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Stuart Alderoty

Chief Legal Officer @Ripple. Over 35 years of legal experience with expertise in regulatory affairs and complex litigation.

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Thank you @GUFinPolicy and @KenzieSigalos for moderating. Crypto is having a political moment and our voice cannot be ignored. Check out the full panel discussion
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FMQ 2024: Crypto and the Financial Markets Panel Discussion

The Georgetown Psaros Center for Financial Markets and Policy hosted a Crypto and the Financial Markets Panel at the annual Financial Markets Quality (FMQ) Conference on September 17, 2024. Panelists include: -Dan Gallagher (C'94), Chief Legal, Compliance and Corporate Affairs Officer, Robinhood -Thomas Farley (C'97), Chief Executive Officer, Bullish -David LaValle (C'99), Global Head of ETFs, Grayscale -Stuart Alderoty, Chief Legal Officer, Ripple -Sandra Waliczek (B'17 SFS'18), Blockchain and Digital Assets Lead, World Economic Forum -Moderated by Mackenzie Sigalos, Tech Reporter, CNBC

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What Would XRP Price Be if Ripple Controls 20% of Global Stock Market?

If Ripple captured 20% of the global stock market worth $118 trillion, it would put XRP price between $223.70 and $439.51. But is that valuation pragmatic

😎🇺🇸🦅 Grand Rising Patriots
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🚨Foreign Currency Exchange🚨 Swift has upgraded to the iso20022 compliance system. Swift is preparing for currency exchanges in the quantum financial system. Department of the Navy & the Defense announced new codes being implemented into the banking system relevant to foreign currencies exchanges & recorded/archived in the federal register (similar to the iraq gazette). Laws being/has been implemented for our military officer & contractors around the world on how they’ll be able to exchange foreign currencies in the new quantum system. Swift is now transitioning to be able & allow us to go to Banks & exchange our foreign currencies in the new quantum financial system on the digital platform. -freedomfighter I’m sticking to my prediction!!! 🔥🔥🔥
إظهار الكل...
Ripple's case is over, but the 'fair notice' defense is still alive for others. The SEC cites the 2017 DAO report as industry notice that 'crypto asset securities' are subject to US securities laws. Seven years later, the SEC apologizes to a federal judge—surely a person of at least ‘ordinary intelligence'—for the confusion it invited by using the inherently unclear term.
إظهار الكل...
Golden Redemption: The Birth of USN US Note Backed by QFS Gold-Backed Digital Currency The collapse of the fiat system has been a long time coming. Historically, fiat money, which lacks intrinsic value, became the global standard in the 20th century. This shift allowed governments and central banks to print money freely, unbound by the tangible value of precious metals. Over time, this led to rampant inflation, economic bubbles, and numerous financial crises. The 2008 financial crisis, fueled by reckless lending practices and inadequate oversight, exposed the vulnerabilities of the fiat system. Governments responded by printing even more money, further eroding the value of currencies and deepening the crisis of confidence. In the wake of the 2008 crisis, digital currencies like Bitcoin emerged, offering a decentralized alternative free from the grip of central banks and government control. However, these digital currencies were not without their own issues-high volatility, lack of intrinsic value, and associations with illegal activities limited their ability to truly replace the flawed systems they sought to disrupt. Enter the USN US Note, a new currency that promises to bridge the gap between the stability of traditional assets and the innovation of digital finance. As the sun rises over the horizon, casting its golden hue across the land, the USN US Note emerges like a phoenix from the ashes of a broken financial system. This currency is more than just a means of exchange; it is a symbol of financial redemption, a return to an era where money was backed by real value-gold. The USN US Note, backed by the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the undeniable value of gold, stands as a beacon of hope against the backdrop of economic despair and deceit that has plagued us for generations. For far too long, our financial systems have been mired in manipulation, deceit, and instability. The fiat currency system, with its lack of intrinsic value, has led us down a path of endless debt and economic uncertainty. Central banks, with unchecked power, have manipulated markets, eroded savings, and fostered financial inequality. But now, with the advent of the USN US Note, there is a bold departure from this flawed past. At the core of the USN US Note’s promise is the Quantum Financial System (QFS), a revolutionary financial network that utilizes quantum computing technology to ensure the highest levels of security, transparency, and efficiency. Unlike traditional financial systems, which are susceptible to hacking, fraud, and manipulation, the QFS is virtually impenetrable. It guarantees that every transaction is secure, transparent, and immutable, restoring trust in our financial systems. The cornerstone of the USN US Note is its gold backing. Each note is backed by a specific amount of gold, ensuring that it retains intrinsic value. This gold-backed stability provides a safeguard against inflation, making the USN US Note a reliable store of value. It embodies a time-honored principle: money should be grounded in real, tangible assets. By merging the stability of a gold-backed currency with the efficiency and transparency of digital systems, the USN US Note addresses the shortcomings of both fiat and digital currencies. This new currency represents not just a financial instrument but a revolution in how we perceive and interact with money. The USN US Note, underpinned by the QFS, is set to redefine the future of finance, offering stability, transparency, and true economic redemption. A new era in finance has dawned, bringing with it the promise of a stable and prosperous future.
