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The habit-building community by Rajan Singh. Building better habits to live a better life.

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When I was running my previous startup, ConceptOwl, I heard of another EdTech startup that was growing rapidly using strategies that were not working for us. People would ask us -- 'Hey, that startup is making it work. Why can't you do that?' We had no answer, and I felt really incompetent. Two years later, after raising 100 crore in funding, that seemingly successful startup shut down. That is when we realized that the story they were representing was very different from the ground reality. There is so much hype in the startup world that what is visible is often not the truth. I think we all have taken 'fake it till you make it' too seriously. And in the age of social media, this is true for life in general and not just the startup world. When you see someone doing really well and feel bad about why you are not able to make it, remember to double check.  There is way too much of 'fake it till you make it' going on these days. - Rajan *** Want to transform your life? Build life-changing habits with HabitStrong's 4-week online bootcamps:
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Live Online Habit-building Programs | HabitStrong

HabitStrong by Rajan Singh — Live online programs to build life-changing habits. Get back control over your day. Lead a happier, more productive life. Learn more!

I once thought that the biggest harm from digital distraction (e.g., WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.) was the wastage of time. It is like saying that drugs are harmful because they cost money. But if someone gave them free, would they be ok? Time-wastage is the smallest of the harms - it goes way deeper. E.g., if you spend 2 hrs on WhatsApp in an 8 hr day, you lose 25% of your time. It is bad enough, but the reality is much worse. We open WhatsApp throughout the day, and every time, we lose time in regaining our focus. So the time loss is maybe 30-40%. But even this harm is just 'small change'. Due to constant switching, our reduced focus renders us incapable of doing deep and critical thinking, or any creative work. This means, we have just thrown away our best talents. But EVEN that is not the full damage. The constant bombardment of intense external stimulation (notifications, messages, likes/comments) is wiring our minds to constantly seek excitement. We NEED excitement all the time. No wonder, we can’t do boring things like reading books or talking to someone without stealing a glance at our phones. We have lost a core part of what makes us humans so special. Tragic, no? For our intellect: Distraction = Death. - Rajan *** Break free from phone addiction. Improve productivity and mental health. Online self-paced program to beat digital distractions & build laser focus:
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Undistractable - HabitStrong

Step-by-step action plan based on cutting-edge tools from Cognitive Behavior Therapy and mindfulness.

An investment banker friend of mine working with Goldman Sachs in New York once told me that in their office gym, you would find people running on the treadmill even past midnight.  Being an investment banker is a grueling job – people often work more than 100 hrs a week. And despite that, some of them found time for fitness! When I was with McKinsey, some of my colleagues would bike long distances on weekends, and some even ran marathons, despite the busy schedule.  If there is one regret I have in my life, it is this – I ignored my health early on in my career. For almost a decade, I worked very long hours, giving little time to my health. Thankfully, I realized my mistake and have maintained a high level of fitness for more than a decade.  Working long hours at the cost of your health is not a matter of pride – it is stupid. Don’t do it. If I could give one piece of advice to everyone, it would be this – don’t ignore your health no matter how intense your job is.  If you are not healthy, no matter how much money, success, or fame you get – it is all meaningless.  Health comes first and foremost, always. - Rajan *** Want to transform your life? Build life-changing habits with HabitStrong's 4-week online bootcamps:
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Live Online Habit-building Programs | HabitStrong

HabitStrong by Rajan Singh — Live online programs to build life-changing habits. Get back control over your day. Lead a happier, more productive life. Learn more!

One way to run 20 km is to just run the first 1 km without worrying about the remaining 19. And then repeat that 19 times. That is how I often run long distances, and I believe, so do a lot of people. What is true for running, is just as true for any challenging goal in life.  When we worry about everything we have to do, it feels overwhelming. But if we just think about the immediate next task, one task at a time, it becomes doable.  Don’t overthink it – just pick one small thing and do it. Then repeat. Before you realize it, you will be done. - Rajan *** Want to transform your life? Build life-changing habits with HabitStrong's 4-week online bootcamps:
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Live Online Habit-building Programs | HabitStrong

HabitStrong by Rajan Singh — Live online programs to build life-changing habits. Get back control over your day. Lead a happier, more productive life. Learn more!

