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💋Cleopatra | Eden Apple©️

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👎No excuses! Go to the gym, Even when your body is screaming "stay in bed." Yeah, you’re tired, but that’s not an excuse. Strength isn’t just built with weights, it’s built with consistency. Push through and get it done. Start that business, Even if you’ve only got $5 to your name. You don’t need a fortune to start; you need drive. Big empires were built from small ideas and a lot of hustle. Your wallet might be empty now, but your ambition shouldn’t be. Invest in education, Even if you’re flat broke. Knowledge is priceless, and what you put in your mind today will pay off tomorrow. Whether it’s a book, a course, or just learning from experience, keep investing in yourself. That’s the one stock that will never let you down. Approach that girl, Even if your stomach is doing backflips. Confidence isn’t the absence of fear, it’s acting in spite of it. Worst case? She says no. Best case? You’ve got a date. Either way, you’ll walk away with your head held high for taking a shot. Do that work, Even when motivation is nowhere to be found. Motivation is temporary. Discipline, though? That’s what separates the boys from the men. You’re not always going to feel like doing the work, but you do it anyway because that’s how you win. You are a man. Challenges are part of the game. Find a way to get things done, no matter what’s standing in your way. Excuses don’t build success—action does. So, take a deep breath, step up, and make it happen.
إظهار الكل...
👍 37 27🔥 8 3 2👏 2
I missed it!! We’re 10,000! 🥳 10,000 people who want to learn and master seduction, psychology and masculinity. I'm preparing a surprise for you as agreed for reaching the 10k! Stay tuned.
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👍 45 25🔥 19👏 6🎉 3
🃏 Don't play all your cards Women lose interest if you show too much affection. It’s like trying to feed someone their favorite dessert every single meal—at some point, they’re going to get sick of it. Sure, everyone loves a little attention, but too much? You’ll be smothering her like that over-the-top PDA couple no one can stand. Too much affection too soon is like playing all your cards at once. You’re giving her the full show when she hasn’t even settled in her seat yet. A little mystery, a little distance? That’s what keeps things exciting. If you’re constantly texting, calling, complimenting, and showering her with love like she’s your one and only focus, she’s going to get bored faster than a cat with a laser pointer that’s turned off. Think about it—people crave what they can’t have, not what’s always in their face. When you’re always available, always there, she knows she’s got you, and where’s the fun in that? Keep her on her toes. Show some affection, sure, but sprinkle it in like seasoning, not like you’re dumping the whole salt shaker on the table. Affection is great, but balance is better. Too much and it turns from sweet to suffocating. So, keep it cool, give her some space, and let her miss you a bit. That’s how you keep the spark alive. The tweet👇
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Women lose interest if you show too much affection to them.

👍 28 21🔥 10👻 4👏 2
💤Dreaming about you 24/7 Become an unpredictable man, and watch her obsession level hit new highs. Imagine you’re the plot twist in her favorite soap opera—suddenly, she’s hooked and can’t get enough. When you’re as predictable as a rerun of her favorite show, she’s got your entire script memorized. But when you’re a walking, talking enigma, she’s binge-watching every episode of “What’s He Gonna Do Next?” Here’s the secret sauce: mix things up. Cancel plans at the last minute—not to be a jerk, but just to keep things spicy. Surprise her with something random, like a taco truck instead of dinner at the usual place. Hell, send her a text with something like, “Guess what? I’m wearing a unicorn onesie today,” just to throw her off. The less she can predict, the more her brain will work overtime trying to figure you out. Change up your routine. If you’re always the guy who shows up at the gym at 6 AM, suddenly show up at 10 AM. If you’re always the guy who never initiates plans, be the guy who suddenly suggests a spontaneous road trip. When she starts getting used to your routine, that’s when you hit her with the unexpected. It’s like being a magician—now you see me, now you don’t. 🧩When you’re unpredictable, you become the ultimate puzzle. She’ll be thinking about you like you’re the last slice of pizza in the box—just can’t stop craving it, and trying to figure out how to get more. Every little quirk and surprise makes her brain spin, and that’s when she’ll be dreaming about you 24/7. So, be that WILD card. Keep her guessing, and she’ll be so wrapped up in figuring you out that she’ll forget to worry about anything else. And hey, if it means she’s spending her nights wondering what you’ll do next, then you’re doing it right.
إظهار الكل...
