
نحن نستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط لتحسين تجربة التصفح الخاصة بك. بالنقر على "قبول الكل"، أنت توافق على استخدام ملفات تعريف الارتباط.


🕊The Shalom of the Aliyah Cohen

Shalom= wholeness and peace Aliyah= sacred ascension Cohen= A Royal Priesthood All things hidden shall be revealed. Follow me here: Back up comms on Signal:

إظهار المزيد
مشاركات الإعلانات
لا توجد بيانات24 ساعات
-17 أيام
-1230 أيام

جاري تحميل البيانات...

معدل نمو المشترك

جاري تحميل البيانات...

إظهار الكل...
Schumann Update 9/20

Good morning friends! How are you feeling? I was given a great reminder this morning that we are all manifesting all the time. It’s not something you have to go and do is something you just are doing. But are you manifesting on purpose? If you were allowing what you were observing to affect how you feel, then you are manifesting based on your reactions to the world around you. This can give us a feeling of being out of control. So what I’m asking you to do today, is choose how you feel. If you’re not feeling good about something walk away from it for five minutes and give yourself a break. Remember, lava attraction loves momentum, in either direction. #humanschumann #tarot #ascensionsymptoms #manifestation #schumannresonance #lawofattraction #intuition  Schumann resonance is a measurement that tracks the electromagnetic frequency of our planet within the ionosphere. This energy, circling as a wave between the ionosphere and the earth, bumps into itself amplifying frequencies and turning them into resonant waves. The discovery of these resonant waves was made in 1952 by W.O. Schumann, a German physicist, hence where the Schumann resonance gets its name. In simpler terms, we don’t live on the earth, we live inside it – in a cavity of sorts. This cavity is created by the connection of the surface of the earth to the ionosphere that surrounds our planet. Everything within that area, namely energies and frequencies, can be influential to the earth’s inhabitants ( Each daily report posted is my own intuitive interpretation of HOW this energy affects us as vibrational beings, NOT the cause of the energy, and how it will affect the collective consciousness of the Awakened Collective. Many of us feel this energy the day before, the day of, or even the day after the actual activity. This is all highly personal, resonating differently depending on your own energy and frequency level. Those of us who aren’t as affected aren’t doing anything “wrong” or “bad”, some energies will not affect everyone. Be mindful and use discernment when seeking any intuitive guidance, taking what resonates with you and leaving the rest for someone else. If you are interested in the cards I am using, they can be found at

(shop name is myINTUITIVEINTENTION). Use the code SHIPFREE to get free shipping!! To schedule a private reading with me, please visit:

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🎶 Good Feeling Friday! 😍 Have a great day HIPS’ters! 😍🥰♥️
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☠️ 🍟 MacDonald’s fries.......even the salt is designed to make you ill 🤢🤮🤮
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Repost from L♾P
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Repost from L♾P
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117 ⚜️ ♾
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✨Stay Hydrated With Lemon Water, Grounded, Rested And Meditate. Self Care Is So Important. ✨
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❤🤍💙💜 🇺🇲 💜❤🤍💙 My #1 Favorite R.E.D. Friday shirt. My #1 Hero as well. Pray for our Warriors and their families, until they all come home. ❤🤍💙💜 🇺🇲 💜❤🤍💙
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Johnny Cash Ragged Old Flag.wmv

Johnny Cash's song Ragged Old Flag with pictures to the lyrics......

اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.