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Covid Vaccine Adverse Reactions

A historical time capsule showing how the truth about Covid “vaccine” adverse reactions was revealed and suppressed day by day. This channel seeks to warn the seeker and provide resources to the world in overcoming the criminal element behind the nihilism

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Those Exposing Fraudulently Suppressed Vaccine Injuries Are Winning “More than half the adult population of the world are anti-vaxxers.” — Dr. Andy Wakefield Dr. Wakefield shared a conversation that he has had with the CDC in 2000 regarding the MMR vaccine and autism and how the younger children are, the more their vaccine injuries are. The CDC tested that hypothesis to their credit and found it to be exactly right. But then they destroyed all evidence of that study and produced a paper exonerating the vaccine. A whistleblower came forward however, William Thompson, the head scientist in the study who couldn't live with the deception and admitted the fraud. Watch the full interview with Mary Talley Bowden M.D., Dr. Jack Kruse, and Dr. Andy Wakefield by Nicole Shanahan Full Interview🔗 Join us👇 @CovidVaccineAdverseReactions
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Monkeypox Vaccine Causes Myopericarditis In Rates Near That of Covid "Vaccine", 1 in 175 Another “conspiracy theory” keeps becoming more and more of a reality as the monkeypox vaccines approved by the FDA come with some serious side effects that continue to become more and more common than were previously understood. Heart damage is a big issue again, and it could be even worse than the COVID shots. Studies now reveal that for every 175 people vaccinated for monkeypox, one person is expected to develop myopericarditis, a life-threatening inflammation of the heart or the surrounding tissue. “If the 262 million adults in the U.S. received this vaccine, an estimated 1,493,000 would contract the serious adverse reaction of myopericarditis,” Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D. stated. If you want to get life shortening heart damage from myocarditis or pericarditis, get these "vaccines". You are statistically guaranteed if you get 175 of them. But why would you want that? In the package insert itself, "In clinical trials involving 2983 subjects who received ACAM2000 and 868 subjects who received Dryvax, ten (10) cases of suspected myocarditis [0.2% (7 of 2983) ACAM2000 subjects and 0.3% (3 of 868) Dryvax." That is 1 in 426 for the ACAM2000 and 1 in 289 for the Dryvax. Dr. Meryl Nass, an expert in biological warfare, added, “Myopericarditis is a life-threatening condition. It lowers your life expectancy… The fact that the FDA and CDC are acknowledging it means NO ONE should get the vaccine.” Dr. Jessica Rose was one doctor who warned about the Jynneous/ACAM2000 monkeypox vaccine causing myocarditis in May of 2022. She cited a 2018 study on smallpox vaccines that showed a higher rate of Myocarditis than previously expected. "Although myocarditis has been reported following many different vaccines, the smallpox vaccine has the strongest association." Dr. Rose warned then, "If a GP insists on this course, get it in writing and charge them with malfeasance." Vigilant Fox🔗 The Defender🔗 Dr. Jessica Rose🔗 Join us👇 @CovidVaccineAdverseReactions
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Repealing 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act Swiftist Way To See Change Act Says Dr. McCullough Capitalizing on profits and liability shield, companies are going along with mandatory use of their product for which their is not even indication that they need it and their inherent risks of harm. The 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act was passed during a time when there were only 5 vaccines given during the first year of life, 3 DTP vaccinations and 2 OPV. Now in 2024, there are 32 vaccinations given before the child reaches one year of age. Dr. Mccullough🔗 Join us👇 @CovidVaccineAdverseReactions
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Medical Journals Misrepresent Vaccine Injuries An example of how vaccine injury is misrepresented in medical publications was published on Aug. 25th: This case concerns a child who developed transient synovitis the day after a triple vaccination (PPSV 23, influenza, and DTaP). On examination in hospital, the PCR COVID-19 test was positive (presumably false positive). The child had no COVID-19 symptoms. The title of the case report is "A toddler with transient synovitis and COVID-19 infection", but the title should actually be as follows: "A toddler with transient synovitis after receiving the vaccines (PPSV 23, influenza, and DTaP) the day before" JACEP Case Report Published Aug. 25, 2024🔗 Join us👇 @CovidVaccineAdverseReactions
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RFK Jr Reveals Plan To End Big Pharma Collusion Over Medical Boards and Journals To Prevent Alternative Treatments BREAKING: RFK Jr. says the DOJ under Trump will launch RICO investigations into the collusion between medical boards, medical journals, and Big Pharma, which led to many brave doctors getting fired for prescribing alternative treatments for Covid & other illnesses "The Justice Department should immediately call in the beginning investigation of the medical boards and the collusion between the pharmaceutical industry and the medical boards that are delicensing these physicians who actually try to heal patients and try to treat them." This is good news in the opinion of this writer, the only good news with teeth that we have heard from those with feet on the ground. This election is literally God verses Satan and there needs to be enough good people with blinders on to start praying for deliverance from and resisting this encroaching tyrannical totalitarian world government being methodically fulfilled just as they are saying it will be in real time. Join us👇 @CovidVaccineAdverseReactions