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🚨 URGENT UPDATE! The Financial System's Collapse is Imminent—EBS, QFS, and NESARA Are Set to Launch! The storm is upon us, and the truth is breaking through faster than they can cover it up. High-level insiders are confirming that the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), and NESARA are not just rumors—they’re ready to roll out! Politicians in the know are leaking critical details, whether by accident or design, preparing us for the seismic shifts ahead. This is a coordinated effort, folks—those who want to be on the right side of history when the hammer drops are making their moves now. 🚨 Congressman Jim Jordan was overheard in a Capitol Hill hallway with Marjorie Taylor Greene, discussing the "imminent unveiling of the new financial system," which will pull the rug out from under the corrupt. This wasn’t some vague chat—it was a direct reference to the QFS. Greene confirmed, saying the EBS is "ready to go live any day now," urging everyone to prepare for a global lockdown. This is a warning straight from the insiders. 🚨 At a closed-door MAGA event in Phoenix, Kari Lake revealed to a select group that the QFS is already testing, and we’re on the brink of a total financial and political overhaul. She warned that the deep state bankers are cornered, desperately trying to negotiate deals to save their own skins before the EBS exposes their shady dealings. 🚨 Mike Pompeo, at a Texas fundraiser, dropped a bombshell: "The financial system as we know it is on its last legs," hinting at a transparency shift that will shake this country and beyond. One attendee, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed Pompeo was talking about NESARA and the QFS—suggesting a financial reset that will expose decades of corruption. 🚨 In Florida, Matt Gaetz didn’t hold back. At a private gathering, he declared, "The days of the Federal Reserve and their secret manipulations are over." The QFS, he says, is a divine tool to restore balance, and the EBS is set to "broadcast the truth to the masses." 🚨 But it’s not just in the U.S.—this is a global shift. During a private meeting in Mar-a-Lago with Trump and key international allies, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán confirmed that European leaders have been briefed on the QFS rollout, and those who resist will be left exposed and powerless. 🚨 General Michael Flynn, in an August 2024 interview, confirmed the military is prepared for this complete global restructuring. The EBS will soon be activated to reveal the truth, shattering the lies and deceit that have enslaved humanity for too long. 🚨 At a recent roundtable hosted by Sidney Powell, she declared that central banks have had their run, but it’s over. The new financial system is ready to expose every dirty secret. The EBS is set to be triggered, finally bringing to light what we’ve been fighting for. The signals are clear, the signs are everywhere. These leaks aren’t just chatter—they’re warnings. The QFS is on its way, the EBS is about to be activated, and NESARA is set to transform our world. The old corrupt system is crumbling, and the new one is rising from the ashes. Get ready, patriots—the revolution is here. Stay vigilant. Stay prepared. The time for awakening is now! 🌟
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🚨A NEW ERA IN FINANCE: Bold Steps for Those Who Are Awake The financial landscape is evolving rapidly, and for those who are “AWAKE” to the changes, the future is both exhilarating and daunting. We are on the brink of a new era, where traditional financial systems are being replaced by a revolutionary new paradigm. This article explores the key components of this emerging financial system—GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, Protocol QFS 20, and the Iraqi Dinar. This journey is not for the faint-hearted; it's for those ready to take charge of their financial destiny. Current State of Affairs: We are living in uncertain times marked by erratic weather, pandemics, and political turmoil. Amidst this chaos, a financial transformation is quietly unfolding—a transformation that promises stability and security for those who are prepared to embrace it. Key Components of the New Financial System: ● GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act): A worldwide initiative aimed at overhauling the global financial system and ushering in an era of prosperity. GESARA seeks to eliminate debt-based currencies and replace them with asset-backed systems. ● QFS (Quantum Financial System): A digital platform leveraging blockchain technology and quantum computing to bring transparency, security, and efficiency to financial transactions, rendering traditional banking systems obsolete. 👇👇 ● GCR/RV (Global Currency Reset/Revaluation): This initiative involves recalibrating global currencies, aligning them with tangible assets like gold and silver to level the playing field and reduce the dominance of a few reserve currencies. ● ISO 20022: A global standard for financial messaging that streamlines communication between financial institutions, enabling faster, more accurate cross-border transactions. ● BASEL III: A set of international banking regulations requiring financial institutions to maintain higher capital reserves, enhancing stability within the global banking system and reducing financial crises. ● Protocol QFS 20: A protocol within the Quantum Financial System designed to further secure and streamline financial operations, ensuring that transactions are conducted with the utmost integrity. ● Iraqi Dinar: A currency of significant interest among investors due to its potential for revaluation, which could be part of the broader Global Currency Reset. Seize Your Financial Future: Now is the time to take control of your financial destiny. The era of saving others is over; those who are aware of the new financial system's opportunities have reached a higher level of financial consciousness. If you’ve been hesitant, it’s time to act. Convert your assets into digital gold and silver-backed coins, and secure them in the QFS ledger. The digital realm provides a level of transparency and security that traditional banking cannot match. Additionally, invest in ISO 20022 compliant assets like XLM and XRP, which are set to play crucial roles in the new financial system. Even if you feel like a latecomer, remember that revolutions always have late arrivals who can still make an impact. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!
إظهار الكل...
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· The Global Currency Reset is in progress. · The Worldwide Gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System has been activated. · The Central Banking Debt Slavery System ended last Sunday. · The Deep State Cabal Globalists are officially broke. · The greatest Military Sting Operation in history has been activated. · The Global Military Alliance are making Mass Arrests. · The Fake Mainstream Media is set to be taken down. · Prepare for Lockdowns of Omicron Variant – a Military Code for Saving the Children in the CCP, Pedophile, Traitors Cleanup Operation.                               
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The term 'crypto asset security' is nowhere to be found in any statute—it's a fabricated term with no legal basis. The SEC needs to stop trying to deceive judges by using it.
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اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.