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🇬🇧 Accept every situation with a smile 🤡😮‍💨 🇺🇿 Har bir vaziyatni tabassum bilan qabul qiling 🤡😮‍💨 Bizning kanal @Ingiliztili_05
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Examples 📋 1. The weather is very nice today ☀️ Ob-havo bugun juda yaxshi 2. The cat is asleep 🐈 Mushuk uxlayapti 3. My friend and I are good football players ⚽️ Do'stim va men yaxshi futbolchilarmiz 4. I am at home 🏠 but my friends are in the city 🏬 Men uydaman lekin do'stlarim shaharda 5. I'm a student.👨🏻‍🎓 My brother is a doctor 👨🏻‍⚕ Men talabaman. Akam doktor 6. Motor-racing is a dangerous sport 🏍 ⚠️ Motosikl poygasi xavfli sport 7. Are you an architect? ✏️📐 Siz arxitektormisiz? 8. Is she 17 years old? 🙋🏻‍♀ U (qiz bola) 17 yoshmi? 9. I'm afraid of dogs 🐕 Men itlardan qo'rqaman 10. Am I a judge? 👨🏻‍⚖ Men sudyamanmi? Bizning kanal @ingiliztili_05
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📝It is said that ... / He is said to ... etc. and supposed to ✔️ Study this example situation: 🔰This is Henry. He is very old but nobody knows exactly how old he is. But: —————————————— 🔰Bu Genri. U juda qari lekin hech kim uning aynan nechi yosh ekanligini bilmaydi. Lekin: It is said that he is 108 years old. • He is said to be 108 years old. • Aytishlaricha, uning yoshi 108da. 🔰Both these sentences mean: ‘People say that he is 108 years old.’ —————————————— 🔰Bu ikkala gap ham: ‘Odamlar uning 108 yoshligini aytishyapti’ degan ma’noni bildiradi. ▪️You can also use these structures with: ▪️though  ▪️believed  ▪️reported  ▪️understood  ▪️known  ▪️expected  ▪️alleged  ▪️considered Misollar 📃 Examples:It is said that Henry eats ten eggs a day. • Henry is said to eat ten eggs a day. • Aytishlaricha, Genri kuniga 10ta tuxum yeydi.It is expected that the strike will begin tomorrow. • The strike is expected to begin tomorrow. • Ish tashlash ertaga boshlanishi kutilyapti. 🔰These structures are often used in news reports: —————————————— 🔰Ushbu strukturalar odatda yangiliklar reportajida ishlatiladi: • It is reported that two people were killed in the explosion. • Two people are reported to have been killed in the explosion. • Ma’lum qilinishicha, portlashda ikki kishi o’ldirilgan. Bizning kanal @ingiliztili_05
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⚡️ SIFATLAR 🔰 decent — odobli, yaxshi xulqli 🔰 indecent — beadab 🔰 honest — to‘g‘riso‘z 🔰 fair — to‘g‘riso‘z, adolatli 🔰 sincere — samimiy 🔰 dishonest — g‘irrom, noinsof 🔰 innocent — aybsiz, begunoh 🔰 guilty — aybdor 🔰 criminal — jinoyatchi 🔰 kind — mehribon 🔰 hostile — adovatli, dushmanlik 🔰 gentle — yuvosh, beozor 🔰 polite — odobli, xushmuomalali 🔰 rude — qo‘pol 🔰 generous — saxiy 🔰 close-fisted — qizg‘anchiq, qurumsoq 🔰 talkative — gapdon, ko‘p gapiradigan 🔰 sociable — kirishimli, dilkash 🔰 reserved — vazmin 🔰 docile — itoatli 🔰 disobedient — itoatsiz, gapga kirmaydigan 🔰 strict — talabchan 🔰 mild — yumshoq, muloyim 🔰 reliable — ishonchli 🔰 changeable — o‘zgaruvchan 🔰 brave — mard, jasur 🔰 courageous — mard 🔰 coward — qo‘rqoq 🔰 timid — jur'atsiz, tortinchoq 🔰 reasonable — ongli, idrokli 🔰 prudent — mulohazali, o‘ylab ish$ qiladigan 🔰 light-minded — yengiltak 🔰 cautious — ehtiyotkor 🔰 incautious — beparvo Bizning kanal @ingiliztili_05
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📝HAVE SOMETHING DONE ✔️ Study this example situation: 🔰The roof of Jill’s house was damaged in a storm, so she arranged for a workman to repair it. Yesterday the workman came and did the job. —————————————— 🔰Jillning uyining tomi bo’ronda shikastlandi, shuning uchun u ishchi gaplashdi tuzatgani. Kecha ishchi keldi va tuzatdi. • Jill had the roof repaired yesterday. • Jill kecha tomni tuzattirdi. 🔰This means: Jill didn’t repair the roof herself. She arranged for someone else to do it for her. —————————————— 🔰Bu shuni anglatadiki: Jill tomni o’zi tuzatmadi. U kimnidir u uchun tuzatishiga kelishdi. Taqqoslang 🔹🔸Compare: • Jill repaired the roof. • Jill tomni tuzatdi. • Jill had the roof repaired. • Jill tomni tuzattirdi. 