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Odhalenie klamstiev astrofyziky a poznanie pravdivej kozmológie nám otvára cestu ku Stvoriteľovi a tajomstvám stvorenia. Úcta k u pravde je základ morálky.

إظهار المزيد
مشاركات الإعلانات
لا توجد بيانات24 ساعات
-17 أيام
-630 أيام

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معدل نمو المشترك

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Youtube teraz dáva pod videá o plochej zemi oznam že je to konšpiračná teória. Lol
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Why do things disappear bottom up?

The mainstream explanation for bottom-up obstruction is that it is EXPLICITY and SOLEY caused by the geometric curvature of the Earth. However, this effect can be entirely explained by optical phenomena related to angular resolution and perspective. The loss of information at the horizon can be modeled using the values of optical limits of perception, challenging the notion that it is due to physical curvature. If this is even PARTLY the case, why in the world would no calculation take into account real world, quantifiable phenomena such as angular resolution limits when 'calculating' curvature? Why do objects appear to disappear from the bottom up as they move away from an observer on a level plane? This visual phenomenon can be attributed to the principles of perspective, angular resolution, and optical effects rather than the curvature of the Earth. Let's delve into these concepts to understand how they contribute to this effect. Angular resolution refers to the smallest angle at which two points can be distinguished as separate by the human eye. This limit plays a crucial role in how we perceive distant objects. When an observer's height is lowered, the horizon line appears closer, affecting the compression and expansion of angles in the field of view. The loss of information is thus a function of angular resolution and perspective, not curvature. The angular resolution limit of the human eye is approximately between 0.02° and 0.03°. When the angular size of an object is smaller than this limit, optical information loss occurs, causing the object to disappear from sight. This is particularly evident when observing objects at a distance, where the lower parts of the objects disappear first due to the compression of angles near the ground. The relationship between the observer's height and the horizon line is proportional. As the observer's height decreases, the angles near the ground compress, making the horizon appear closer. Conversely, angles above the eyeline expand. This compression of angles at the bottom and expansion at the top alters how objects are visually processed, leading to the bottom-up disappearance of objects as they move away. Atmospheric conditions, such as refraction and aberrations, also play a role in altering the perceived size and shape of distant objects. These optical phenomena can cause objects to appear distorted or to disappear at certain angles, contributing to the bottom-up obstruction effect. The bottom-up disappearance of objects on a level plane is a complex interplay of perspective, angular resolution, and optical phenomena. By understanding these principles, it can be determined that this effect is not necessarily indicative of Earth's curvature but rather a result of how our eyes and the atmosphere interact with light. ....Perhaps we should reconsider the assumptions about the nature of our visual world and the interpretations we derive from it? Angular Resolution and our World

Bottom up obstruction on a level plane

Have you ever seen Earth curve and distance dependent angular resolution in the same frame at the same time ? What if they are the same thing?

👏 2
إظهار الكل...
28.6-Mile Laser Test Proves Earth is Flat

16.4-mile Laser Test:

23-mile (and 14.4-mile) Laser Test:

Contact me at [email protected] Backup Channel at Odysee:


As always, my videos are free to use, edit, mirror, share, criticize, claim as your own, or whatever. I will never file a copyright claim against anyone. For the globe trolls (whether you're paid trolls or just insane globe zealots who have nothing better to do than attack flat earthers) - this is my classroom and if you want to comment here, there are a few rules: (1) no spamming, including group attacks - keep to your one comment and its thread; (2) no personal insults; (3) do not link to propaganda videos; (4) stay relevant to the topic at hand; (5) treat everyone here, especially my friends, with respect and kindness; and, (6) I'm not here to help you earn your income as a globe propagandist and so if you're incapable of actually mustering an independent thought and just want to repeat shill talking points - good riddance. Violators will be banned immediately and I don't think anyone's going to shed any tears for you. Please remember, YouTube actively promotes globe propaganda videos and suppresses flat earth videos and and our comments on all other channels. If you can get YouTube to change that policy, then I will allow all globe propagandist comments here.

👏 7
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Podľa mainstreamových retardov bol nad Nemeckom pozorovaný "nezvyčajne pomalý" "asteroid".
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IMG_1604.MP41.71 MB
Laserové experimenty dokazujú že vodná hladina nie je zakrivená
إظهار الكل...
The Greatest Laser Experiment In History - FECORE

The greatest and most sophisticated laser experiment. In this video FECORE will show how this historic laser experiment was performed. Thank you for your consideration. FECORE is growing fast, our member base has doubled in the last 9 months and our staff of engineers has grown with very well qualified and educated individuals. To expand our efforts we need your help ! ........................................................................................................... Original Video:

............................................................................................................ Special thanks to Globebusters (Bob Knodel)

Karen B

David Weiss

Dave Murphy:

Steve Torrence

Patrick Zeester

Sandor Szekely

Rick Hummer

Didi Vanh

Gary John

Robert Scott

Jeroen Jongejans

And of course Mike Cavanaugh (The President of FECORE)

.......................................................................................................... Special Thanks to

............................................................................................................ Music by the amazing: Venes Vanya Kuzeva

............................................................................................................ Edited by Zack AKA Decimal Z (Dr. Zack) ↓ ✅PayPal link 1:

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✅₿itcoin: 3N9YibNX8G6otuMLjQfm48NKBpe3KYQjfh ✅Ethereum: 0xe13CeD5A10CB2eF3a852f85249A9068dC2Ef7b6a ​ ✅Facebook:

​ ✅Decimal Z Channel:​

✅Dr. Zack's Email: [email protected] ....................................................................................... Decimal Z facebook:

..................................................................................... ⛔ If you are NOT a member of FECORE, and you want to mirror the video, you can, BUT, you MUST wait 30 days after the video is released. Then copy the description above and paste it out in the description of the video in your channel. There are many people who are involved in each video that I post and they like to get credit for their work too. They are giving you the right to mirror but they only have the above conditions which are so fair. So please try to respect that. If you do not respect that, you may receive a copyright strike. Feel free to share the link with everyone to support the channels of the people who work on my videos. Thank you. 🡇Download DESCRIPTION:

😍 5
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Titulok, z ktorého som to prevzal, hovorí: "úkaz, ktorý nastal, keď Falcon 9 spoločnosti SpaceX opustil zemskú atmosféru, bol taký krásny." Opustenie "atmosféry" Zeme. Dobre, retard. V akej výške, 5000 stôp? A prečo? Pretože prešiel vzduchovou bariérou, ktorá tam sedí a nič nerobí v rozpore s 2. zákonom termodynamiky? Ani ostatné videá zachytávajúce tento jav, nie sú ani raketou "zasahujúcou kupolu". Neviem, čo sa deje, asi len nejaký efektný ohňostroj, ale nie je to ani jedno z vyššie uvedeného.
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اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.