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Embassy of Russia in Ethiopia 🇷🇺

Official channel of the Embassy of Russia in Ethiopia containing up-to-date information about Russian politics

إظهار المزيد
Ethiopia6 812الإنكليزية128 005السياسة12 061
مشاركات الإعلانات
2 663
-224 ساعات
-97 أيام
-3230 أيام

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Fyodor Lukyanov: Here's the real reason why the US sanctioned RT US Secretary of State Antony Blinken devoted an entire speech to RT, which is subject to 'full-blocking' (that's a new formula!) sanctions for its supposedly destructive and subversive work around the world. According to Blinken and the American intelligence agencies he references, the threat posed by the Russian company is of the highest order and requires the most decisive measures from all of Washington's allies. Read in full
إظهار الكل...
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Russia extends Western food import ban by 2 years Moscow, Sep 19 Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree extending an embargo on agricultural products from Western countries for another two years. Read in full
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Russia extends Western food import ban by 2 years Moscow, Sep 19 Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree extending an embargo on agricultural products from Western countries for another two years. Read in full
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Russia extends Western food import ban by 2 years Moscow, Sep 19 Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree extending an embargo on agricultural products from Western countries for another two years. Read in full
إظهار الكل...
Russia extends Western food import ban by 2 years

Moscow, Sep 19 Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree extending an embargo on agricultural products from Western countries for another two years, local media reported.  The embargo, which will run from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2026, marks the first time the extension has exceeded one year, Xinhua news agency reported. Originally enacted in August 2014 in retaliation for Western sanctions over the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the ban affects products from the US, the EU, Australia, Norway,…

