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☠️ Potato Trump’s Extermination Warp Speed 🧟‍♂️

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Repost from The General
BREAKING: Next week, the US House, led by Republicans, will deliberate on legislation aimed at giving financial support for Israel. @GeneralMCNews
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Repost from The General
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BREAKING: Iranian missiles are impacting Israeli targets. @GeneralMCNews
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Repost from The General
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BREAKING: Trump issues statement on Israel vs Iran @GeneralMCNews
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Ah yes, I should comment on this one last time since this was the biggest current issue in the world and I’d like to remind anyone who has a brain and can think critically to remember how horribly wrong so many in the alternative media were in regards to the so called de-escalation of this situation. The lack of accountability and memory of most people online is absolutely astounding, horrifying, and a testament to why as of 2024, nothing significant exists outside the power structure because the majority of people can’t even remember what happened 3 weeks ago, let alone months or years ago. So perhaps they might bypass Covid round 2 for now and go straight into world war 3. The point of the vast majority of alternative media beyond endless self promotion and making as much money as possible is to just react to what’s happening and never provide thoughtful direction and guidance for those listening (not that most people would do anything even if they did) based upon what’s going on in the world. By acting this way, it keeps people in a perpetual state of reaction, therefore there is no proaction and thus no significant ground is ever gained since most everyone is kept on their backfoot. In fact, in reality, most ground has been lost and neither Trump, the Alt media, or any of this blabber online has been able to physically stop the illegals from pouring across our borders, stop injustice by the courts and system enforcers against everyday people, or stop Israel from acting like they are above all the laws in the world. You also have an entire system (the internet) set up to monitor and respond to the real time reactions of people around the world to anything and everything. This makes manipulation extremely easy and goes hand in hand with things like, for example, their Sentient World Simulation. Combined with real time exercises, like those that took place before Covid and before all wars, it could not be more obvious to anyone with any good insight into how things actually work (which is very few and far between) that the system has all of the advantages still to predict, manipulate, and “hack” large swathes of people. Now think of all the data that is collected every minute of everyday from people’s whereabouts, transactions, text messages, Facebook posts, etc. The point is the system has it all and the next step is using tools like AI (but not limited to just that) to sort through all of this data and organize it properly for each individual person on the planet. This is not an impossible task whatsoever and the data collection process is essentially complete I would think. The final step will occur when people foolishly incorporate technology into their biological bodies in one form or another which will complete the circuit of control for all of this data from the “beast system” and the individual. This type of stuff was pretty well covered during Covid but fizzled out after a while but it was some of the most important revelations that had ever been put out there for how the “globalists” were working towards a legitimate way to control almost all people on the planet, beyond most people’s comprehension. None of this is meant to be demoralizing but a series of matter of fact statements for anyone who cares to live and succeed in reality rather than be a qtard-tier larper shouting that “we’re winning” while the next round of bombings or shitshows is planned for their neighborhood, so to speak. Judging by the way things are going, it looks like major things will be happening soon to the point where the reactionaries, which makes up the vast majority of people online and elsewhere, will ironically not be able to react fast enough and will panic. Panic is a death sentence and you’ll see more of that than you’ve probably ever imagined. History has a lot of examples and lessons on this for anyone with the courage and desire to look into. You’ve been forewarned though that these are extremely unpopular positions to have and you will be hated for them.✌🏻
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Repost from Mrgunsngear
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38-year-old Ash Good threw her baby to bystanders whilst being stabbed to death. Her baby, 9-month-old Harriet, was stabbed in the stomach and was rushed to the hospital. Do y'all think the guys here are heroes for helping the baby or bitches for not stopping the killer? #Australia #Sidney
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Sad stuff. For me personally I think it’s almost time to get offline and start making a difference in real life locally and elsewhere. I’m glad there are other people keeping up to date with the internet stuff and news cycle even if they’re cucks like GunsNQueer who can’t just point out that it’s not “urban life” but other races that cause these problems. As long as white people choose their own personal finances, careers, and social status over what’s right and defending each other, these problems will continue. I’m well aware that truthful statements like this have become very controversial and consequential which is why I’m not interested in being involved with any of this stuff anymore. The internet is not real life and never will be. It is also not forever like many have said it is. It’s something that will at some point no longer exist like greater civilizations that the American Empire no longer exist. I will leave it at that and just say that it would behoove many to contemplate what they really care about and what they’re actually willing to do to be about it. Other than, enjoy the spring and summer and be kind to animals and the environment. ✌🏻
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Repost from Gunt News Network
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Bluey (@finnabussin)

Jeez... People need to understand that attracting so many disabled deviants is a feature unique to Nick Fuentes in this political sphere and there are reasons for that. Nick himself understands; he calls his own fans "retards" The Ali Jamal segment without all the Pauseskis:

This is how we win the culture war:
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Man it’s hilarious how many of these small channels there are. It looks like everybody and their mom has some social media channel now lol. I’m thinking this is like stocks where once everyone is piling into the market, it’s time to get the fuck out 😆 The internet can be a very fun and exciting place but it’s mostly an illusion and it doesn’t seem to ever end well.
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