
نحن نستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط لتحسين تجربة التصفح الخاصة بك. بالنقر على "قبول الكل"، أنت توافق على استخدام ملفات تعريف الارتباط.



ከጨረታ እና ስራ ማስታወቂያ በተጨማሪ ለሁሉንም ምህንድስና ነክ ጉዳዮች መፍትሄ የሚሰጥ ፡፡

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👉የቻይናው First Highway Engineering Company (CFHEC) ለ102 ወጣት ኢትዮጵያውያን የአቅም ግንባታ ስልጠና መስጠት ጀምሯል። 🚧የግዙፉ CCCC ኩባንያ እህት ተቋም የሆነው CFHEC፤ ስልጠናውን ለአንድ ወር የሚሰጥ ሲሆን፤ ሰልጣኞቹ ከCCCC የኢትዮጵያ ፕሮጀክት ሳይቶች የተመረጡ መሆናቸው ተገልጿል። 💫ግንባታ፣ ሰርቬዪንግ፣ የግንባታ ቁሳቁስ ፍተሻ እና የቻይንኛ ቋንቋ በስልጠናው የተካተቱ ጉዳዮች መሆናቸው ተመላክቷል። 🏷Seagull Talent Nurturing Project በሚል የሚሰጠው ስልጠና፤ በቴክኒክና ሙያ ስልጠና ኢንስቲትዩት፣ በሉባን ወርክሾፕ በኢትዮጵያ እና በ CFHEC በጋራ የተዘጋጀ ነው። Via Xinhua 👈👈
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በአዲስ አበበ ከተማ አስተዳዳር ገቢዎች ቢሮ ከፍተኛ ግብር ከፋዮች ቅ/ጽ/ቤት የታክስ ኦዲት ቡድን አስተባባሪ፤ ባለሙያዎች እና ደላሎች በሙስና ወንጅል ተጠርጥረዉ በቁጥጥር ሥር ዋሉ:: የአዲስ አበበ ከተማ አስተዳዳር ገቢዎች ቢሮ ከፍተኛ ግብር ከፋዮች ቅ/ጽ/ቤት የታክስ ኦዲት ቡድን አስተባባሪ የሆኑት 1ኛ. አቶ ሃብታሙ ግዲሳ ጆቴ 2ኛ. ስምረት ገ/እግዚአብሔር አሰፋ የከፍተኛ ግብር ከፋዮች የታክስ ኦዲት ከፍተኛ ኦፊሰር 3ኛ. አቶ ዮሴፍ ባቡ ሆራ የከፍተኛ ግብር ከፋዮች የታክስ ኦዲት ከፍተኛ ኦፊሰር 4ኛ. አቶ አቤኔዘር ቶሎሳ ሙሉ የከፍተኛ ግብር ከፋዮች ታክስ ኦዲት ከፍተኛ ኦፊሰር 5ኛ. አቶ ለሚ ሲሌ ከፍተኛ ግብር ከፋይ የታክስ ኦዲት ከፍተኛ ኦፊሰር እና 6ኛ. ወ/ሮ መቅደስ አረጋዊ ገንዘብ ተቀባይ የሆኑት በቀን 06/01/2017 ዓ.ም በሙስና ወንጅል ተጠርጥረዉ በቁጥጥር ስር ውለዉ ምርመራ እየተጣራ ይገኛል:: ከ1ኛ እስከ 5ኛ ተራ ቁጥር የተጠቀሱት ተጠርጣሪዎች በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳዳር ገቢዎች ቢሮ ከፍተኛ ግብር ከፋዮች ቅ/ጽ/ቤት የታክስ ኦዲት ቡድን አስተባባሪ፤ ባለሙያዎች ሲሆኑ ጳጉሜ 05/2016 ዓ.ም በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ቂርቆስ ክ/ከተማ ወረዳ 10 ውስጥ ግብር ከፋይ ከሆኑ ግለሰብ የ2011 ዓ.ም እና 2012 ዓ.ም የአንድ አመት ግብር ኦዲት እንዲደረግላቸዉ የሚጠበቅበትን ሰነድ ያቀረበላቸዉ ሲሆን መክፈል ያለብህ አንድ መቶ ሚሊየን ብር (100,000000) ነዉ በማለት የገለፁለት በመሆኑ፤ ይህን ያህል አልከፍልም ካልክ ግማሹን አስይዘህ ነዉ ይግባኝ የምታቀርበዉ በማለት ያቀረቡ ሲሆን ፤ ለጊዜዉ በቁጥጥር ስር ያልዋለ ግለሰብ ሂሳብ አስጨራሽ በሚል የቀረ ደላላ ጉዳዩን አስተካክላለሁ በሚል በማግባባት ለራሱ ሶስት ሚሊየን ብር (3,000,000) እና ለሰራተኞቹ ስምንት ሚሊየን ብር (8,000,000) ለመንግስት ከመቶ ሚሊየን በመቀነስ አስራ ሶስት ሚለየን ብር (13,000000) ትከፍላለህ በማለት (8,000,000) ስምንት ሚሊየን ብር በቤተሰቦቻቸዉ በመቀበል 13, 000,000 (አስራ ሶስት ሚሊየን ) ብር የመንግስት የሚከፈለዉን እንዲከፍል መተማመኛ ሲሰጡት በተደረገ ክትትል እጅ ከፍንጅ የተያዙ እና ምርመራዉ ቀድሞ በነበረዉ ክትትል በስፋት እየተጣራ ይገኛል ፡፡
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Senior Site Engineer #ethiopian_engineering_corporation #Addis_Ababa Bachelor's Degree in Civil engineering, Construction Technology and Management or in a related field of study with relevant work experience in a  similar setting within a construction company International company experience is an advantage Applicants should be willing to relocate Duties & Responsibilities: - Ensure that all contract specifications and guidelines are adhered to at all times during the commencement project - Changes to the scope of works must be forwarded to the Commercial Team immediately Quanitity Required: 3 Minimum Years Of Experience: #4_years Maximum Years Of Experience: #5_years Deadline: October 7, 2024 How To Apply: All qualified applicants can send their credentials through the link provided by clicking the apply button below Note: Use Vacancy code: Hahu/Building002/2024