No matter what you do, someone will criticize you. So what?  If you run a business, someone will find fault. If you write on LinkedIn, someone will troll you. Heck, even if you do nothing, someone will still be unhappy with you. Our goal is not to have the whole world agree with what we do.  So pursue your goals. What every single person in the world thinks is of little consequence to you. - Rajan *** Want to transform your life? Build life-changing habits with HabitStrong's 4-week online bootcamps:
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Live Online Habit-building Programs | HabitStrong

HabitStrong by Rajan Singh — Live online programs to build life-changing habits. Get back control over your day. Lead a happier, more productive life. Learn more!

You can fix your productivity problem – I promise. But first, you need to understand why you are unproductive. 95% of productivity problems come from just 10 reasons described in this webinar (link below). Once you identify the reasons affecting YOUR productivity, you can fix the real problems and stop chasing solutions that don’t work. We surveyed hundreds of people to create this 20-minute webinar and you won’t find this information anywhere else. And now, it is available to you – totally free. All it will take is 20 minutes, and you will exactly know what problem to fix. Register for the free webinar here:
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Unveiling 10 Productivity Killers

Stressed and frustrated by low productivity? You can fix your productivity problem – I promise. ​ But first you need to understand why you are unproductive. ​ 95% of productivity problems come from just 10 reasons described in this webinar. Once you identify the reasons affecting YOUR productivity, you can fix the real problems and stop chasing solutions that don’t work. ​ We surveyed hundreds of people to create this 20-minute webinar and you won’t find this information anywhere else. And now, it is available to you – totally free. ​ All it will take is 20 minutes, and you will exactly know what to fix for a life of calm productivity. ​

One of my past bosses had a very clear metric to evaluate your commitment – how long you sat in the office at night. In fact, he himself used to sit till 9 pm every day.  A very hard-working guy he was. Except that when he was transferred out, his successor found that my boss had kept some 200 odd files pending for almost a year or two. Normally, these files should have been disposed of within a day or two.  That makes you wonder – what was he doing in the office till 9 pm every day? I have no idea.  All I know is that he did zero focused work. He was just distracted, talking to people, or whiling away his time. He was busy. And just being busy is no good.  If my boss had been focused, he could have finished all his work and left office at 5:30 pm. But that would not have shown ‘commitment.’ Sitting late and burning electricity on the office AC is not commitment.  Just focus, do an outstanding job, and then go home. That is commitment. - Rajan *** Want to transform your life? Build life-changing habits with HabitStrong's 4-week online bootcamps:
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Live Online Habit-building Programs | HabitStrong

HabitStrong by Rajan Singh — Live online programs to build life-changing habits. Get back control over your day. Lead a happier, more productive life. Learn more!

When I graduated from IIT in 1995, I was expecting to soon figure out my life and my career, and quickly 'settle down'. I then joined the Indian Police Service, the ultimate platform for 'settling down'. It was such a stable and predictable job that I knew the exact date of all my promotions over the next 35-plus years. Yet, I could not settle down and ended up quitting the IPS.  Next, I tried an MBA but even that did not bring 'stability'. Now, I have given up on the idea of settling down. In fact, I like the unsettled life. So if you are a recent graduate and feel a little lost, brace yourself. That feeling may never go away! But let me assure you, it is not a terrible thing. Honestly, even now, I sometimes feel like a fresher trying to make sense of the world. But does that not make life a little interesting? - Rajan *** Want to transform your life? Build life-changing habits with HabitStrong's 4-week online bootcamps:
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Live Online Habit-building Programs | HabitStrong

HabitStrong by Rajan Singh — Live online programs to build life-changing habits. Get back control over your day. Lead a happier, more productive life. Learn more!

Giving up is easy. Persevering is hard.  Being a face in the crowd is easy. Standing out is hard.  We have a choice between easy and hard. When the dream is big, the price tag is also big. - Rajan *** Want to transform your life? Build life-changing habits with HabitStrong's 4-week online bootcamps:
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Live Online Habit-building Programs | HabitStrong

HabitStrong by Rajan Singh — Live online programs to build life-changing habits. Get back control over your day. Lead a happier, more productive life. Learn more!

Can your life take a different course in just one year?  This handbook is crafted for individuals who passionately aspire to revolutionize their lives and are prepared to invest 12 months in the process. I won't make any pledges about quick fixes or magical tricks.  However, in this direct guide, I will guide you along the route. If you adhere to it, I guarantee – your life will undergo a metamorphosis.  This 12-month commitment is demanding, but it's within your reach.  If you merely skim through it and disregard the content, you will simply be wasting your time.  Download this guide only if you genuinely desire to initiate a change in your life. 👉
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A 1-year roadmap to transform your life

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