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📌Come up against: to be faced with or opposed by somebody/something :karşılaşmak, karşı karşıya kalmak, yüz yüze kalmak We expect to come up against a lot of opposition to the plan. Plana karşı çok itirazla karşılaşmayı bekliyoruz. If you come up against difficulties, let me know and I'll help out. Zorluklarla karşılaşırsan bana haber ver de yardım edeyim. 📌come up with: to find or produce an answer, a sum of money, etc. :(fikir, çözüm, para...) bulmak, ulaşmak, ortaya atmak She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. Satışları artırmak için yeni bir fikir buldu. How soon can you come up with the money? Parayı ne kadar sonra bulabilirsin? She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income. Gelirini iki katına çıkaracak harika bir plan buldu. Gavin came up with the idea of dividing the rooms in half. Gavin, odaları ikiye bölme fikrini ortaya attı. We're In big trouble if we don't come up with the money by 6 o'clock. Saat 6'ya kadar parayı bulmazsak başımız dertte.
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📌In retrospect: When looking back on a past event :geriye dönüp baktığımda / baktığımızda, geçmişe baktığımızda In retrospect, I think that I was wrong. Geriye dönüp baktığımda sanırım hatalıyım. The decision seems extremely odd, in retrospect. Geçmişe dönüp baktığımızda karar son derece garip görünüyor.
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📌collaborate: /kəˈlæbəreɪt/ (kılebıreyt) to work together with somebody in order to produce or achieve something :işbirliği yapmak, birlikte çalışmak 👉Collaboration: işbirliği Collaborative: işbirliği ile yapılan Collaboratively: işbirliği ile Researchers around the world are collaborating to develop a new vaccine. Dünya genelindeki araştırmacılar, yeni bir aşı geliştirmek için işbirliği yapıyor. collaborate on We have collaborated on many projects over the years. Yıllarca pekçok projede işbirliği yaptık. collaborate in doing She agreed to collaborate with him in writing her biography. Biyografisini yazmakta onunla işbirliği yapmayı kabul etti. 👉collaborative projects collaborative studies collaborative research a collaborative effort collaborative venture İşbirliği yapılan girişim It was a collaboration that produced extremely useful results. Son derece faydalı sonuçlar üreten bir işbirliğiydi. The new plane was a triumph of European industrial and technical collaboration. Yeni uçak, Avrupa sanayisinin ve teknik işbirliğinin bir başarısıydı. She wrote the book IN COLLABORATION WITH one of her students. Kitabı öğrencilerinden biriyle işbirliği içinde yazdı. The government worked in close collaboration with teachers on the new curriculum. Hükümet, yeni müfredatta öğretmenlerle yakın işbirliği içinde çalıştı. collaboration between the teachers and the government Öğretmenler ile hükümet arasında işbirliği She often works collaboratively with local artists. Sıklıkla yerel sanatçılarla işbirliği içinde çalışır.
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📌Desperate: feeling or showing that you have little hope and are ready to do anything without worrying about danger to yourself or others Desperately Desperation : umutsuz, çaresiz •The prisoners grew increasingly desperate. •Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales. •Somewhere out there was a desperate man, cold, hungry, hunted. •I heard sounds of a desperate struggle in the next room. •I was starting to get desperate. •She felt utterly desperate. •The sudden loss of his money had made him desperate. •He made a desperate bid for freedom. ✍️make a bid for •She clung to the edge in a desperate attempt to save herself. ✍️cling to •His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures. ✍️take desperate measures •Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girl's life. •a desperate search for a way out •Jake held up his hands in a desperate plea for calm. •Kaleil's final, desperate efforts to save the business come to naught. ✍️come to naught 👆needing or wanting something very much : çok isteyen, her şeyi göze alan He was so desperate for a job he would have done anything. •I'm desperate for a cigarette. •to be desperate for money/help/cash/attention •I was absolutely desperate to see her. •She was desperate to escape small town life. 👉extremely serious or dangerous :çok ciddi, tehlikeli •The children are in desperate need of love and attention. ✍️in dire need of ✍️need love badly •They face a desperate shortage of clean water. •His financial situation was desperate. •He had died in desperate poverty. •American farmers are in desperate straits today. ✍️in desperate straits
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➔ As yet: 1- Şu ana / bugüne kadar 2- o zamana kadar (geçmişte) We haven't needed extra stuff as yet, but we may in the future. (Şu ana kadar fazladan personele ihtiyaç duymadık; ama gelecekte olabilir.) As yet little was known of the causes of this disease. (O zamana kadar bu hastalığın sebepleri hakkında çok az şey biliniyordu.) ➔ As of As from : itibariyle, -den başlayarak As of next week, we'll be moving to our new department (Gelecek hafta itibariyle, yeni bölüme taşınıyor olacağız.) As from May 12, My New book will begin to sell (12 Mayıs itibariyle, Yeni kitabım satılmaya başlayacak.)
