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Basedonia™ - By E-go

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The realest people tend to be disagreeable. You may clash with them. You may disagree with them. But you can be sure they’ll never sugarcoat it. That’s the type of people I like to surround myself with. Those who can call me out on my bullshit. Not those who encourage me to stay on the wrong path… Just because they want to avoid confrontation. They’re not always the most pleasant and talking to them can be hard. But having and keeping them around is of paramount of importance if you’re serious about growing in all aspects of life. If your friends are always throwing compliments at you and telling you how great you are? They’re deceiving you. Get better friends. Not cowards.
إظهار الكل...
26🔥 12👏 6
Adaptability. That's the name of the game. The more you're able to adapt to situations and figure out ways to make them play in your favor; the easier your life will be. The ability to adapt your behavior to the situation at hand is immensely important. As I always say: You cannot afford to be a one-dimensional person. That won't help you in delicate situations. If you're a naturally shy person, it might be detrimental to you in situations where speaking your mind out is needed. If you're a naturally talkative person, it might be beneficial to you to learn how to shut your mouth when needed. Different situations call for different types of behavior. You're not always going to have it your way. You need to be able to understand the situation you're in and pick the right behavioral response. Which cannot be done unless you improve your situational awareness. And what better way to do it than to be aware of social dynamics and social codes? As you learn more about those, you gradually start to know how to choose your responses and reactions. This awareness of the situation and people around you is something many people lack. Having this skill might just be the most important aspect of social settings. There are two aspects to this: Self-awareness: Knowing your qualities and position (the latter is important in a power dynamics context) Situational Awareness: Realizing the context in which you are put and the position of the people involved. Of course, there is no magic pill to improve these things, you will need to learn social codes and cues and then practice in real-life situations. Something schools don't teach you. If you didn't have parents that encouraged you to participate in socializing activities and gave you advice about it (assuming they're knowledgeable in the first place), you probably will have to go through the painful process of figuring it out on your own. While I can't force you to practice, I can at the very least show you a set of essential concepts and codes that you can use to improve in this aspect. The Secret Social Codes does exactly that, through its 22+ lessons, you can learn power dynamics, assertiveness, and specific strategies to use in specific situations. You can check it out here.
إظهار الكل...
7👍 3 3🔥 3👏 2
Being likable isn’t the same as wanting to be liked. Trying too hard or wanting too much to be liked can be especially unlikable. Being charming isn’t the same as being witty or funny or outgoing. In fact, some of the most charming people are relatively quiet and even shy. This is a bit of a paradox because truly charming people may care about others and have empathy for others, but they do not put a lot of energy into worrying about what others think of them. This doesn’t mean they are oblivious to how others perceive them. They are very much aware of those who like them, and those who may not, but none of this causes them any angst. Much like charisma, charm and likability may be hard to define, but most of us know it when we experience it.
إظهار الكل...
22 9🔥 4👍 2👏 2
Wow just saw we crossed 8000 subs. Thank you ❤️🫡
إظهار الكل...
20 6👍 4🔥 2
Sometimes you have to let go of some friends for everyone's interest. As much as we appreciate and care deeply for someone, it can happen that your personalities just do not match. This can happen a lot with your childhood friends because the bond you created as kids was innocent and you can grow up to diverge in many ways. As such, in your adult life, you will come to realize that you might b putting up with the bullshit of some people just because you've known them for a long time. That's wrong. What that does it accentuate said person's negative traits and negatively impact your peace of mind. As a result, you nurture a harmful friendship that keeps you back. But that's not just it. You're not doing them a favor either. Because you accepting their poor behavior encourages them to do it more often instead of working on it. Of course, since you care about each other, walking away from them should not be the first thing you do. You should try to talk sense into them. Except. Most people refuse to be reasoned with or corrected. In which case, it is better for both of you to stop hanging around each other. Maybe, a few weeks/months/years from now, they will realize their fault and try to fix it. If not ? Then did you really lose a friend? Or did you get rid of a burden? All of this to say: Never consider that you have to be patient and understanding. Never put your peace of mind last. It should be your priority and when you deeply think about it: You're doing them a favor too. Maybe you're just not made to be friends. Stop valuing people so much, learn to walk away.
إظهار الكل...
17🔥 8 7👏 3🤔 2
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Grand Rising say it back 🎤🫡
إظهار الكل...
20🔥 8 5🎉 2
You feel stuck because you care too much. You care too much because you are outcome oriented. Your focus is dispersed. Your focus is scattered. Your focus isn’t focused. The reason behind this is that you’re motivated by the potential rewards that may come after you’ve accomplished the task. And not from accomplishing the task. That’s called extrinsic motivation and it’s poisonous. Yes, you should keep your eyes on the prize. But that’s only useful to get started. What keeps you going is intentionally taking each step one after the other. Because each step brings you closer to the end goal. Planning and Executing have to be done in two separate states of mind. Plan for the long-run. Execute for the short-run. Take down each step one at a time. If you execute with the long-run in mind, you’ll misstep. If you execute with the short-run in mind, you stay on the path. You should be motivated by the sheer fact of giving it your all. One. Step. At a time. Focus on what’s at hand. Do it wholeheartedly. Then go to the next. Rinse and repeat. Stop getting distracted. Stop over analyzing. Simply do the work. Find joy and fulfillment in completing what has to be done.
إظهار الكل...
31🔥 11👍 3👏 2
The world does not give a fuck about you. Everyone is looking out for themselves. People defend their self-interest. People defend what they care about. The world is not against you. Get this: Everything is ruled by self-interest. Find those whose interests align with yours and win together. If you think everyone is out to get you, then that's precisely what will happen. Open your eyes and understand the social game. No man is an island. You won't make it without allies and you cannot afford to make unnecessary enemies. Work on your social skills. It makes everything easier
إظهار الكل...
🔥 34👏 11 6👍 4
Being a hot headed motherfucker will get you in trouble. But if you never get in trouble you’ll never know what getting your shit together means. You’ll never know who really has your back. You’ll never know who was around you out of opportunism. If you never get in trouble, live on the edge and play it safe? You’re missing out on 99% of what life has to offer. If your soul is not on fire? Your life will be dull and meaningless. Be a hot headed motherfucker. Whatever life throws at you? You simply deal with it and move to the next one. Even if you keep avoiding all sorts of trouble? Trouble will find you. And you won’t be ready for it. Take risks. Be a hot headed motherfucker. Enjoy every second. Never back down from conflict when it arises. And most importantly? Fuck it we ball.
إظهار الكل...
20🔥 11👍 5 3🙏 2👏 1
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.