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🌸 Do you have an accident story? Hello, I’m Diego from Mexico. And today I’m gonna talk about vehicle accidents. Uhm, everyday I drive a scooter to school. Actually my university’s located around the mountains so it’s quite a drive. Anyways, I was driving to school like every morning and this lady didn’t see me coming and I was on her left hand side and she basically was like uh, you know, going at the same speed and then she basically turned without putting her blinkers on or anything and she didn’t even break. So she hit me and me and my scooter flew like three meters and it was, I don’t know, it all happened in the blink of an eye, pretty much. The police came, the ambulance came, and it was a bit overwhelming because there was all these people around me, and everybody was asking me if I was okay, and they were shaking me and they’re like “Are you okay, are you okay?” Thank God, nothing happened to me. I was just a bit bruised up. But it makes you wonder why there are reckless drivers out there. So for everybody out there who owns a car, please, drive safely.
إظهار الكل...
by and large - Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day.mp32.21 MB
🌸 Hello, this is Nuri from Korea. And today's question is, Have you ever been in an accident? Well, actually, I have been in many accidents myself when I was young. For example, when I was 5 years old, I was hit by a motorcycle. The driver was very young probably in his early twenties, and of course I was really young, at the time 5 years old. So we were both in shock, and for a while, we couldnít do anything until somebody pops up and helped us and carried me to the hospital. Because I didn't get a major injury from that accident, I think it was really fortunate and probably God blessed me.
إظهار الكل...
👍 1
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I did my best, but I guess my best wasn't good enough. Sometimes, despite giving everything we have, it feels like our efforts fall short. It’s tough to accept that even after all the hard work, things might not turn out the way we hoped. This feeling of not being enough can be disheartening and make us question our abilities. But even when things don’t go as planned, it’s important to remember that our best effort is never wasted and often lays the groundwork for future success. Every experience, even the disappointing ones, teaches us something valuable and helps us grow stronger.
إظهار الكل...
dally - Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day.mp31.92 MB
nebula - Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day.mp31.77 MB
🌸 Hi, my name is Chris, I’m from the US and my question is have I ever been a boss? Yes, I have been a boss at one time. It was before I finished my undergraduate degree. I was a manager at McDonalds for about little over a year. Uhm, it was a job that I enjoyed but I was very busy all the time. Uhm, and, you know, when you’re the boss and you have people working under you, it also becomes an issue of managing people, not only just managing what happens in doing your job but also making sure that people are doing their job and you’re responsible for them. Based on my case, responsible for the cash drawer, making deposits, ordering, taking inventory, making sure everybody was doing what they’re supposed to be doing and also myself, staying busy to help things run as smoothly and efficiently.
إظهار الكل...
🌸 Hello, my name is Lilit. I'm from Armenia. My question today is what country would you like to live in? I personally would like to live in Malaysia, specifically in Kuala Lumpur, where I was a tourist about two years ago, and I absolutely fell in love with the country and the city. First of all, I'd like to say that it's a city with modern buildings, skyscrapers, shopping malls, but everything is situated in the jungles and it's just a beautiful combination of all the palm trees and the concrete buildings. Secondly, I really liked their food. It was very delicious and the people were very nice. Everyone was very helpful, very polite, and I also liked the transportation system, which was great. They had a metro which worked in all the parts of the city. And of course the best thing about the city is that it is situated near the beach. And I absolutely love the sea and the beach so it's a perfect city for me to live in.
إظهار الكل...
liminal - Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day.mp32.32 MB
succor - Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day.mp32.22 MB
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