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European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival

This channel is dedicated to promote a natural European lifestyle. Topics: - tribalism - nutrition - metaphysics - survival - history Blood & soil! #tribalism #dharma #mythology #survival

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مشاركات الإعلانات
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+224 ساعات
+147 أيام
+1630 أيام

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جاري تحميل البيانات...

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On complex carbonhydrates aka 'oil' Finally there is 🔗a study, which explains the truth about oil: it's not some limited "fossil fuel", but an endlessly renewable resource, which dwells in Earths mantle. It seems the processes are not 100% clear, however Russian scientists claimed something similar over 30 years ago. Another nail in the coffin of the climate alatmists! @EuropeanTribalism
إظهار الكل...
👍 17 6🤔 3
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A couple of years ago, I found 🔗hops in or garden. Luckily the plant grew a lot and is female, which means we can use the blossoms for tea and potentially beer. Identify the female plants by gently opening thr blossoms: if you find yellow powder with a distinct smell, you are in luck! @EuropeanTribalism
إظهار الكل...
19🤔 2
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On Indra "Now I shall proclaim the heroic deeds of Indra, those foremost deeds that the mace-wielder performed: He smashed the serpent. He bored out the waters. He split the bellies of the mountains." - Rig Veda, 1.32.1 Indra, king of the highest heavens, god of thunder and lightning is one of the highest Vedic deities with "unclear origins". With his Vajra forged by Tvaṣṭṛ (equivalent of Hephaistos), he vanquishes the serpent-like Vritra, who holds the waters of the world captive and is thus called Demon of Drought. Again this story is full of similar symbols: the mountain, the waters, the thunderbolt. @EuropeanTribalism
إظهار الكل...
11👍 3
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On the Sounion The number of Europeans killed by knives, wielded by Muslims skyrocketed. Muslims rape European women, some of them going out of court without punishment. And now these braindead Muslim clowns blew up an effin' oil tanker right in front of their own coast line. This has the potential to be a real detrimental ecologic desaster. (I used 'real', because the co2-panic is just modern indulgence trade.) The woke Western mainstream consumer drone will possibly start every sentence now with: "But not all Muslims..." How about we minimize the risk by expelling each and every one of them from Europe? How about we stop exchanging valuable technology with them? Yes, our current society depends on oil, but we could take it by force. @EuropeanTribalism
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👍 26 2🤔 2
On diversity (2) Looking at Germany, I can't help it but state that too much White blood is sacrificed on the altar of the wrong religion of multiculturalism. @EuropeanTribalism
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👍 29
Repost from Archaic Vision
However difficult these times are, your ancestors went through worse. You being here today is a testament to the power within your lineage. Do not forget that.
إظهار الكل...
31👍 4👎 1
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On mythology (2) The entirety of pre-monotheistic mythology represents a history stretching deep into the depths of time. We find outstanding and defining events encoded in obscure images and fantastic stories. Each and every culture has these antique stories and symbols embedded in the very fabric of their distinct lore, fairytales and imagery. The accepted mainstream history is a 2000-year record of rewriting and softening of facts, created for the sake of sanity and the comfort of the souls of man. It is a history of the survivors, written to cover their suspicions and allay any fears. It was initiated with the scrutiny of myths by Plato, and has grown since the Renaissance, culminating in the scientificism of the last hundred years. #mythology @EuropeanTribalism
إظهار الكل...
10👎 2
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On mythology We should accept that we have to take myths throughout the world at face value, especially the worldwide recurring themes. There is no other form of meaning. There have been many attempts to apply local culture and limitations to mythology. This will however always meet with failure because of a lack of appreciation of the constant refrain of identical themes by peoples who have remained completely foreign to each other and never had cultural contact. Any theory of mythology based on limited and local origins will fail to translate to the abundance of additional instances across the world. This especially holds true for all the variations of analogies that are sold to us as explanations of mythlogy: notions of ritual, model behaviour, allegories of nature, personifications of the weather, metaphysical interpretations as well as rediculous ideas like reducing mythology to a female reproduction organ. Only the historicity of mythology can be taken as absolute and evidental! @EuropeanTribalism
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🤔 6👍 3👎 3
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On electrical windmills Did you know that for each of these 'green' atrocities around 25.000 m2 of forest needs to be removed? Did you know the soil is sealed with an enormous cone of concrete, so these machines have a solid fundament? Did you know that the material these entities are made of is designed to last around 10 years and cannot be reused, so it's just thrown in pits and covered with soil? Did you know that these monstrous constructions shred birds and insects alike to pieces? Did you know that these abominations emit infra-sound, which has a bad influence on humans, leading to headache, sleeping problems, anger and so forth? We have the technology to generate almost infinite clean energy, no matter which weather or time of day. It's called 'nuclear power'. @EuropeanTribalism
إظهار الكل...
39👍 2🤔 2
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.