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Yet: 1- henüz -I haven't finished writing the book yet. - they haven't announced the new tax system yet. 2- ama, fakat - beautiful yet stupid -I was ill, yet still I went to work. -she didn't study enough, yet she still passed her exams. 📌 Have yet to: (If you have yet to do something, you have not done it): They have yet to make a decision. (Henüz karar vermediler.) I have written to your company several times in regard to this matter and I have yet to receive a reply. (... henüz bir cevap alamadım.) The film, starring Robert Carlyle, has yet to open in the Far East The group has yet to find a replacement for the director who left in September.
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📌Yet another: Bir başka ... Bir diğer.... (Farklılık değil benzerlik gösterir. Bunun gibi olmuştu önceden, Bu da onlardan biri) 👉Yet another surprise was in store for the man in black. Siyahlı adamı bir başka sürpriz daha bekliyordu. 👉If it failed, there was yet another chance. 👉Another and yet another body of soldiers rushed past them. 👉And yet another reason made sleep unthinkable. 👉Mentally ill man wounded eleven people in yet another knife attack
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✒for + time expression For ten months For six years For two hours For three weeks For long For a long time For some time ... Bu ve benzeri ifadeler nerdeyse her tense ile kullanılabilir. Present Perfect ile kullanılır diye ezberletilir genelde, sadece present perfect ile değil nerdeyse her tense ile kullanılır. Anlama dikkat etmek lazım 👉She has been crying for two hours (İki saat önce başladı, hâlâ ağlıyor) 👉The structure of the brain has fascinated scientists for a long time (uzun zamandır etkiliyor, Çok önceden beri etkiliyor) 👉They lived in konya for four years (4 yıl yaşadılar, Artık orada değiller.) 👉They had lived in Konya for four years when they finally moved to another city. (Başka şehre taşınmadan önce dört yıl yaşamışlardı.) 👉You will study at university for four years (4 yıl üniversite okuyacaksın.) 👉You will have studied law at university for four years when you have graduated (Mezun olduğunda dört yıl OKUMUŞ OLACAKSIN.)
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📌Among other things Among others 👉in addition to things that are not specifically mentioned, as well as ... The study found, among other things, that men and women are equally at risk for the disease. He moved to Ohio in 2005 where, among other things, he worked as a journalist. The substance is used in the manufacture of cosmetics and drugs, among other things. At the meeting they discussed, among other things, recent events in Eastern Europe His travels took him to Peru, among other places. The lawsuit asks for damages to compensate the family for their injuries, medical expenses, and emotional distress, among other things
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📌irrespective of: without considering something, regardless of :bakmaksızın, düşünmeden, hesaba katmadan Everyone is treated equally, irrespective of race. Irkına bakmadan herkese eşit davranılır. The weekly rent is the same irrespective of whether there are three or four occupants. Üç ya da dört oturan olup olmadığına bakmaksızın haftalık kira aynıdır. This service should be available to everybody, irrespective of whether they can afford it. Gücünün yetip yetmediğine bakmaksızın bu hizmet herkese verilmeli. The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone's ethnic origins Yasalar, birinin etnik kökenlerine bakmadan uygulanmalı.
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