🔰To say that we arrange for someone else to do something for us, we use the structure have something done. —————————————— 🔰Biz birortasini biz uchun biror narsa qilishi uchun kelishganimizda, ya’ni biror ishni o’zimiz emas birortasi orqali qilganimizda have something done strukturasidan foydalanamiz. ❗️The word order is important: the past participle (done / repaired etc.) comes after the object (the roof). ❗️So’z tartibi juda muhim: past participle (done / repaired etc.) obyekt, ya’ni otdan keyin keladi. HAVE + OBJECT + PAST PARTICIPLE • Jill had the roof repaired yesterday. • Jill kecha tomni tuzattirdi. • Where did you have your hair done? • Sochingni qayerda salon qildirding? • We are having the house painted at the moment. • Biz ayni paytda uyimizni bo’yatyapmiz. • Tom has just had a telephone installed in his flat. • Tom hozirgina kvartirasiga telefon o’rnattirdi. • How often do you have your car serviced? • Qancha muddatda mashinangizni ustaga ko’rsatasiz? • Why don’t you have that coat cleaned? • Nega anavi paltoni tozalatmaysan? • I want to have my photo taken.Men o’zimni rasmga oldirishni xohlayman. Bizning kanal @ingiliztili_05
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📝HAVE SOMETHING DONE 🔰Get something done is possible ins2tead of have something done (mainly in informal spoken English): —————————————— 🔰Asosan og’zaki so’zlashuvda have something done o’rniga get something done ni ham ishlatsa bo’ladi: • I think you should get your hair cut. (= have your hair cut) • O’ylashimcha, Siz sochingizni qirqtirishingiz / kaltalatishingiz kerak. 🔰Have something done sometimes has a different meaning. For example: —————————————— 🔰Have something done ba’zan boshqa ma’noda ishlatiladi. Masalan: • He had all his money stolen while he was on holiday. • U ta’tildaligida hamma pullarini o’g’irlatdi. 🔰This doesn’t mean that he arranged for somebody to steal his money! He had all his money stolen means only: All his money was stolen. With this meaning, we use have something done to say that something (often something not nice) happened to someone: —————————————— 🔰Yuqoridagi vaziyat u ataylab pulini o’g’irlatganini anglatmaydi. Bu Uning hamma pullari o’g’irlandi degan ma’noni beradi. Bu ma’no bilan ham have something done strukturasini birortasiga birorta yomon narsa sodir bo’lganini aytishda ishlatamiz: • George had his nose broken in a fight. • Jorj urushda burnini sindirib oldi. Bizning kanal @ingiliztili_05
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New vocabulary ♻️ ✔️  construction - qurilish ✔️  cot, crib - bolalar karavati ✔️  creadle - beshik ✔️  cupboard - bufet, javon ✔️  desk - yozuv stoli ✔️  dinner-table - ovqatlanish stoli ✔️  dish - tarelka, idish, ovqat, taom ✔️  door-mat - oyoq artgich, poyandoz ✔️  door-step - ostona ✔️  double-bed - qo’sh karavot ✔️  drawer - tortma stol, shkaf ✔️  dressing table - kiyinish stoli 25 ✔️  duster - latta (chang artish uchun) ✔️  dwelling house - turar joy ✔️  electricity - elektr quvvati ✔️  entrance - kirish ✔️  entrance-hall - vestibyul ✔️  floor-lamp - torsher ✔️  fork - vilka ✔️  furniture - mebel, jihoz ✔️  to furnish - jihozlamoq ✔️  furnished - jihozlangan ✔️  gas-stove - gaz plitasi ✔️  glass - stakan, ryumka ✔️  ground-floor - birinchi qavat ✔️  hedge - to’siq, panjara ✔️  housing construction - qurilish ✔️  to improve - yaxshilanmoq, tuzatmoq ✔️  inconvenient - noqulay, nobop, ongaysiz ✔️  kettle - chovgum (choy qaynatadigan idish) ✔️  kitchen-table - oshxona stoli ✔️  lamp-shade - abajur (lampa qalpogi) ✔️  lavatory - hojatxona ✔️  living-conditions - yashash sharoitlari ✔️  living-room - mehmonxona ✔️  looking-glass - kozgu, oyna ✔️  to make one's bed - karavotni tartibga keltirmoq Bizning kanal @ingiliztili_05
