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Folkish Appalachia

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جاري تحميل البيانات...

The oath is one of the most solemn and sacred rites of the Old Norse Religion. It is an incredibly serious act of such gravity that the act of swearing an oath is regarded as literally being deposited directly into the Well of Urd and irrevocably woven into the fabric of Wyrd. An oath is binding on the one swearing it, those being sworn to and to some extent, those witnessing the oath. The hamingia and orlog of all involved are forever directly affected by the keeping or breaking of the oath. It is to be regarded with the utmost seriousness and respect. The obligations of an oath are mutually binding on both the one who takes the oath and those to whom the oath is sworn. These obligations require that the conditions under which the oath is sworn are not changed without the foreknowledge, agreement to and consent of everyone that is bound by the oath. Elements of an oath cannot be removed nor can new factors be added unless all involved understand and agree to the changes. No one is bound to anything that they did not specifically agree to in the original oath that they swore. Should it arise that the conditions under which an oath is taken are altered without the ascent and agreement of all involved those not in agreement are no longer bound. When planning to take an oath the words of the oath need to be chosen very carefully and with exact precision so as to accurately and clearly express the intent. It is by these very words that orlog and hamingja are established. Failure to live up to an oath has extremely grave consequences for all involved, especially the one who is the cause of the oath being broken. The detrimental effect that the breaking of an oath has on orlog and hamingia weakens the luck of everyone involved in the oath and sets a precedent for actions of like kind in the future. It is far easier to ruin luck than it is to repair it afterwards. All decisions and actions of great importance, more especially one of such magnitude as an oath, should never be made impromptu or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. All oaths need to be well thought out, precisely worded and must not conflict with any prior oaths or obligations. Anyone involved in any way should be consulted and made aware of the intention to swear an oath. All who consciously and intentionally witness the swearing of an oath are honor bound and obligated to ensure that the oath is kept by any means necessary. RISE: Runes & Ritual - Troy Wiseheart
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“As is well known, the priests are the most evil enemies—but why? Because they are the most impotent. It is because of their impotence that in them hatred grows to monstrous and uncanny proportions, to the most spiritual and poisonous kind of hatred. The truly great haters in world history have always been priests; likewise the most ingenious haters: other kinds of spirit hardly come into consideration when compared with the spirit of priestly vengefulness.” - Friedrich Nietzsche The infighting continues between those who would proclaim themselves, whether explicitly or implicitly, to be the high priests, sacred kings, or absolute authorities for pagans. This seems to be a particular problem in the Asatru/heathen/Germanic paganism sphere. Much could be said about how it makes no sense to try and establish a catholic orthodoxy or orthopraxy for religions that always displayed great regional variety. Or about how attempts at pure reconstruction are as foolish and doomed to fail as attempts at repainting Christian buildings, dogma and morals and calling it Asatru. But it’s more useful at this moment to understand why the different warring priests are the way they are. The Nietzsche quote above really gets to the heart of the matter. We are dealing with people who have no actual power in the real world, and know deep down that they are utterly incapable of acquiring any. And so they pour all their efforts into becoming the king of their little LARP group. Being the chief priest of a mostly online heathen group might even mean something if it could be translated into real-world power. But none of the claimants to the title of Asapope can muster enough support to enable them to gain the most meagre amount of power in the real world, not even in the smallest, most rural town. They are impotent, but more than that, they are actively harmful, redirecting the energy of their followers away from activities that would actually improve their lives and the lives of their kinfolk in the real world. We do not need to reconstruct a religion whose practice would be utterly anachronistic in this day and age, divorced from the time and place and people who gave birth to it. We do not need wholesome chungus Christianity, with Odin taking the place of Jesus. What we need is a rekindling of that spirit that animated the Bronze Age Greeks, and the Vikings, among other people in other periods. This rebirth will not look exactly like either of these, nor like anything that came before it. The leaders will arise organically, as they are already beginning to do. And these men will be nothing like the grifting, impotent priests trying to distract us today.
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🔥 11 4 3
Repost from N/a
A self-important priest class has always been a problem for Europeans. "YOu nEeD uS tO ReaCh ThE DiViNe! . YoU MuSt ConSuLT the OraCles!!" Jew-types exist within white circles regardless of specific ethnicity. The Jews are just an example of a Tribe who build their whole genetics/identity off of the priest class (Nation of Priests) (e.g. Cohens had special access to choice virgins, red meat, life free of manual labor, living off interest; they had the most kids generationally). . I have no problem with someone pursuing Eternal Truths and sharing those learnings with their Tribe—the trouble arises when they think their sh- don't stink. Uncle A called it right on this one.
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11 5 3🫡 2
Repost from Woden's Folk
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We have to strip away the Christian veneer from the Graal-Mythos to find the Secret of the Spear and the Graal. The Graal contains the 'Blood Royal' (Sang-Real) - the 'Pure Blood' - and the Spear plunged into the Graal is an act of Divine Creation. Aleister Crowley stated that the original Grand Master of the O.T.O. (Templars) helped with Wagner's 'Parsifal' where the Spear is plunged into the Graal. This act is not only an act of Divine Creation, but it destroys the power of the Dark Magician Klingsor, and his World of Illusion.
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On the Full Moon of this Ninth Holy Month at 9pm we honored The Gods and The Landwights ᛟ
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This one helps your hair grow longer 😉
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1.23 MB
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Repost from ǣc bōh
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"Be ye hale, Hidden inhabitants Ye Woodwose, wild elves Greenmen, goodfellows Blithe landwights, this offering brook. Worthy forest gods, grants us weal. ". A Béd to landweights by the Ealdrice Théod
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Repost from Woden's Folk
Stretched out shuddering, Like a half-dead, whose feet are warmed, Shaken by unknown fevers, Shivering with piercing icy frost arrows, Hunted by you, thought! Unutterable! Cloaked One! Horrible One! You Hunter behind the clouds! Struck down by your Lightning-Bolt, Your mocking eye that stares at me from the dark! Thus I lie, Writhing, twisting, tormented With all eternal tortures, Smitten By you, cruel Huntsman, You unknown – God...... Friedrich Nietzsche (Possessed by Wotan).
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Wotan Erwache!
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You could bring together every politician, every expert, every intellectual to solve the world’s problems and they would all fail to see - The great corruption - the great destroyer of our age - is the illness of the spirit. There is no solution beyond this: to heal and renew our own world, we must first go into the darkness that lies at the depths of our own soul and light fires there once again. In this light, and with this fire, we may illuminate the way forward - but until we take part in a revolution of our spirit, there can be no other victory.
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17 5
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.