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ለነዋሪዎች በበጎ ፈቃደኝነት ድልድይ የሰራው ሰው ታሰረ ግለሰቡ ከ18 ሺህ በላይ ዶላር ወጪ በማድረግ ድልድይ ቢሰራም የሁለት ዓመት እስር ተላልፎበታል ለአንድ ቀበሌ ነዋሪዎች በበጎ ፈቃደኝነት ድልድይ የሰራው ሰው ታሰረ፡፡ የቻይናዋ ዜንሊን የተሰኘችው መንደር በሰሜናዊ የሀገሪቱ ገጠራማ ክፍል የምትገኝ የመሰረተ ልማት ችግር ያለባት ቀበሉ ነች፡፡ ታኦር የተሰኘው ወንዝ ደግሞ ይህችን መንደር ከሌሎች አጎራባች ቀበሌዎች ጋር እንዳትገናኝ ያደረገ ግዙፍ ወንዝ ነው፡፡ የመንደሩ ነዋሪዎች ወደ አጎራባች ቀበሌዎች ለመጓዝ በትንሹ 70 ኪሎ ሜትር መጓዝ ይጠበቅባቸዋል፡፡ ሁዋንግ ደዪ የተባለው የዚችው ቀበሌ ነዋሪ የሆነ ባለጸጋ ከ18 ሺህ ዶላር በላይ ገንዘብ በማውጣት በወንዙ ላይ ድልድይ በመስራት አነስተኛ ገንዘብ እያስከፈለ አገልግሎት መስጠት ይጀምራል፡፡ ቀስ በቀስም ይህ ድልድይ ሰዎችን ብቻ ከማሻገር ወደ ከባድ ተሸከርካሪዎችን ወደ ማሻገር ይሻሻላል፡፡ ይሁንና የሀገሪቱ መንግስት ይህንን ግለሰብ ህገወጥ ስራ ሰርተሃል በሚል በቁጥጥርሰ ር ያዋለው ሲሆን የሁለት ዓመት እስርም ተላልፎበታል ሲል ኦዲቲ ሴንትራል ዘግቧል፡፡ ከዚህ በተጨማሪም በአንድ ግለሰብ አማካኝነት የተገነባውን ድልድይ ያፈረሰው ሲሆን አዲስ ድልድይ ለህዝቡ እንደሚገነባ ቃል ገብቷል፡፡ የአካባቢው ሰውም ከዛሬ ነገ ቃል የተገባለት ድልድይ ይገነባል ብሎ ቢጠብቅም እስካሁን አለመገንባቱ ቅር እንዳሰኛቸው ተገልጿል፡፡ ጉዳዩ በመላው ቻይና ዋነኛ መነጋገሪያ አጀንዳ የሆነ ሲሆን ለእስር የተዳረገው ግለሰብ ባይኖር ኖሮ ህዝቡ ለከፋ እንግልት ይዳረግ ነበር፣ የድልድዩ መፍረስ ህዝቡ የለመደውን ቀላል ህይወት የበለጠ አክብዷል ብለዋል፡፡ ቀሪዎቹ ደግሞ በድልድዩ ላይ አደጋ ቢያጋጥም ለሚደርሰው ጉዳት ማን ሀላፊነት ይወስዳል የሚሉ አስተያየቶች በመሰንዘር ላይ ናቸው፡፡
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የስራው መጠሪያ: Construction Engineer የስራው አይነት: በተመደቡበት የሚሰራ - ቋሚ የስራው ዘርፍ: #ሲቪል_ምህንድስና_እና_ኮንስትራክሽን የስራው ቦታ: አዲስ አበባ, ኢትዮጵያ የትምህርት ደረጃ: የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ የልምድ ደረጃ: ከፍተኛ የተፈላጊ ሰው ብዛት: 1 ደሞዝ/ክፍያ: ወርሃዊ የማመልከቻ ማብቂያ ቀን: September 20th, 2024 የስራው ዝርዝር: On behalf of our clients, B & B Trading PLC, a newly establishing company that will be engaged in a trading and sanitary related construction works, we are looking for successful candidate to fill the position of Construction Engineer to be located around Lebu Mebrathaile, Addis Ababa PURPOSE OF THE ROLE We are seeking a skilled Construction Engineer with specialization in sanitary systems to lead our installation projects. This role involves overseeing the installation, testing, and commissioning of sanitary pipes and fixtures, managing subcontractors and in-house staff, and ensuring all aspects of the project are executed with precision and attention to detail. Experience in high-rise commercial and residential buildings is mandatory. The role also includes comprehensive planning responsibilities, including resource allocation, delivery management, and thorough testing procedures. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES 1.  Planning and Resource Allocation 2.  Project Leadership 3.  Testing and Quality Assurance Requirements and skills Education: Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering, or a related field. A specialization or additional certification in sanitary systems is highly desirable. Experience: Minimum of 5 years of experience in construction engineering with a focus on sanitary systems. Mandatory experience in high-rise commercial and residential buildings. Proven track record of leading installation projects and managing teams effectively. Skills: •  In-depth knowledge of sanitary systems, including pipes, fixtures, and installation procedures. •  Strong engineering knowledge with a knack for innovation and applying new technologies. •  Strong planning and organizational skills, with experience in resource allocation and delivery management. •  Proficiency in testing sanitary systems to ensure proper functionality and compliance. •  Ability to work quickly and efficiently while maintaining high-quality standards. •  Excellent leadership and team management skills with the ability to organize and motivate staff. •  Exceptional attention to detail and