind? This article will explore the intricacies of this financial revolution, delving into the concept of Tiered Redemption, the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the profound impacts of the Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, and Vietnamese Dong, and the game-changing NESARA GESARA Act. We’ll also touch on the opportunities for those who are ready to step up, challenge the status quo, and claim their place in this brave new world. Follow/Share my channel, stay updated👇
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Repost from Benjamin FuIford
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READ THIS CAREFULLY!!! (Working on finding article.) According to Nathaniel Rothschild, heir to the Rothschild family fortune…“Without Ukraine, the global order may not survive.” Did you catch that??? 😳😳😳 This is a RED ALERT PANIC CALL 🚨🚨🚨 to fellow globalists saying that if the Ukraine were to fall, then so would the NEW WORLD ORDER. [They] are literally BEGGING for military reinforcements from other globalist nation states to aid in “saving” Ukraine for the NWO agenda…This is incredibly telling, especially knowing about the US funded BioLabs there. Preventing next Plandemic, perhaps? He also said that Xi was a “close second” to being the “worlds most dangerous man” next to Putin. That confirms my belief regarding Xi…George Soros said the same thing. That is NOT coincidental. There should be NO more questions. It should be ABUNDANTLY CLEAR by now that Putin, and Xi are single handedly DESTROYING the NWO, and [they] are ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED about it! The best channel ever: ✅️
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Repost from TheWakeninq
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Kevin Hart is not what everybody thinks he is. Kevin Hart is at a Diddy Party
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Repost from TheWakeninq
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BREAKING: A federal judge has ordered the founder of Dominion, the voting machine company, to give deposition evidence under oath to election integrity activists. For once, we'll learn the truth about why Dominion LIED about the countless vulnerabilities on their machines In her ruling, the judge gave lawyers representing @realMikeLindell and PatrickByrne THREE hours to ask Dominion's co-founder James Hoover real questions about their voting machines.
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Repost from Mike Lindell
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Breaking News: Judge orders Dominion voting machines founder deposed. Help save our country at @EmeraldRobinson
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Repost from TruthExposed
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