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English lessons... Ielts Multilevel course Grammar Vocabulary..........

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Ingliz tilidagi mamlakat nomlari bilan bog’liq iboralar #englishspeaking...
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Ingliz tilidagi mamlakat nomlari bilan bog’liq iboralar #englishspeaking #ieltsvocabularyenglish

IELTS imtixoniga tayyorlanayotganlar shu yerdamisiz?🗣 Bugungi postda shaxsiyatni tasvirlash uchun ishlatiladigan C1 darajadagi so'zlarni o'rganishingiz mumkin🤗 1. Ambitious - ambitsiyali, o'z maqsadi yo'lida doimiy harakatdagi inson - Definition: Having a strong desire to achieve success, power, or wealth. - Example: "She is ambitious and works tirelessly to reach her goals." 2. Compassionate - rahmdil - Definition: Showing concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others; empathetic. - Example ": His compassionate nature makes him a great friend during tough times." 3. Diligent - ma'suliyatli, mehnatsevar - Definition: Showing care and effort in one's work or duties. - Example: "The diligent student spent hours studying for the exam." 4. Generous - sahiy - Definition: Willing to give more of something, such as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected. - Example: "Her generous donation helped the charity reach its fundraising goal." 5. Optimistic - optimist, hamisha yaxshi narsalarni kutuvchi inson - Definition: Hopeful and confident about the future. - Example: "Despite the challenges, he remains optimistic and believes everything will work out." 6. Resilient - bardoshli, chidamli - Definition: Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. - Example: "After the setback, she showed how resilient she was by bouncing back stronger than ever." 7. Cautious - ehtiyotkor - Definition: Careful to avoid potential problems or dangers. - Example: "He is cautious about investing in new ventures without thorough research." 8. Charismatic - xarizmatik - Definition: Possessing a special charm or appeal that inspires devotion in others. - Example: "The charismatic leader attracted a large following with his inspiring speeches." 9. Eccentric - eksantrikt, o'ziga xos harakter egasi, boshqalardan ajralib turadigan - Definition: Unconventional and slightly strange behavior or appearance. - Example: "The artist was known for his eccentric personality and unique sense of style." 10. Dependable - ishonsa bo'ladigan - Definition: Trustworthy and reliable. - Example: "You can always count on him; he's one of the most dependable people I know." Ushbu so'zlardan qay biri sizning shaxsiyatingiz to'g'ri keladi?
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Business VS Regular English 1. Leverage => Utilize 2. Facilitate => Assist 3. Mitigate => Reduce 4. Delegate => Assign 5. Innovate => Create 6. Uptimize => Improve 7. Strategize => Plan 8. Consolidate => Combine 9. Negotiate => Discuss 10. Amplify => Increase 11. Disseminate => Spread 12. Expedite => Hasten 13. Formulate => Develop 14. Augment => Enhance 15. Collaborate => Work together 16. Benchmark => Standardize 💎👉🏻 @ENGLAND_USA is the best
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Rise meaning😂😊Anonymous voting
  • Decrease😁😄
  • Jump up🙏🤫
  • Fluctuate🤪🥳
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Adequate meaning🍔😁Anonymous voting
  • Enough😎🤓
  • Normal😎☹️
  • Satisfactory🥰🙃
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📓WRITING TASK 1 VS TASK 2 🤵‍♂️Author: A former examiner 📝 This book, written by a highly competent and experienced IELTS examiner, teaches you how to write high-level essays by using relatively simple and clear language features.
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IELTS Writing Task 1 & Task 2.pdf3.61 MB
🟠 ENGLISH IDIOMS TO USE IN THE SPEAKING TEST 🩵Peace of mind - peace • Taking a walk in the park always gives me peace of mind. 🩵Give it a shot - practice • I’m not sure if I can bake a cake, but I’ll give it a shot. 🩵Keep one’s promise - promise • Dad always keeps his promises, no matter what. 🩵Go down in history - become a part of history • Elon Musk will definitely go down in history because of his contributions to science and technology. 🩵Let someone down - disappoint • This time I’m sure I won’t let you down. Trust me.
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▶️▶️▶️▶️IELTS and Multi-level Listening Map Vocabularies 💥above/below 🔥across the road 💥at the top/at the bottom 🔥before you get to 💥behind 🔥beside 💥clockwise/anti-clockwise 🔥directly = straight ⭐️in between ⭐️in the middle of = in the center of ⭐️inside/outside ✨just beyond = a little beyond = just past ✨left-hand side/right-hand side ✨next to = alongside = adjoining = joined with ⭐️north east, south east, north west, southwest ⭐️To the north / to the south / to the east / to the west ⭐️in the southwest/in the northeast ⭐️slightly west of ⭐️on the left/on the right/on the far side ✨opposite ✨through ⭐️in front of = onward = forward = on ahead = ahead ⭐️to the left of/to the right of ⭐️underground = subterranean upstairs/downstairs ⭐️start by ⭐️go up / go down ⭐️cross = pass over = cut across ✨run through = cross = pass through = go through 🛡is located = is situated = lies = is = there is ✨path = way ⭐️area = field = zone ☀️roundabout ⌛site = place = location ✨housing area = residential 💡area = sleeping area ✨entrance = doorway ⭐️crossroad = intersection = junction ⭐️edge = boundary = end
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❕Different ways to say ''BIG'' "big" (katta) so'zining 14ta aytilishini turlicha yo'llari 🦕 Large 🐳 Huge 🐪 Giant 🦒 Hefty 🦧 Gigantic 🦍 Sizeable 🐋 Colossal 🦏 Massive 🦛 Immense 🐳 Enormous 🐙 Monstrous 🐘 Humongous 🦕 Tremendous 🦖 Considerable 🙊STAY WITH US 🙃 Shu postga reaksiya bosganlar iloho C1 olsin 😇
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