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Fauci’s NIH Hid Mpox Gain of Function Plans From Congress and Media The NIH under Dr. Anthony Fauci’s leadership, concealed an mpox gain-of-function project from the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, according to a 73-page report released Tuesday by the committee. 'Fauci’s institute hid mpox gain-of-function plans from Congress and the media': "For nearly nine years Anthony Fauci’s institute concealed plans to engineer a pandemic capable mpox virus with a case fatality rate of up to 15 percent, congressional investigators revealed in a new report Tuesday. In June 2015, a scientist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases received formal approval from the National Institutes of Health’s Institutional Review Board for experiments expected to engineer an mpox virus with high transmissibility and moderate mortality. NIAID — the institute Fauci oversaw for nearly four decades and which underwrites most federally funded gain-of-function research — concealed the project’s approval from investigators with the House Committee on Energy and Commerce over the course of a 17 month-long investigation. The gain-of-function project proposed by NIAID virologist Bernard Moss would splice genes conferring high pathogenicity from the clade I virus into the more transmissible clade II virus. The new “chimeric” (combined) virus could have retained up to a 15 percent fatality rate and a 2.4 reproductive number, a measure of transmissibility indicating every sick person could infect up to 2.4 people on average, giving it pandemic potential.  The committee’s attempts to learn more about the experiment were met with stonewalling." - Emily Kopp CHD🔗 Energy & Commerce Report🔗 Join us👇 @CovidVaccineAdverseReactions
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FDA Approves Vaccine for Mpox — Warns It May Cause Death in Vaccinated and People They Come in Contact With Dr. Kat Lindley on X asks, "Who does this? FDA" Karl Jablonowski senior research scientist at Children’s Health Defensetold The Defender “You can call ACAM2000 a ‘vaccine,’ but its impact on the United States will be as a ‘disease.’” The vaccine, which claims to also treat smallpox, is called ACAM2000. The guide that is required to be given with it lists serious possible complications, including but not limited to: myocarditis, inflammation of the brain or spinal cord, serious skin infections, spreading the vaccine virus through the blood to other parts of the body and fetal death if taken during pregnancy. Mpox, formerly known as Monkeypox, is an old virus from central Africa typically found in rodents that is treatable and usually goes away on its own in 2-4 weeks. Even the Who in their update admits that the infection can be hard to identify as the rash is identical to a number of other illnesses. 50,000 doses have been donated to the alleged outbreak in Africa and there are over 100 million doses in the U.S. according to a Sept. 8 report by Forbes. CHD🔗 FDA- Mpox🔗 WHO-Mpox🔗 Join us👇 @CovidVaccineAdverseReactions he
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Girl In California Was Refused Treatment Unless Received Three Vaccines And Is Suddenly Fighting For Her Life This is Alexis Lorenze, a patient admitted to a hospital in California with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria. Before continuing with further treatment, she was required to receive vaccines for tetanus, meningitis, and pneumonia, all of which were administered at once. Since then, her condition has worsened, and since she started documenting everything, the hospital has become increasingly hostile toward her. As a result, she is not receiving the care she needs. The video from the hospital was posted on her TikTok account 18 hours ago. I don't normally show the things I see everyday to your mother (or you) because I know she can't handle it. The vaccines they are giving to people are no joke. They have very, very serious consequences that are being played down if not completely suppressed because the medical industrial complex is financially dependent on the money made by these in products that companies are completely shielded by the government for paying these poor people for these consequences. Update: The doctors here who required her to get three vaccines all in one go, the Dtap, meningitis and pneumonia vaccine in order to be treated are now telling her she can't record these reactions she is having. Dr. Ben Tapper🔗 Join us👇 @CovidVaccineAdverseReactions
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Vaccines That Don't Work Interfere With Natural Immunity Dr. Andy Wakefield explains how using a vaccine that doesn't work like the Mumps vaccine makes the Mumps even more dangerous as it then destroys natural immunity. Dr. Andy Wakefield🔗 Join us👇 @CovidVaccineAdverseReactions
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The Cost of Following Orders Is the Cost of Losing Your Life and Your Power Catherine Herridge interviews Army Specialist Karoline Stancik who was confirmed by the US Military to be "vaccine" injured. She was diagnosed with POTS which she describes as being so rehabilitating that she was ready to end it all. This is also a story of how the military abandoned her which has other major implications as well. Catherine Herridge🔗 Join us👇 @CovidVaccineAdverseReactions
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