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+2630 أيام

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جاري تحميل البيانات...

The Geneva series rootstock of apple developed at Cornell University are resistant to : (NET-2023)Anonymous voting
  • Fire Blight
  • Codling moth
  • Woolly apple aphid
  • Drought
0 votes
Kesar was used as one of the parent for : (NET- 2023)Anonymous voting
  • PKM 1
  • Au - Rumani
  • Jawahar
  • Sai Sugandha
0 votes
👍 1
A group of apple varieties recommended as pollinizer in Himachal Pradesh : ( NET -2023)Anonymous voting
  • Golden Delicious, Top Red, Tydeman's Early Worcester
  • Tydeman's Early Worcester, Golden Delicious, Red Gold
  • Yellow Newton, Red Gold, Skyline Supreme
  • All the above
0 votes
The vigour of Gisela -5 rootstock of cherry is: ( NET -2023)Anonymous voting
  • Semi- vigorous
  • Vigorous
  • Semi- dwarf
  • Dwarf
0 votes
👍 1
In mango, the stigma remains receptive up to : ( NET -2023)Anonymous voting
  • 24 hrs.
  • 48 hrs.
  • 72 hrs.
  • 96 hrs.
0 votes
The permissible level of soma clonal variations in micro - propagation of the fruit crop is : (NET -2023)Anonymous voting
  • 1-3%
  • 3-5%
  • 6-8%
  • 9-10%
0 votes
👍 2
How many plants / ha. can be accommodated in ultra high density planting of guava? ( NET -2023)Anonymous voting
  • 2500
  • 3500
  • 4500
  • 5000
0 votes
👏 1
Arka Surya, a papaya hybrid was selected from: ( NET -2023)Anonymous voting
  • F 1 generation
  • F 7 Generation
  • F 10 Generation
  • F 14 Generation
0 votes
👍 1
How was the Arctic apple made? (NET - 2023)Anonymous voting
  • In vitro mutagenesis
  • RNA interference
  • Chromosome doubling
  • Genome editing
0 votes
The first genetically engineered Plum pox virus resistant plum cultivar was developed by: (NET-2023)Anonymous voting
  • Dennis Gonsalves
  • Jude W Grosser
  • Ralph Scorza
  • E Stowe
0 votes
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.