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John and his friend …. to the cinema once a week.Anonymous voting
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إظهار الكل...
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John and his friend …. to the cinema once a week.Anonymous voting
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👍 1
إظهار الكل...
Reading o’smayotgan bo’lsa⬇️ ✅ 5-5.5 days qotib qolgan bo’lgansiz⬇️ ✅ Mock testlar kerak bo’lsa⬇️ ✅ Qo’shilib oling. Afsuslanmaysiz😊
إظهار الكل...
❤️Readingda ko'p uchraydigan sinonimlar
emotions-feelings experts-biologists enormous-immense eyesight-vision effect-impact evidence-clue experiments-studies evidence-indication environmental-ecological extremely high-impressive each person-each individual external-outer encourage-promote
Ochishga ochdingiz endi reaksiya bosib keting🔥🐳❤️ JOIN: 𝔼ℕ𝔾𝕃𝕀𝕊ℍ 𝕀𝔻𝕀𝕆𝕄𝕊
إظهار الكل...
6👍 4
Daily Speaking mock tests Band 7.0 ⤵️ Mock 1 Mock 2 Mock 3 Mock 4 Band 8.0 ⤵️ Mock 1 Mock 2 Mock 3 Mock 4 Band 8.5 ⤵️ Mock 1 Mock 2 Mock 3 Mock 4 Band 9.0 ⤵️ Mock 1 Mock 2 Mock 3 Mock 4 Sizni telegramdagi eng katta SPEAKING MOCK imtihonlar tashkil etiladigan kanalga taklif qilamiz! Asosiysi hammasi TEKIN! ✈️SPEAKING MOCK
إظهار الكل...
🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠 🔠🔠🔠🔠 🎵Speaking sample answers TOPIC:Teachers 1. Do you like any teacher of yours?
Yes, I do. During the entire course of my school life, I was instructed by many lovely teachers whom I love and respect a lot. Among them, the person who inspired me the most is my English major teacher in my high school.
2. Do you still keep in touch with your teachers?
Well, after school graduation, I still contact my Mother tongue and English teachers from time to time. Besides, on special occasions like the Tet holiday or teacher’s day, I still visit them with my friends to express my gratitude.
3.Do you think it’s important to like your teacher?
Of course, yes. When you have a good relationship with your teachers, you may find their way of teaching more understandable. Most importantly, you will feel more motivated in studying and in the end, perform better.
4. Do you want to be a teacher?
Definately, yes. I’m quite enthusiastic about conveying knowledge to others, especially those who are willing to learn. As I’m capable of explaining things concisely and appealingly, I’m quite cut out for teaching.
5. What qualities should a good teacher have?
Well, one needs to have a lot of attributes to become a good teacher, in my opinion. Besides good knowledge, you also need to be patient, diligent and highly disciplined. Unless you are passionately devoted to teaching, you cannot call yourself a good teacher.
(Idea 💡 yetishmayapti deganlar uchun! Yoqqan bo'lsa va har kuni shunday post tashashimizni hohlasangiz + belgisini qoldiring) Post yoqgan boʻlsa 🕊🕊 bosib keting 𝔼ℕ𝔾𝕃𝕀𝕊ℍ 𝕀𝔻𝕀𝕆𝕄𝕊
إظهار الكل...
🕊 3👍 2🔥 1
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_____ Smiths live in Chicago.Anonymous voting
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