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DO YOU CARE? Care is the most powerful force on planet Earth. A man who is 70% as competent but CARES deeply about the result, Will outperform the most competent men on the planet who just don't give a fuck. This is the reason you should be very selective with what you care about, You cannot throw around this superpower in every possible direction. The man who CARES equally about everyone and everything, can do very little for everyone. You are broke because you don't CARE that you are broke. It doesn't sting your soul. You sleep soundly at night, You look in the mirror and don't CARE how you look. Your weak little arms and chubby belly don’t bother you. You think you'll achieve your dreams without caring. You think you'll continue to jerk off and waste time "occasionally". And that it's okay. Because your dreams will happen by accident. So you use all your care for garbage that doesn't even benefit you. You felt fine when you wasted that hour today. INFACT you felt GOOD about it. YOU DO NOT CARE. Not as much as the world champions. Not as much as the billionaires, multimillionaires, astronauts and world-class surgeons. You are WASTING the greatest gift God has ever bestowed upon you. Your ability to CARE about things. The lesson here is simple : You can only care badly enough about a FEW things at a time. When will you finally wake up and CARE that YOU COULD BE DOING SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU ARE???? 2024 has been less than perfect. If that doesn't bother you. 2025 will be the same. The cycle of life for every average soul who accomplished nothing. Break the Fucking Cycle. CARE🔥 - Master B2A
إظهار الكل...
🔥 7
Life of a Man: Potential means nothing, Results mean everything Imagine that you're on your deathbed... And you're surrounded by ghosts of your unfulfilled Potential. Those ghosts are the ideas on which you never acted upon and the talents you didn't use. They're standing around you angry, disappointed and upset. They say... We came to you. You could have brought us to life. But you didn't. And now, we all have to die along with you. So the question is... How many ghosts will be around your bed when your time comes?🔥 - Master B2A
إظهار الكل...
🔥 13💊 3😢 2👍 1
How losers Cope - "I am a Sigma Male!" Being a “sigma male” is a huge cope. Strong alpha males thrive in packs—surrounded by a solid network of friends, mentors, and allies. It’s this network that gives them power, resources, and opportunities. Social proof is everything in attracting women, and alpha males have it in abundance. The lone wolf mentality might look cool in movies, but in real life, these so-called “sigma males” are often isolated, lacking meaningful connections. Isolation leads to failure. Success comes from power, influence, and respect, none of which are built in solitude. Take a look at any successful man—whether it’s in business, politics, or social circles—they always have a strong network backing them. For example, someone like Elon Musk didn’t become a billionaire by going it alone. He built alliances, fostered partnerships, and maintained relationships with influential people. In contrast, the “lone wolf” guy with no connections struggles to get ahead because he lacks the support and leverage that comes with a pack. No one wins alone. The idea of a self-sufficient “sigma male” is pure fantasy; in reality, it’s a recipe for mediocrity. Strive to become a Leader of the masses. Leading your own life doesn't make you a Leader, that's just a basic life necessity. Stop "Sigma" male Coping and learn how to Influence people if you want to become Great.🔥 - Master B2A
إظهار الكل...
🔥 7
Your typical commoner who thinks he is different because he doesn’t follow main stream media like others but is a fan of either - stoic philosophy - red pill - Tate brothers/Jordan Peterson etc. - Traditional conservatives - religion (insert any - Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism etc.) ‼️News flash ‼️ You are not that different from main stream media followers You must learn from others, Not blindly follow them because they are “great” thinkers. Wtf are you then? Some mediocre loser with no brain of his own? Thinking that another person is superior than you in intelligence is a fallacy. All these people I mentioned above, had ancestors that spent millions of years in the African Savannah and fought sabor tooth tigers to make sure they were born with a fully formed brain with all the evolutionary traits wired in it for their survival. Guess what? Your ancestors did exactly that too. So don’t follow anyone blindly, Don’t become someone else’s fan. Don’t be such a loser. It’s an insult to your bloodline and your very existence. Honor yourself, Become your own philosopher.🔥 - Master B2A
إظهار الكل...
💯 8 3🔥 2
Censorship : good or bad? If you see a person or a group of people suppressing speech or trying to shut down inquiry, or who forbid certain questions being asked, distrust them; they do not want the truth to be discovered. The side that is telling the truth is rarely for censorship, if ever. The Catholic Church prosecuted Galileo for saying that the Earth orbits the Sun; they insisted that the Sun orbits the Earth. Stalin and Mao imprisoned and executed people for saying free market capitalism is a better economic system than communism. Google fired James Damore for saying that men and women are psychologically different, due to their biology and genetics. In hindsight, it is clear that the Earth does in fact orbit the Sun, free market capitalism is far better at creating wealth than communism, and men and women are indeed psychologically different due to their biology and genetics. In every case those who were for censorship were wrong, those who were censored were correct.🔥 - Master B2A
إظهار الكل...
🔥 6 1
An average man’s life: wake up tired long commute to work yell at traffic look at meaningless spreadsheets scroll on your phone during the lunch break help someone else achieve their dreams long commute back home argue with your wife go to bed repeat. Don’t fall into the “average“ trap. Stop doing things because “everyone does it”. Stop being fucking average. Greatness will never touch you if think and act like an average man.🔥 - Master B2A
إظهار الكل...
💯 16👍 2 2
Five events that will change every man's life: 1. Being broke 2. A friend betraying you 3. The death of your father 4. Getting your heart broken 5. Realizing no one is coming to save you.🔥 - Master B2A
إظهار الكل...
🔥 21👍 2
⚠️ New E-Book is OUT⚠️ ‼️Exclusive 25% promotional discount for our Telegram Subscribers ONLY until Friday, Sept 13th‼️ There is a lot of Manipulation involved in Modern Dating. If you are a rich and successful Man, there are tons of women waiting to manipulate you using Dark Seduction Techniques. This is why I took the time to write this book where I go into great details about dark manipulative tactics used by BOTH sexes when it comes to Dating & Seduction. This book gives you a COMPLETE breakdown of why such manipulation tactics work (the evolutionary reasons behind it) and how you can use it to your advantage as a Man. It also teaches you how to save yourself from Manipulative women, that look Sweet and Innocent on the surface but in reality are extremely Toxic. Grab this book and learn all the Dark Secrets of Manipulation & Seduction to become a Dark Romeo and to avoid the Dark Cinderellas of this world! Click the link below for the discounted price exclusively for our telegram subscribers👇🏻
إظهار الكل...
Seductive Manipulation : The Dark Psychology of Dating🖤

