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Repost from Vigilant News
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Another “conspiracy theory” becomes a reality as the monkeypox vaccines approved by the FDA come with some serious side effects. Heart damage is a big issue again, and it could be even worse than the COVID shots. Studies reveal that for every 175 people vaccinated for monkeypox, one person is expected to develop myopericarditis, a life-threatening inflammation of the heart or the surrounding tissue. “If the 262 million adults in the U.S. received this vaccine, an estimated 1,493,000 would contract the serious adverse reaction of myopericarditis,” Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D. stated. Dr. Meryl Nass, an expert in biological warfare, added, “Myopericarditis is a life-threatening condition. It lowers your life expectancy… The fact that the FDA and CDC are acknowledging it means NO ONE should get the vaccine.” - - - - - - If you owe back taxes, the IRS is cracking down, sending “pay up” letters by the millions. Don’t face them alone. Tax Network USA has helped clients save over $1 billion in back taxes and can help you secure the best deal possible. Visit to get started. Follow @Vigilant_News 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐
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FIGHT THE "ONLINE CENSORSHIP" BILL... Demand that Peter Dutton and the Libs & Nats oppose the Combatting Misinfo & Disinfo Bill

💯 10👍 3🔥 3
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Lets get a million people there, just like we did in Canberra a few years ago. Despite what many may think those rallies helped push back the tyrannical lock downs and unlawful dictates. They have continued to move forward with their programe to control and divide. They have gone into stealth mode while still pushing their agenda to remove the truth and push their gaslighting propaganda. Lets all get out there and show Govco who no longer represent the interests of the poeple but rather take their orders from foreign corporations and individuals, like Gates that we do not consent, this is the will of the people.
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💯 41👍 2
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[Special Episode - 19] Bellator a network for frontline emergency past and present with Nick and Ed

[Special Episode - 19] Bellator a network for frontline emergency past and present with Nick and Ed In this episode I chat with Nick and Ed, 2 ex police officers, one from Ireland and another from New

👍 5 1
Repost from Real World News
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Digital ID and Cashless Society Hainan, China after the typhoon, the water and electricity were cut off, Chinese people desperately wanted to charge their phones. Because all your money is in your mobile phone. Without a mobile phone, you can’t even buy a piece of bread. ⏯ @RealWorldNewsChannel ✳️ @RealWorldNewsChat
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Downside of cashless societyHainan, China🇨🇳After.mp44.73 MB
🤡 20💯 11👍 6🤮 5😱 3
The dangers of digital id and currency.
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Lets get behind this. John is a good bloke that has put everything on the line. If we had 15 million like him we wouldn't be in the mess this country is in today,
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👍 20🙏 11👏 6
Repost from N/a
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🤬 30😢 19💯 7😭 2🔥 1
I’m following Sasha’s (Latypova) and Katherine’s (Watt) recent delving into the history of “vaccination” and of the use of proteins in them. I was of course well aware of what are termed collectively “hypersensitivity reactions” to foreign substances large enough to be recognized by our bodies as foreign or non-self. There were five separate classes of hypersensitivity reaction, for example, Type I is acute anaphylaxis, Type IV is Delayed Type Hypersensitivity etc. They’re distinct, because they use different biochemical pathways and different components of the immune system to set up & trigger the reactions. I confess I hadn’t focussed on the possibility that, centuries ago, that injections might “sensitise” the population in ways that could compromise their general health without causing such obvious adverse reactions in most people that they’d make the connection. I’m not certain that this is what’s happening, or is the primary thing that’s happening, and that it’s the main objective of mock vaccination (there’s nothing to vaccinate against….that’s all PsyOp stuff). But it might be. It’s consistent with most of the observations with which I’m familiar, which doesn’t include what I used to think of as “traditional vaccines” (I now see them as last generation chronic toxins). The ultra wealthy and royalty are known for disregarding the jab schedules, aren’t they? And some as well don’t participate in “Rockefeller pharmaceuticals”. You no longer need to wonder why this might be. For my own part, since 2020, I’ve been steadfast in warning people that it’s hideously dangerous to allow anyone to inject you with genetic material capable of causing your body to manufacture a non-self protein. It doesn’t matter what is encoded, provided it’s non-self and large enough (ie immunogenicity enough) for your body to determine that it’s been invaded. In the case of the 91-divoc jabs, my additional concern arose because the injected material will travel all around the body and cause a wide variety of cells and tissues to mark themselves as foreign. That triggers lethal, autoimmune attack on every cell complying with the genetic instructions. There’s a different concern here. If you’re injected with foreign proteins (or substances different from your own & large enough for your body to mind) you will set up a hypersensitivity condition. A repeat injection, 2-3 weeks later, will precipitate one or more of these hypersensitivity reactions. The awful realisation is that injecting you with foreign proteins is incredibly non-natural and is very dangerous. There’s no safe way to do it & no healthy rationale to do it. What Sasha is positing is the hypothesis that this alone, when it involves priming you to hypersensitivity reactions to all sorts of foreign, yet commonplace proteins and other large molecules, puts your body in a state of perpetual warfare with its otherwise natural & healthy environment. When you eat a foodstuff, normally, very little to no intact macromolecules get into your circulation. Your body defends your interior, does not allow direct absorption from the gastrointestinal tract of intact large molecules such as proteins. Instead, it chops them up into tiny pieces whereupon they’re absorbed as nutrients. But once you’ve a hypersensitive gut, I expect you’ll be more likely to permit microscopic but real amounts of swallowed material to get absorbed. Now you’re really in trouble, with chronic illness & you may be unaware of what’s happened to you. A key quote below. Best wishes Mike
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On vaccination as intentional induction of chronic and acute anaphylaxis.

Sept. 6, 2024 discussion by Jane Ruby and Sasha Latypova, condensed transcript

👍 28 5😡 5
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SAVE THE DATE - Thursday week - Guildford Sydney All welcome, free admission, come along and hear Professor Gigi Foster and myself discuss the details of the Misinformation & Disinformation (MAD) Bill and explain why it’s so such a threat to our freedoms and democracy.
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