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the great awakening news and views

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+27 أيام
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جاري تحميل البيانات...

إظهار الكل...
MR GOODE ⚡️ [Business of Truth]

The Diddler is done for. ⚡️

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@SmileLoveGematria 😃❤️🔠 🔢

THIS GUY is so full of SH*T! “ puppet Yuval Noah Harari: “Most information is junk. Most of it is lies, fake news, conspiracy theories, delusions, illusions, because this is very cheap and easy to produce." "And you have these rare gems of truth, which are very costly to produce, and how do we find them? This is the job of institutions like journalism, like scientific institutions." 🤣🤣🤣 He wants you to think journalists reveal the truth! 🤣🤣🤣 And why is truth costly to produce? Truth is not ‘produced’ it just is! It’s lies that need to be produced! 🤮🤮🤮”
إظهار الكل...
Laura--Lightworker in Q Anon Army: One Squad Under God Chat

WEF puppet Yuval Noah Harari: “Most information is junk. Most of it is lies, fake news, conspiracy theories, delusions, illusions, because this is very cheap and easy to produce." "And you have these rare gems of truth, which are very costly to produce, and how do we find them? This is the job of institutions like journalism, like scientific institutions." 🤣🤣🤣 He wants you to think journalists reveal the truth! 🤣🤣🤣 And why is truth costly to produce? Truth is not ‘produced’ it just is! It’s lies that need to be produced! 🤮🤮🤮

إظهار الكل...
Eric Maounis in Q Anon Army: One Squad Under God Chat

Learning how to properly massage the neck This complex effectively removes clamps and salt deposits in the neck and shoulder area. ✅ You should try it if you or your loved ones are often bothered by headaches. Join: Family_Doctor✅️

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Larry in Q Anon Army: One Squad Under God Chat

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⚔️ in Q Anon Army: One Squad Under God Chat

No crown for Charlie on the new note! 🤔 Not a surprise for those awake and know that the monarchy were abolished! "Hence why I always referred to him as the "Fake King Charles!" The Royal Pantomime is being addressed and as I understand it I believe it will capitulate over time and that hour is "not too far away!" But as these demons were a pivotal point of interest and admiration for the sleeping sheep over decades, tearing them down quickly was seen to be to divisive and psychologically damaging to the lost flag waving serfs! In reality no amount of exposure such as the loss of the Queen, the spilt of Harry from the family empire, The cancer and strange goings on with CGI Kate, the skin cancer of Fergie, the missing mother of Kate, the legitimacy of Camilla, the pedophilia of Andrew and his links to Epstein or the homosexual activities and Royal Hunting parties enjoyed by them all will be exposed. Add to this the death of close family members and their friends committing suicide and still the people snooze! Don't forget the buried truth of what happened to "Princess Diana" who warned the people they were plotting to kill her weeks before her fatal crash! When you understand how this fairytale was established and its links to the Rothschilds, Washington DC and the Vatican you will put it together quite easily! With the continued abdication of many supposed Royals across Europe the once Rich & Powerful dynasties are disappearing from our lives and the sooner the better! Finally when Fake Charles hands over the baton to the Devils lovechild William and people understand his families child trafficking, charity fraud connection, links to the WEF & the fact he owns SERCO i would imagine like most of these awakened story lines we are in for a huge finale! As for the notes themselves they will become as worthless as the pantomime circus act but may make a good souvenir for the Devils children! 🤔😈😈😈

🔥💖😎LOOKS LIKE someone was gathering information for the White Hats:
إظهار الكل...
Victorious 💜 Save Our Children! And So It Is 🌸 Love 🙏 in Q Anon Army: One Squad Under God Chat

🔥💖💖Psalm 23 - POWERFUL
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Kells9700 Esther 4:14 in 5DGramma Chat 💎🐰💎

Praying Psalm 23 over you my friends. God bless. #Godwins @Kellstribe

“End of a world - soon the other. There was a magnificent sunset in Brittany this evening. The Good Lord, despite the horrors that modern man and the demons of hell pour into this world, the good Lord Wants to remind us that He is The Master and that He continues to govern the Universe and all beings despite their revolt and their thirst for death and destruction. What He also teaches us through the constancy of His magnificent works is that men - even the most perverse and corrupt - pass away and that He alone remains ("tu autem idem ipse est"). Men die, evil empires pass away but God alone remains. What is certain is that the current malice of the globalists, the perversion of the liberals, the weakness and inertia of the mediocre will end because it is against nature and the rights of Christ, of the Church, of truth and beauty will resume their legitimate rights. But then sin and ignominies will have to be purified by fire and blood. Then the great mystery of the Cross will apply to all those who have refused it in all its forms: it will apply to sacrilegious souls, to the perverse, to the lukewarm and even to the good. Let us prepare our souls for this great purification of the earth.”
إظهار الكل...

Fin d'un monde - bientôt l'autre . Il y avait ce soir en Bretagne un magnifique coucher de soleil. Le Bon Dieu, malgré les horreurs que l'homme moderne et les démons de l'enfer déversent en ce bas monde, le bon Dieu Veut nous rappeler qu'il est Le Maître et qu'Il continue à gouverner l'Univers et tous les êtres malgré leur révolte et leur soif de mort et de destruction. Ce qu'Il nous enseigne également à travers la constance de ses oeuvres magnifiques, c'est que les hommes - même les plus pervers et corrompus - passent et que Lui seul demeure (" tu autem idem ipse est") . Les hommes meurent, les empires maléfiques passent mais Dieu seul reste. Ce qui est certain c'est que la malice actuel des mondialistes, la perversion des libéraux, la faiblesse et l'inertie des médiocres va s'achever parce qu'elle est contre nature et que les droits du Christ, de l'Église, de la vérité et de la beauté reprendront leur droit légitimes. Mais alors le péché et les ignominies devront être purifiées par le feu et le sang. S'appliquera alors le grand mystère de la Croix à tous ceux qui l'ont refusé sous toutes ses formes : il s'appliquera aux âmes sacrilèges, aux pervers, aux tièdes et mêmes aux bons. Préparons nos âmes à cette grande purification de la terre.

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