problem-solving abilities •  Proficiency in reviewing and verifying payment certificates and financial documentation. •  Strong organizational and communication skills. Work Location, Lebu Mebrathail DMC Holding Building - candidates living in nearby areas of the company is highly preferred How to apply: If you're interested in this role, email your PDF/Word CV and a brief cover letter to [email protected] until September 20th, 2024 •  Please write the Job Title (Construction Engineer | B & B Trading PLC) in your email subject line. •  Please write your residential area in your email content •  No calls or walk-ins. On Point Management Solutions
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የስራው መጠሪያ: Office Engineer የስራው አይነት: በተመደቡበት የሚሰራ - ቋሚ የስራው ዘርፍ: #ሲቪል_ምህንድስና_እና_ኮንስትራክሽን የስራው ቦታ: አዲስ አበባ, ኢትዮጵያ የትምህርት ደረጃ: የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ የልምድ ደረጃ: ከፍተኛ የተፈላጊ ሰው ብዛት: 1 ደሞዝ/ክፍያ: ወርሃዊ የማመልከቻ ማብቂያ ቀን: September 20th, 2024 የስራው ዝርዝር: On behalf of our clients, B & B Trading PLC, a newly establishing company that will be engaged in a trading and sanitary related construction works, we are looking for successful candidate to fill the position of Office Engineer to be located around Lebu Mebrathaile, Addis Ababa PURPOSE OF THE ROLE The Office Engineer will be responsible for supporting construction projects through detailed planning, documentation, and coordination with the project team. This role involves preparing payment certificates, tracking project progress, ensuring compliance with plans and specifications, and assisting with all necessary technical and administrative tasks. The ideal candidate will have experience in engineering, strong organizational skills, and the ability to work collaboratively with various teams. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES 1.  Project Planning & Coordination 2.  Quality Control & Compliance 3.  Payment Certificates & Documentation Requirements and skills •  Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, or a related field. •  Minimum of 3-5 years of experience in a similar role within the construction industry. •  Strong knowledge of construction project management processes, including planning, scheduling, and budgeting. •  Proficiency in engineering software (e.g., AutoCAD, Primavera, Microsoft Project) and general office software (e.g., MS Office). •  Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. •  Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced environment. Skills: •  Strong attention to detail and organizational skills. •  Ability to interpret engineering drawings and specifications. •  Familiarity with local construction regulations and standards. •  Problem-solving skills and ability to handle multiple tasks efficiently. Work Location, Lebu Mebrathail DMC Holding Building - candidates living in nearby areas of the company is highly preferred How to apply: If you're interested in this role, email your PDF/Word CV and a brief cover letter to [email protected] until September 20th, 2024 •  Please write the Job Title (Office Engineer | B & B Trading PLC) in your email subject line. •  Please write your residential area in your email content •  No calls or walk-ins. On Point Management Solutions 👈
إظهار الكل...
