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♻️ All about GRAMMAR, IELTS and MULTI LEVEL 📚 Live lessons 💯 🇬🇧 Grammar free lessons 📥 SPEAKING 58 📥 WRITING 58 📥 LISTENING 56 📥 READING 51 🚨 Benefit depends on you 📱 Murojaat @savollaringiz_uchun_bot

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🔠🔠🔠🔠 ➖7️⃣ 7️⃣ Describe an ideal dream job for future life
My ideal dream job is to be an IT Manager. This role excites me because it combines my passion for technology with leadership and strategic planning. As an IT Manager, I would have the opportunity to oversee a team of IT professionals and ensure that technology solutions align with the organization’s goals. First and foremost, I would love the challenge of managing projects that involve implementing new technologies and improving existing systems. This would require a deep understanding of both the technical aspects and the business needs, allowing me to bridge the gap between IT and other departments. I find it incredibly rewarding to identify solutions that enhance efficiency and productivity within an organization. In addition to project management, I’m eager to foster a collaborative and innovative team environment. I believe that empowering team members to share their ideas and take ownership of their work can lead to remarkable outcomes. I would encourage continuous learning and professional development, ensuring that the team stays updated with the latest trends in technology and cybersecurity. Another key aspect of my dream job would be to engage with stakeholders across the organization. By communicating effectively with non-technical staff, I could ensure that everyone understands how technology can support their work. This interaction would not only help in tailoring IT solutions but also promote a culture of technological adaptation and innovation. Lastly, I envision a work environment that values flexibility and work-life balance. Being able to implement remote work options and flexible hours would enhance team morale and productivity, making the workplace more appealing. In conclusion, being an IT Manager perfectly aligns with my interests and strengths. It offers a blend of technical expertise, leadership, and strategic thinking, making it my ideal dream job for the future.
P/S: Speaking part 2-ning 70ta topiclar -i uchun sample answer. Qaysidur topic uchun sample kerak bo'lsa commentda qoldiring 📤 Foydali bo'lsa yaqinlarga ulashing ☑️
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💯 7🏆 7💋 6👌 4🐳 3🍓 3🕊 2🍾 2😍 1🎄 1😘 1
Keling yaxshiroq plan qilamiz aynan ushbu discussion-imizni ertaga qoldiramiz va men sizga yanada koproq malumot va hali hech qaysi kanalda ko'rmagan materiallar bilan sizni taminlayman Nega ertaga: Chunki bugun bu qarorni shoshilib tasdiqladim. Shoshilib ineffective dars o'tgandan ko'ra plan bilan mukammal dars ko'rsak nur ustiga a'lo nur bo'ladi menimcha. Bira to'la oktabrchilar uchun ham advicelarni birga discuss qilib yuboramiz. Maqulmi xalqim ✊😊
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👌 8🍾 8 7🐳 6💋 6🔥 5🍓 5🕊 4🥰 1🎉 1🤝 1
😕 ignored mi guys 🤝😕
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👍 1
⭕️⭕️⭕️ ⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️ ⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️ EXAM ADVICE SPEAKING NEW FORMAT TAHLILI 💀 Imtihongacha va imtihonda qilishiz kerak bo'lgan narsalar bugungi darsimizda batafsil o'tamiz - Va dars davomida sizni qiziqtirgan barcha savollarga javob berib o'tamiz 💀 Siz vaqtini commentda yozib qoldirib ushbu postni barcha CEFR topshiruvchilarga ulashib qo'ying Dars uchun link 🔽 ▶️ ▶️
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❤‍🔥 3 1😍 1🐳 1🍾 1🤓 1🫡 1🆒 1
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🔥 BOOM. The lesson has been finished 📚 Where I should collect the ideas for writing task 2. 🥲 Writing task 2 uchun idealarni qayerdan to'plasam bo'ladi
🖥 Writing yozishda hamma joydan idea qidirb yurganmidiz, har xil kitoblar o'qidingiz lekin tushunmay ham idealarni olaverdingizmi ? Yangi materiallar bormikan writingimni yaxshilash uchun fikrlarchi ? bu fikrlarga endi chek qo'yamiz ✔️
Iloji boricha do'stlaringizga ham tarqatib chiqing va siz ham ilmni ulashishga ko'makchi bo'ling 🥲 📤 Foydali bo'lsa yaqinlarga ulashing ☑️
إظهار الكل...
record.mp4197.68 MB
👍 2🔥 2🤩 1🕊 1🤝 1
Guys bugun nima qilamiz bitta discussion exam lesson qilib yuboramizmi ? Speaking new format Exam atmosphere bilan tanishib chiqamiz Speaking new format qiyinlashdi deganlar ham uzining fikrini o'zgartiradi albatta 😁 Go-mi ? Yessss 🐳
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🐳 11 1 1👍 1🥰 1😍 1🏆 1
🅰🅰🅰🅰 2⃣ ☑️ Speaking part uchun idea kemayabdi deb bahona qiladiganlar, sizlar uchun 179ta 8️⃣🔣5️⃣ samples. Endi part 2dan muammoga duch kelmaysiz ➡️ Ochdingizmi endi reaksiya qoldiring 😇❤️ 📤 Foydali bo'lsa yaqinlarga ulashing ☑️
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179 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Samples @Aslanovs_Lessons.pdf3.14 MB
12🕊 8💯 8🏆 5👍 4🐳 4🍾 4💋 3👌 1🍓 1
Writing Essay yozolmaydiganlar yana bir bora ushbu darsni ko'rib chiqing va share qilamiz 😊 Reaksiya ham tekin bildirib qoyorila ❤️‍🔥
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👏 3 2💋 2😘 2 1🥰 1🕊 1🤝 1🙊 1
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🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️🔠🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️🅰️ The lesson has been finished. IELTS writing task 2 haqida hamma ma'lumotga ega bo'lasiz. Darsda 👇
Qanday qilib plan qilish kerak Qanday qilib essaylarni yozish kerak Qanday qilib checking qilish kerak shular haqida bilib olasiz
👍 3 qator reaksiya to'ldirib qo'yishni unutmang 🔝 SHARE & FOLLOW & REACTIONS
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record.mp4176.40 MB
💯 2 1😢 1🌚 1🏆 1🤝 1😘 1
➡️ TASK 1 SAMPLES 9 ➡️ TASK 2 SAMPLES 9 - EXPERT-lar tomonidan yozilgan insholar to'plami aynan sizlar uchun Foydali bo'lgan bo'lsa yaqinlarga samalyot #qvoreyshn 😁 🖥 OBUNA BO'LAMIZ: @CEFR_DEVELOPE 🖥 OBUNA BO'LAMIZ: @CEFR_DEVELOPE
إظهار الكل...
Simon Task 1 Model Answers.pdf5.13 MB
Simon Task 2 Model Answers.pdf4.42 KB
Essay experts.pdf1.80 MB
🏆 7👌 6💯 6💋 6 5🐳 5👍 4🕊 4🍾 4🍓 2
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.