Introducing Seductive Manipulation: The Dark Psychology of Dating🖤Unlock the Secrets to Mastering Seductive Manipulation and Navigating the Modern Dating Landscape with Confidence!Are you tired of ...

🔥 5
Weak men are vocal about downplaying status symbols they don't possess: Uneducated -> "college is a scam" No muscle -> "bodybuilders can't fight" Can't fight -> "MMA is gay" No money -> "wealth doesn't buy happiness" Get good at catching yourself when you fall into this BS.🔥 - Master B2A
إظهار الكل...
👍 12🔥 4
Struggle is your Friend The best advice I could give a man who's struggling today? What I'm about to say might sound harsh, but do not complain, On the contrary, rejoice! Your trials are the best thing that ever happened to you. Why? Because our modern society has allowed comfort to triumph, and this comfort has weakened men. ➡️The drudgery of working in the fields or mines, adversity, war 🤺 this was what made our ancestors such valiant men, who continue to inspire us today. All these elements have disappeared. There is little or nothing left for modern men to test their courage. So, if your life is difficult? Take it as a challenge. It's in pain that good men are formed. You have the perfect opportunity to become one. By taking the reins of your destiny into your own hands, you'll solve your problems and forge your masculinity. In fact, you even have a head start. Those who don't experience hardship and difficulty will suffer delayed pain. 👉 Can't find a girl? Get out more, take risks, experiment with new things, discover new places. 👉 Are you lonely? Get out of your comfort zone, meet up with activist and professional communities who share your values. 👉 Do you feel your country is falling apart and there's nothing you can do about it? Improve your personal condition and that of your loved ones through work, and create a happy future for yourself. All your problems can be solved with willpower and effort. Nobody said life was an easy experience. Your life is a Game, become the Winner.🔥 - Master B2A
إظهار الكل...
🔥 11 4
اختر خطة مختلفة

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