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🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov’s video address to participants in the 9th BRICS Legal Forum (Moscow, September 19, 2024) 💬 I would like to cordially greet the organisers and participants in the #BRICS Legal Forum, being held in this format for the ninth time. Over the years, the Forum has asserted itself as an influential international platform that provides professional jurists with an excellent opportunity to exchange experience and applied knowledge in the field of regulating various spheres of public life and interstate collaboration. This makes it possible to better understand the specific features of BRICS member states’ legal systems in the interests of strengthening comprehensive legal cooperation between them. I am noting with satisfaction that the Forum’s central theme, Law: Safeguarding a Fair World, meets the current agenda. It is common knowledge that countries of the US-led collective West strive to destabilise the existing system of international law and to replace it with their own pro-Western rules-based world order. For its part, Russia is firmly committed to the principles of the UN Charter in their entirety and interconnection. We believe that unconditional compliance with the norms of international law is a highly important component of forging a more equitable multipolar world order heeding the cultural and civilisational diversity of nations worldwide and their sovereign right to decide their destiny. 🤝 I am delighted to note that our position enjoys the broadest support among like-minded BRICS countries and other states of the Global Majority. Your meeting has a rather packed agenda. You will discuss a wide range of topical issues, including the international justice system, the legal dimension of international trade, as well as legal aspects of sport and energy cooperation. I am confident that the Forum will take place in a constructive and creative setting, and that it will contribute to more effective legal collaboration and to charting common approaches towards the regulation of various aspects of cooperation within BRICS. I wish you productive discussions. #BRICS2024
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📑 Министерством иностранных дел Российской Федерации подготовлен очередной Доклад о ситуации с героизацией нацизма, распространении неонацизма и других видов практики, которые способствуют эскалации современных форм расизма, расовой дискриминации, ксенофобии и связанной с ними нетерпимости. В документе отражена линия западных стран, направленная на нагнетание оголтелой русофобии. <...> Значительное внимание уделено также действиям отдельных государств, в первую очередь стран Прибалтики, Польши, Украины, которые <...> активно продолжают уничтожать на своей территории весь массив советского и российского, а зачастую и своего собственного, мемориального наследия и усиливают работу по фальсификации истории Второй мировой войны. 🔻 В открытую и бесцеремонно на Западе меняют исторические концепции – от уравнивания нацистского режима с «тоталитарным» советским до попыток возложения всей ответственности за войну на Советский Союз и объявления его «преступником хуже Третьего рейха». 🔻 Намеренно размывается значение, а главное суть приговора Международного военного трибунала для суда и наказания главных военных преступников европейских стран «Оси» – Нюрнбергского трибунала. 🔻 Политические элиты подавляющего большинства европейских и североамериканских «демократических» государств всеми силами пытаются скрыть от международного сообщества <...> нацистскую суть политики киевского и ему подобных режимов. Абсолютное большинство членов мирового сообщества разделяет российские подходы к героизации нацизма и оправданию расизма. <...> В 2023 году российскую резолюцию о борьбе с героизацией нацизма поддержало большинство стран мира – 118. Против выступили 49 делегаций, включая США и Украину, а также государства-члены ЕС. ❗️Проявления расовой дискриминации и героизация нацизма <...> представляют собой серьёзный вызов международной и региональной безопасности и стабильности. Россия вместе с единомышленниками не намерена мириться с такими расистскими и неоколониальными подходами и будет всячески им противодействовать.
إظهار الكل...
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📑 Доклад Министерства иностранный дел Российской Федерации о ситуации с героизацией нацизма, распространении неонацизма и других видов практики, которые способствуют эскалации современных форм расизма, расовой дискриминации, ксенофобии и связанной с ними нетерпимости В документе отражена линия западных стран, направленная на нагнетание оголтелой русофобии и ставшая одним из «проявлений» поддержки ими Украины на фоне специальной военной операции по демилитаризации и денацификации этой страны. Значительное внимание уделено также действиям отдельных государств, в первую очередь стран Прибалтики, Польши, Украины, которые, используя проводимую Россией СВО в качестве предлога, активно продолжают уничтожать на своей территории весь массив советского и российского, а зачастую и своего собственного, мемориального наследия и усиливают работу по фальсификации истории Второй мировой войны с целью оправдания нацизма и его нынешних сторонников в Киеве.
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Condolences of the Russian Ambassador H.E. Evgeny Terekhin on the death of Professor Beyene Petros It was with great sorrow that I have received the news about passing away of Professor Beyene Petros - veteran Ethiopian politician and renowned academic. He was an exemplary figure of peaceful political opposition since the 1990s. Having devoted his life to the dedicated service to his homeland, Professor Beyene left an extensive and enduring legacy. I am proud of having enjoyed personal friendship with Professor Beyene Petros during all those years. He had scored a number of sincere friends in Russia, all of whom will be missing him. On behalf of them and on my own, I express my deepest condolences to his family and close ones, colleagues and friends. May his soul rest in peace.
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🌍 BRICS Currency Update : Experts on the future of the BRICS currency, the dollar and sanctions Sputnik has hosted an international discussion on the current economic agenda. The videoconference, Global Majority in the 21st Century: Countering Sanctions and Searching for an Alternative to the Dollar, focused on major issues, with leading experts on international financial relations speaking about the prospects for using national currencies for intra-BRICS transactions, the future of the dollar, the BRICS currency plans, as well as the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy. Read in full #BRICS #Currency
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🎙️️ President of Russia Vladimir Putin at the Plenary Session of the IV Eurasian Women's Forum (Saint Petersburg, September 12, 2024): 💬 Dear Friends, I extend my warm greetings to the participants and guests of the fourth Eurasian Women's Forum. Welcome to Russia and to St Petersburg. Your forum is one of the most highly respected international platforms demonstrating the potential and capabilities of modern women and their truly colossal role in virtually all spheres of life. I would like to emphasise that your meetings reflect on the most crucial aspects of modern development and promote the ideas of unity for sustainable development and universal security. This is more important now than ever, and this is what millions of people across all continents desire. Humanity is facing extremely complicated issues, which can only be resolved together and based on respect for each other’s interests. The previous forums paved the way for many concrete initiatives, including stronger interaction within the framework of BRICS, APEC and W20. Incidentally, we have just now discussed these issues with the President of Brazil. I bring you best regards from Brazil. I am convinced that women’s commitment to the ideas of cooperation and peace has brought success and popularity to your forum. Each time, it brings together greater numbers of participants. This year, female leaders from 126 countries came to St Petersburg. Additionally, multimillion online audiences have joined the discussions focusing on a variety of sensitive topics. Delegations from all Russian regions which represent our multi-ethnic nation, our rich culture and centuries-old traditions are attending this forum as well. Russian women bring to light the soul of Russia, its beauty, appeal, warmth, graciousness, and magnanimity. The forum provides an opportunity to show the broad international female community that Russia is an open and hospitable country that appreciates dialogue, trust, and friendship, and that we respect the diversity and uniqueness of other countries and peoples. The great interest in the Eurasian Women’s Forum is also grounded in the fact that its agenda transcends the typical discussion of women’s role in society. The forum brings together accomplished women who have achieved top results in their professional careers. Your experience in creative, managerial, intellectual, humanitarian, and educational activities undoubtedly matters a lot for billions of people worldwide, which fact made this forum a global platform for developing proposals to address the most pressing issues. The already high international standing of the Forum continues to rise. Your voice is heard, and governments around the world heed it. Your recommendations are taken into consideration by major international organisations. To reiterate, this participation and energetic work are crucial if we want to build a multipolar, just, and genuinely free world. Everyone among us shares these ideas and does everything possible to shape a new progressive global space. This forum is devoted to matters of trust and global cooperation. As always, the female eye has captured the most important matters. Humanity is in need of a robust foundation of trust, openness, mutual understanding, and contacts across various fields in order to be able to address challenging social issues, to ensure economic prosperity and technological development, and to overcome poverty, inequality, and diseases. Most importantly, to be able to develop equal indivisible security principles that every country needs. For many years now, Russia has been urging the world to unite in order to discuss and to adopt such principles. I am convinced that you are supportive of our initiatives and will promote them in your respective countries. 📄 Read in full #EWF2024
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اختر خطة مختلفة

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