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Muborak Zakirovna 🇺🇿🇺🇸

Itʼs me, Muborak -18 y.o -Student life in US, -University of Cincinnati’27 -"El-Yurt Umidi"scholar -Law & Society -Ibrat Camp 2022 -Books -Opportunities -Thoughts

إظهار المزيد
مشاركات الإعلانات
1 648
-624 ساعات
-117 أيام
-1430 أيام

جاري تحميل البيانات...

معدل نمو المشترك

جاري تحميل البيانات...

Life before exams❤️‍🔥
إظهار الكل...
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Repost from Olimjon Uktamov
Assalamu Alaikum guys ! Man application bo'yicha shuncha postlar o'qiyman ammo ularni real hayotda doim qo'llash qiyin bo'lgan. CV tayyorlash, Essay yozish va boshqa bir qancha bizning scholarship'larimizga tasiri katta bo'lgan jihatlarni to'laqonli o'rganish biz uchun juda muhim. Aynan shu soha yoki bo'lim yuzasidan aynan man o'zimda ham bilim past edi. Oxirgi vaqtlarda kanalimni nega ochganligim esimga tushib qolganligi sababli bir qancha izlanishlar, application ko'nikmalarni qayta o'rgana boshladim. Ha man full yuta olmaganman, balki yuta olmasdurman ham. Ammo sizlar bilan barcha narsani qayta o'rganishim va sizlar uchun qandaydur ma'noda experience bo'lib berishim mumkin. United Kingdomga uchishimga ham deyarli 1 hafta qoldi. Shu oraliqda hafta davomida rejalashtirilgan tarzda sizlarga o'zim yaqindan o'rgangan application knowledge ni ulashmoqchiman. Albatta bundan hech qanday dunyoviy manfaat ko'zlamadim.
إظهار الكل...
Repost from Olimjon Uktamov
Darslar mobaynida biz: - har xil application app'larni qanday to'ldirish - turli full-ride scholarship larga topshirish va ularni yutish - ushbu scholarshiplarni yutgan insonlar bilan eng muhim masalalarni maslahatlashish - applicationga kerak bo'ladigan har qanday hujjatlarni to'ldirishni egallaymiz. Alvallo yaxshi niyatni ishni Bismillah deb boshladim. Process davomida yo'l qo'yishim mumkin bo'lgan xato va kamchiliklarga ko'z yumasiz degan umiddaman.
إظهار الكل...
Thanks to Dilara, today I want to share some of my memories with you. (This was written while crying.) You might not know that I am both Uzbek and Kazakh; my mother's side of the family is Kazakh. From 1st to 4th grade, I lived with my grandmother (my mother's mother). I believe these years were the most crucial and brightest of my childhood. Why? Every morning when I woke up, 'baursak' and black tea (with milk, of course) were always ready on the table. There are Kazakh and Karakalpak national dishes like the dessert "Maysok" and the meal "Beshbarmak." I've never met anyone who can make them better than my grandmother. After breakfast, my grandma would neatly braid my long hair, and then I used to go to school. She is also the reason for my interest in the Russian language; I started learning it when I saw how fluently my grandmother spoke Russian, Kazakh and German. My four years of elementary school were so wonderful with her,(May Allah give her long-life) and only now do I realize that Allah blessed me with a wonderful childhood and a family that everyone admires. If you are living with your family now, please remember that you can never get these times back. You won't fight over the TV remote with your brother forever, you won't always argue with your sister over washing the dishes, and you won't always be able to go to the park with your parents on Children's Day. All this is temporary, so please appreciate it all!
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The reason I went to California was for the American Bar Association's Business Law Meeting. More than 2500 Business Lawyers, Attorneys, Professors and, of course, students interested in this field gathered from all over the world. CLE programs (Continue Legal Education) are organized for students. Upon completion of this program, the student will be awarded a certificate. Networking - If I hadn't attended this meeting, I wouldn't have been able to meet law students at UPenn or chairs from other fields at all. I travelled to California alone, and understand more that the world is not as dangerous as we think, we humans set limits for ourselves in our imaginations. While walking alone on the island, I felt such peace and gratitude in my heart that it is difficult to explain. Sometimes if I feel that my "Social Battery" is getting low, I don't have enough positive energy to spread to the people around me. At this time, the best solution and help would be for me to go somewhere far away by myself.
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Day 2 Balboa Park, San Diego California❤️‍🔥
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Sizlar ham xotiralaringizni ba’zida biror buyumga bogʻlaysizlarmi? Ya’ni boʻlishi mumkin, u onangiz bilan birga olingan, ukangiz tanlashgan biror qadrli buyum? Har safar ishlatganda ehtiyot boʻlib, xotiralar esga tushib turadigan?
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اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.