የስራው መጠሪያ: Sanitary Engineer የስራው አይነት: በተመደቡበት የሚሰራ - ቋሚ የስራው ዘርፍ: #ሲቪል_ምህንድስና_እና_ኮንስትራክሽን የስራው ቦታ: አዲስ አበባ, ኢትዮጵያ የትምህርት ደረጃ: የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ የልምድ ደረጃ: ከፍተኛ የተፈላጊ ሰው ብዛት: 1 ደሞዝ/ክፍያ: ወርሃዊ የማመልከቻ ማብቂያ ቀን: September 20th, 2024 የስራው ዝርዝር: On behalf of our clients, B & B Trading PLC, a newly establishing company that will be engaged in a trading and sanitary related construction works, we are looking for successful candidate to fill the position of Sanitary Engineer to be located around Lebu Mebrathaile, Addis Ababa PURPOSE OF THE ROLE The Sanitary Engineer will be responsible for designing, planning, and overseeing sanitation systems, including water supply, drainage, and waste management solutions in residential, commercial, and industrial projects. This role involves ensuring compliance with regulatory standards, preparing technical reports, and coordinating with other engineering teams. The ideal candidate will have experience in sanitary engineering, be skilled in the design and execution of sanitation systems, and be capable of handling both technical and administrative duties. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES 1.  P Project Planning & Coordination 2.  Quality Control & Compliance 3.  Site execution Requirements and skills •  Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, or a related field with a focus on sanitation and water management. •  3-5 years of experience in sanitary engineering or water and wastewater systems. •  Proficient in the design and implementation of sanitary systems (water supply, drainage, sewage treatment). •  Familiarity with industry-standard software (AutoCAD, Revit, etc.) and general office software (e.g., MS Office). •  Strong understanding of relevant health and safety regulations and environmental standards Skills: •  Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. •  Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. •  Attention to detail and ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. •  Knowledge of sustainable and eco-friendly practices in sanitary engineering. Work Location, Lebu Mebrathail DMC Holding Building - candidates living in nearby areas of the company is highly preferred How to apply: If you're interested in this role, email your PDF/Word CV and a brief cover letter to [email protected] until September 20th, 2024 •  Please write the Job Title (Sanitary Engineer | B & B Trading PLC) in your email subject line. •  Please write your residential area in your email content •  No calls or walk-ins. On Point Management Solutions 👈
إظهار الكل...
የስራው መጠሪያ: Site Engineer የስራው አይነት: በተመደቡበት የሚሰራ - ቋሚ የስራው ዘርፍ: #ሲቪል_ምህንድስና_እና_ኮንስትራክሽን የስራው ቦታ: አዲስ አበባ, ኢትዮጵያ የትምህርት ደረጃ: የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ የልምድ ደረጃ: ከፍተኛ የተፈላጊ ሰው ብዛት: 1 ደሞዝ/ክፍያ: ወርሃዊ የማመልከቻ ማብቂያ ቀን: September 20th, 2024 የስራው ዝርዝር: On behalf of our clients, B & B Trading PLC, a newly establishing company that will be engaged in a trading and sanitary related construction works, we are looking for successful candidate to fill the position of Site Engineer to be located around Lebu Mebrathaile, Addis Ababa PURPOSE OF THE ROLE The Site Engineer will be responsible for managing on-site construction activities, ensuring projects are completed safely, on time, and in accordance with design specifications. This role involves overseeing contractors, managing resources, inspecting work quality, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations. The ideal candidate will have hands-on experience in construction, strong technical knowledge, and the ability to lead teams in a fast-paced environment. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES 1.  On-Site Supervision 2.  Quality Control & Compliance 3.  Problem-Solving & Issue Resolution Requirements and skills •  Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, or a related field. •  3-5 years of experience in construction site supervision, preferably in mid to large-scale projects. •  Strong knowledge of construction processes, methods, and materials. •  Proficiency in interpreting construction drawings and blueprints. •  Familiarity with industry-standard software (AutoCAD, Microsoft Project) and general office software (e.g., MS Office). Skills: •  Strong leadership and organizational skills. •  Excellent problem-solving abilities and attention to detail. •  Good communication skills for liaising with contractors, architects, and clients. •  Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple tasks effectively Work Location, Lebu Mebrathail DMC Holding Building - candidates living in nearby areas of the company is highly preferred How to apply: If you're interested in this role, email your PDF/Word CV and a brief cover letter to [email protected] until September 20th, 2024 •  Please write the Job Title (Site Engineer | B & B Trading PLC) in your email subject line. •  Please write your residential area in your email content •  No calls or walk-ins. On Point Management Solutions 👈
إظهار الكل...
