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With Sevinch

🇺🇿Khiva Presidential school '23 🇺🇸University of Cincinnati '27 👩🏻‍💼Women’s Studies (BA) 👩‍🔬Biological Sciences (BS) 🏅"EYUF" scholar 🎖"Zulfiya" award holder Also visit: @fabeshaslibrary For ads: @ads_with_Fabesha

إظهار المزيد
Uzbekistan28 308الإنكليزية165 460التعليم66 177
مشاركات الإعلانات
1 597
لا توجد بيانات24 ساعات
-67 أيام
-1630 أيام

جاري تحميل البيانات...

معدل نمو المشترك

جاري تحميل البيانات...

Ishonch yo‘qolsa, orzu qoladi. Orzu yo‘qolsa, umid qoladi. Umid yo‘qolsa, ilinj qoladi. Ilinj yo‘qolsa... Hech nima qolmaydi... © O'tkir Hoshimov
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💔 30💯 11❤‍🔥 7🌚 3💘 3🔥 1😢 1
My gallery is full of such photos, I am just vibing with academics.📚 My exams have already started and going successful so far) The main thing is I am literally enjoying tha academic hardships. Maybe soon I will start posting much more useful stuff for you again. But till this, I be sharing just photos so that you don't forget this channel exists👀 @with_Fabesha
إظهار الكل...
❤‍🔥 37 6👍 4😍 4🆒 2🔥 1👀 1
🌟 Welcome to Madina's Seoul Diary! 🌟 Meet Madina Sadullaeva—a curious and vibrant soul. As a Khiva Presidential School alumna ('23), "Zulfiya" award laureate, and SEAMO maths champion, she's now exploring Computer Science and Engineering at Sogang University, Korea. Madina's passions are boundless: • 📸 Capturing life's fleeting moments • 🚴‍♂ Embracing the thrill of sports • 🍀 Seeking heart-racing adventures 📚🌏 Join her journey through South Korea’s vibrant life, filled with creative insights and heartfelt stories, shared in Uzbek, Russian, English, and Korean. 🤝 Be part of her community 🔗 Dive into Madina's Seoul Diary and become part of the story. See you there! 👋
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Madina’s Seoul Diary🇰🇷

Presidential school in Khiva '23 🇺🇿👩‍🎓 Sogang university '27 🇰🇷👩‍🎓 Laureate of the state award “Zulfiya” (2022) 🏅 Languages: 🇰🇷 🇺🇲 🇺🇿 🇷🇺 Contact: @SMO_ask_bot

5❤‍🔥 1
Repost from unicrafters
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🎙 Unicraft Spotlight: Featuring Nigina Muzaffarova In the next episode of our new series, Unicraft Spotlight, we’re thrilled to share insights with Nigina Muzaffarova, a rising junior at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, majoring in Journalism and French Studies. Join us as we discuss life and education in the United States, the El-Yurt Umidi scholarship, and delve into Nigina’s passions. This episode will be hosted by Javohir Akramov, a sophomore at Georgetown University in Qatar. Don't miss this enlightening conversation on September 6 at 8:30 PM. Be sure to follow our YouTube channel! @unicrafters |
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2👍 1
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⚡️Davlat stipendiyalari yutish uchun TOP-5️⃣tavsiyam 1. Baho va ballaringizga e’tiborli bo’ling. Prezident stipendiyasi uchun barcha baholar a’lo, nomdor stipendiyalar uchun a’lo va yaxshi bo’lishi (yakuniy baholarda 25% gacha 4 mumkin), maxsus stipendiyalar uchun qoniqarli baholar bo’lmasligi shart. Stipendiyalarda faqat yakuniy baholar hisoblanadi. 2. Ilmiy maqolalar yozing. Yo’nalishingiz bo’yicha muammo, kamchilik va yutuqlarni o’rganib, sohangiz bo’yicha puxta, dolzarb va xalqaro talabdagi ilmiy maqolalar yozing. Navoiy stipendiyasini olish uchun faqat Navoiy haqida yozish kerak, degan fikr xato. 3. Ijtimoiy faol bo’ling. Bilim va sohangizdan kelib chiqib, loyiha, dasturlarga qatnashing yoki o’z muallifligingizda universitetda loyihalar tashkillang. 4. Tanlovlarga qatnashing. Yo’nalishga mos Respublika, viloyat, universitet tanlovlariga qatnashing. Bu haqida ma’lumotlar universitet rasmiy sahifalari, vazirlik va Yoshlar ishlari agentligi kanallarida mavjud. 5. Til o’rganing. Nomdor stipendiyalar (Navoiy, I. Karimov, Beruniy, Ibn Sino, Bobur…) uchun til sertifikati bo’lishi majburiy bo’lib bormoqda. Sohangizga qarab, xorijiy tilni bilishni tasdiqlovchi milliy yoki xalqaro sertifikat olishga tayyorlaning. Til sertifikati majburiy emas, ammo yutishingizda katta ball beradi. @dilshoda_xakimova
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💘 6👍 5 3🔥 1
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Siz uchun saralangan kanallar jamlanmasi❗️ ✅ Real exam materials ✅ Free mock exams ✅ Vocabulary, C1-C2 words ✅ Free Video lessons ✅ Study abroad 🇺🇸 ➡️ Tezroq qoʻshilib ingliz tili darajangizni biz bilan yaxshilang! 👉👉Add_the_folder👈👈
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Repost from Ali’s Cognition
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Study club

We can discuss everything about study, study abroad, how to be productive and get higher grades. If you're interested in please join!

10 5❤‍🔥 2
A little about how my days are going🎁 Pretty well) @with_Fabesha
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Billie_Eilish-everything_i_wanted.mp39.37 MB
❤‍🔥 23 6💔 4🔥 1
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One more good news, I will be volunteering as an ATA in a Biology Lab this semester. It is seems hard enough even before the beginning, like we have to use Excel and be good at Statistics... but "what does not kill you makes you stronger". Thanks to A level classes at school, I am alive* at college now😅
إظهار الكل...
21❤‍🔥 5👍 5🆒 4🔥 2💘 1
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.