👍 29 15🔥 7👏 4💯 4😁 2🙏 2🤩 1
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👏 21🔥 14 13🤝 3
💰Men = Money As a man, make money—and I mean, make a lot of it. Why? Because let’s face it, money talks. And when it talks, it’s got a voice that commands attention. You ever notice how people suddenly start treating you like royalty when they find out your wallet isn’t as empty as your fridge on a Sunday night? Yeah, that’s the magic of money. Money will save you from a whole lot of disrespect. You know those times when people look at you like you’re just another guy in line? Or when someone cuts you off in traffic and you just have to eat it? Imagine if you were driving a luxury car instead of your beat-up old sedan—bet that wouldn’t happen. Money changes things, my friend. 🛡️When you’ve got money, you don’t have to put up with the same nonsense. Suddenly, those people who used to brush you off are asking how you’re doing and calling you “sir” with a smile. It’s like you’ve got this invisible shield of respect around you, and it’s all because your bank account’s got some weight to it. Plus, money gives you options. Tired of dealing with a crappy job? Quit. Sick of someone’s attitude? Walk away. When you’re financially secure, you don’t have to tolerate other people’s BS. You can afford to say “no” without worrying about the consequences. That’s freedom, and it’s the kind of freedom that only comes with a solid stack of cash. And let’s be honest, money is the best revenge. There’s nothing sweeter than seeing the look on people’s faces when they realize the guy they underestimated is now calling the shots. So, while they’re busy talking, you’ll be busy stacking—and laughing all the way to the bank. So, make that money. Not just for the nice things, but for the respect, the freedom, and the satisfaction of knowing you don’t have to take crap from anyone. Because in the end, a fat wallet speaks louder than words, and nothing shuts down disrespect faster than being the guy who’s got it all.
إظهار الكل...
🔥 40👍 24 18 4🤝 3🤩 2💯 1
✋The chat is now closed. First come, first served. I prefer a smaller, more intimate group so that everyone can discuss and ask questions. I will open the group to you from time to time for newcomers. Stay tuned.
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34👍 9😱 3😭 3😨 1
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👍 6🔥 2🤝 1
🧱5 events that hit every man like a ton of bricks 1. Being broke. There’s nothing like checking your bank account and realizing you have less money than a college student on ramen noodles. Being broke teaches you how to survive on creativity and sheer willpower. It’s when you discover the true meaning of “balling on a budget”—like turning instant noodles into gourmet meals and learning the fine art of dodging bills. 2. A friend betraying him. This one feels like getting kicked in the gut by someone you thought was your ride-or-die. It’s like finding out your favorite burger joint uses soy patties instead of beef—betrayal at its finest. After you pick yourself up, you learn to keep your circle tight and trust about as sparingly as you share your Netflix password. 3. The death of his father. Losing your dad is like losing the Wi-Fi signal in the middle of a crucial game—it throws everything off. Suddenly, you’re not just playing, you’re the one holding the controller. It’s a crash course in adulthood, where you go from asking your dad for advice to wondering what he would’ve done, all while realizing you’re now the one who’s got to man up and figure it out. 4. Getting his heart broken. Ah, heartache—the kind that makes you want to listen to sad songs and question your life choices. It’s like getting your dream car and then totaling it the next day. But hey, at least you’ll come out of it with a killer playlist and some new muscles from all the sad boy gym sessions. Plus, you’ll learn that heartbreak is just life’s way of saying, “Next!” 5. Realizing nobody is coming to save him. This is the grand finale, the moment you realize you’re not in a superhero movie. There’s no cape, no dramatic rescue—just you, your problems, and the realization that if you don’t handle it, nobody will. It’s like realizing you’re the main character in your own story, and there’s no stunt double. But hey, this is where you level up and start taking control, because if you don’t, you’ll be stuck waiting for a rescue that’ll never come. These 5 events might knock you down, but they also come with a side of wisdom. Each one is like life’s way of toughening you up while giving you a story to tell.
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👍 51 22🔥 14👏 3👎 1🤩 1😐 1
💡Rich x Hoe A man can go from being broke to being rich. That’s just how it is. You might start out eating ramen noodles in a one-bedroom apartment, dreaming of the day you can afford guac at Chipotle without checking your bank balance. But with enough hustle, grit, and maybe a few lucky breaks, you can flip the script. One day you’re broke, and the next, you’re rolling in it, living the high life, and wondering why you ever thought instant noodles were a good dinner option. But a woman? Well, a woman can never go from being a hoe to being a wife. I know, it sounds harsh, but let’s be real—society’s got a long memory, especially when it comes to a woman’s past. You might try to reinvent yourself, but some labels are like that annoying gum stuck to your shoe—no matter how hard you try to scrape it off, it just won’t go away. 💵See, money can change a man’s status overnight. You get rich, and suddenly, everyone’s treating you like royalty. But when it comes to a woman’s reputation? That’s a different story. You could cure world hunger, and some people would still be like, “Yeah, but remember what she used to do?” So, guys, here’s the lesson: Focus on your grind. Build your empire. Because while your bank account can change with the right moves, a reputation—especially when it comes to certain things—is a lot harder to upgrade. And ladies, remember: the world might not be fair, but that’s just how it is. At the end of the day, you can turn rags into riches, but flipping reputations? That’s a whole different ballgame. So keep your hustle strong, your head high, and your choices smart—because while money might be easy to earn, respect and reputation? Those are priceless and a lot harder to come by.
إظهار الكل...
👍 52 20🔥 18😁 6 3🤩 2
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