የስራው መጠሪያ: Site Engineer የስራው አይነት: በተመደቡበት የሚሰራ - ቋሚ የስራው ዘርፍ: #ሲቪል_ምህንድስና_እና_ኮንስትራክሽን የስራው ቦታ: አዲስ አበባ, ኢትዮጵያ የትምህርት ደረጃ: የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ የልምድ ደረጃ: ከፍተኛ የተፈላጊ ሰው ብዛት: 1 ደሞዝ/ክፍያ: ወርሃዊ የማመልከቻ ማብቂያ ቀን: September 20th, 2024 የስራው ዝርዝር: On behalf of our clients, B & B Trading PLC, a newly establishing company that will be engaged in a trading and sanitary related construction works, we are looking for successful candidate to fill the position of Site Engineer to be located around Lebu Mebrathaile, Addis Ababa PURPOSE OF THE ROLE The Site Engineer will be responsible for managing on-site construction activities, ensuring projects are completed safely, on time, and in accordance with design specifications. This role involves overseeing contractors, managing resources, inspecting work quality, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations. The ideal candidate will have hands-on experience in construction, strong technical knowledge, and the ability to lead teams in a fast-paced environment. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES 1.  On-Site Supervision 2.  Quality Control & Compliance 3.  Problem-Solving & Issue Resolution Requirements and skills •  Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Management, or a related field. •  3-5 years of experience in construction site supervision, preferably in mid to large-scale projects. •  Strong knowledge of construction processes, methods, and materials. •  Proficiency in interpreting construction drawings and blueprints. •  Familiarity with industry-standard software (AutoCAD, Microsoft Project) and general office software (e.g., MS Office). Skills: •  Strong leadership and organizational skills. •  Excellent problem-solving abilities and attention to detail. •  Good communication skills for liaising with contractors, architects, and clients. •  Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple tasks effectively Work Location, Lebu Mebrathail DMC Holding Building - candidates living in nearby areas of the company is highly preferred How to apply: If you're interested in this role, email your PDF/Word CV and a brief cover letter to [email protected] until September 20th, 2024 •  Please write the Job Title (Site Engineer | B & B Trading PLC) in your email subject line. •  Please write your residential area in your email content •  No calls or walk-ins. On Point Management Solutions
إظهار الكل...
Ethio Con Work

📌ETCONp WORK የኮንስትራክሽን ስራ 📍 የምንሰጣቸው አገልግሎቶች 👉ሰራተኛ ማቅረብ ከባለ ሙያ እስከ መሀንዲስ ድረስ 👉ማቴሪያል ማቅረብ 👉በግልም ሆነ በመንግሥት የሚወጡ ጨረታዎች እና የ ስራ ማስታወቅያዎች መለጠፍ 👉የማሽን ኪራይ እና አቅርቦት ✌ ምን ይፈልጋሉ ??? 💌 @ETCONpBOT ወይም +251925446661 ያናግሩን

🏗🏗የምን ዋጋ እንስጣችሁ 🏗🏗 1.ማንኛውም አይነት የግንባታ እቃዎች 2.የኬሚካሎች 3.የሊፍት 4.የሬንጅ(60/70 ወይም 80/100) 5.የፌሮ(የሀገር ውስጥ ወይም የቱርክ specification በቴሌግራም ይላኩልን እና ዋጋ ሞልተን እንሰጣችኋለን 🛠🛠🛠🛠 On 0913020768 ቴሌግራም ላይ ብቻ 📲📲📲
إظهار الكل...
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.