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Wholesome Nationalist Homeschool

A Channel dedicated to showing what is possible with homeschooling in the hopes of inspiring parents to raise their own children. Children who can be healthier, more emotionally developed, and who can excel academically

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Training is every much a part of the curriculum as math and reading. We can never forget that freedom is only preserved and true for those men who are able and willing to stand resiliently against the threat of violence from other men. Freedom is only a right for violent men. Those who are incapable of violence only have freedom is a privilege granted to them by other men, a privilege liable to be revoked at any time.
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🏆 10👍 2 2
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Wednesdays we do archery or .22 target practice. We had some extra fun with it today.
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🏆 9
This is why it’s not only important to read to your kids and push them academically, but also teach them how to throw a punch, shoot a takedown, and hit center mass. These imbeciles are pushing this idea and they have real influence and one day either they climb into a ditch or we do.
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👍 5🔥 4
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I have fought before, in backyards and unsanctioned events. These were undocumented and even though I know they happened I didn’t want to use them as the basis for the standard I have in my family 3 fights, against trained opponents. That is the minimum. Far from being some arbitrary obstacle to go through, fighting is an essential skill. Fighting in an event against a scheduled opponent is far different than getting mad and brawling with a stranger. It takes dedication and courage. You’re not just risking your health and serious injury, you’re putting your honor at stake in front of hundreds of people It takes about three times before for the experience to feel normal. Once a man has faced that he is ready to confront the rest of life’s challenges I never did this to go pro and get money, I never did it for social media likes or the applause of the audience. I did it to set the standard in an unambiguous way That was yesterday, today we keep training. Because there is always a new fight on the horizon
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🏆 12
Our first successful watermelon. Very small but super sweet. My son is also excited because when we shot at the pumpkins he took some of the seeds and planted them under his clubhouse and they sprouted. Probably too late in the season but it was an exciting find. Everything tastes better when you grow it yourself.
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Time spent in nature is as essential as math and reading. Not much luck today but at least we got to be outside and worked on casting with good people.
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9🔥 5
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To a child normal is simply whatever they have experienced. To a child in a war torn area, bombs and death are normal. To a spoiled child in the suburbs who has no chores and wants for nothing, that is normal. To my kids training is normal. My son looks forward to the day that he’s as strong as I am. Our daughter looks forward till the day she can do the things her brother can do. We just workout because it’s how we stay strong, we study because that is how we get smart. Getting strong and getting smart is the normal thing to do. They are generally oblivious to the fact that most human beings do not pursue these things in earnest. When government school families say “your kids won’t fit in” they’re missing the point. Why would I want my kids to fit in with weak and undisciplined children who know more about fictional characters than math?
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My daughter (3) was complaining that her legs hurt. My son (5) carried her from her bed to the bathroom so she could brush her teeth. When they got there she said “I love you Leo”. I think my children are probably somewhat naturally affectionate. I think a great deal of this is genetic (an important reason not to settle for a spouse who does not share your same level of desire for affection and warmth). But to some degree I’d like to think that my parenting system promotes this through nurturing natural proclivities. Younger children tend to be demanding, they get excited and ask for things in a rude manner or take them. I’m always attentive when my children have free time together, keeping a close ear even if I’m engrossed in chores and duties. I do not permit bickering or rudeness between them. If they begin to argue I will stop them and have them go through the exchange again in appropriate language and tone. In fact I make them do it with hyperbolic levels of affection. I know in combat sports you drill 5-6 punch combos so that in the fight you will throw 2-3 punch combos. By practicing exaggerated affection their natural interactions descend into lower levels of affection and sweetness but still far above bickering and the interactions some siblings have and at times they have outbursts of genuine and unprompted sweetness and conscientiousness. Do not permit your small children to bicker and as best you can do not bicker with your spouse in front of them (at all if possible). Treat them with affection, make a conscious decision to let them know you are proud of their accomplishments at night, and give your spouse frequent affection and praise and your children will model this behavior. This is a gift you give not just your children and yourself, but your grandchildren. I am thoroughly convinced that a warm childhood and a loving family home produce healthy children and as such instinctively nationalist children.
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16👍 2🔥 2
They’re not afraid you can’t teach your kids reading and math, they’re afraid that without government schools your kids won’t grow up to be gay communists.
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🏆 16🔥 1
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Making progress every day. Consistency is the key to mastery.
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🏆 14
اختر خطة مختلفة

تسمح خطتك الحالية بتحليلات لما لا يزيد عن 5 قنوات. للحصول على المزيد، يُرجى اختيار خطة مختلفة.