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❗️Signal words 📝 ☑️ Future simple - Will ▪️I hope,  ▪️I expect,  ▪️I believe  ▪️soon,  ▪️in the next few days,  ▪️in the future, tomorrow,  ▪️this evening ☑️ To be going to ▪️in the next few days,  ▪️in the future,  ▪️this evening,  ▪️next weekend ☑️ Present continuous ▪️in the next few days,  ▪️in the future,  ▪️this evening,  ▪️next weekend ☑️ Present simple ▪️every day, always, often, normally, ▪️usually, regularly, sometimes, ▪️occasionally, seldom, on Sundays, ▪️at weekends ▪️First... then.. afterwards  ☑️ Present perfect ▪️this week, this month, this year,  ▪️today,  ▪️since, for..,  ▪️...ever...? ▪️...yet?  ▪️not... yet.  ▪️already, just, recently, lately ☑️ Past simple ▪️yesterday,  ▪️last week,  ▪️last month,  ▪️last .... ▪️Before(conj.).... ☑️ Past continuous ▪️at ten o'clock last night ▪️when ▪️while ☑️ Past perfect ▪️up to that time in the past. ▪️"married" to a clause in "simple past" ▪️After (conj.)... Bizning kanal @ingiliztili_05
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📝REPORTED SPEECH ✔️ Study this example situation: 🔰You want to tell someone else what Tom said. There are two ways of doing this: ——————————————— 🔰Siz Tom nima deganini boshqa birovga aytmoqchisiz. Buning ikki hil yo’li bor: 1. You can repeat Tom’s words (direct speech): 1. Tomning gaplarini shundayligicha keltirish: • Tom said ‘I’m feeling ill’. • Tom aytdi ‘Men o’zimni kasalday his qilyapman’. 2. You can use reported speech: 2. O’zlashtirma gapdan foydalanish: • Tom said (that) he was feeling ill.Tom o’zini kasalday his qilayotganini aytdi. ▪️Compare the two sentences: 🔺Quyidagi ikki gapni solishtiring: Direct: Tom said ‘I am feeling ill’. Ko’chirma: Tom aytdi ‘Men o’zimni kasalday his qilyapman’. Reported: Tom said (that) he was feeling ill. O’zlashtirma: Tom o’zini kasalday his qilayotganini aytdi. 🔰When we use reported speech, we are usually talking about the past. So verbs usually change to the past in reported speech. For example: ——————————————— 🔰O’zlashtirma gapni ishlatganimizda biz odatda o’tgan zamon haqida gapiramiz. Shuning uchun o’zlashtirma gaplarda fe’llar o’tgan zamonda keladi. Masalan: am / is —> was are —> were have / has —> had will —> would can —> could do / want / know etc. —> did / wanted / knew etc. ✔️ Study this examples: • Tom: My parents are very well. - Tom: Mening ota-onam juda yaxshi. • Tom said (that) his parents were very well. - Tom uning ota-onasi juda yaxshiligini aytdi. • Tom: I am going to give up my job. - Tom: Ishdan bo’shamoqchiman. • Tom said (that) he was going to give up his job. - Tom ishdan bo’shamoqchi ekanini aytdi. *That ning qavsga olinganining sababi uni ishlatsa ham ishlatmasa ham bo’ladi. 🔰The past simple (I did) can usually stay the same in reported speech, or you can change it to the past perfect (I had done): ——————————————— 🔰Past simple (I did) shakli o’zlashtirma gap, ya’ni reported speechda o’zgarmasligi ham mumkin, yoki past perfect (I had done) shakliga o’zgarishi ham mumkin: did —> didor had done✅ 🔹Direct: Tom said ‘I woke up feeling ill and so I stayed in bed’. 🔸Reported: Tom said (that) he woke (or had woken) up feeling ill and so he stayed (or had stayed) in bed. ❗️Demak, reported speech da olmosh va zamon (doim ham emas) o’zgaradi. Yuqoridagi misollarga e’tibor bering. Bizning kanal @ingiliztili_05
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New vocabulary ♻️ ✔️  construction - qurilish ✔️  cot, crib - bolalar karavati ✔️  creadle - beshik ✔️  cupboard - bufet, javon ✔️  desk - yozuv stoli ✔️  dinner-table - ovqatlanish stoli ✔️  dish - tarelka, idish, ovqat, taom ✔️  door-mat - oyoq artgich, poyandoz ✔️  door-step - ostona ✔️  double-bed - qo’sh karavot ✔️  drawer - tortma stol, shkaf ✔️  dressing table - kiyinish stoli 25 ✔️  duster - latta (chang artish uchun) ✔️  dwelling house - turar joy ✔️  electricity - elektr quvvati ✔️  entrance - kirish ✔️  entrance-hall - vestibyul ✔️  floor-lamp - torsher ✔️  fork - vilka ✔️  furniture - mebel, jihoz ✔️  to furnish - jihozlamoq ✔️  furnished - jihozlangan ✔️  gas-stove - gaz plitasi ✔️  glass - stakan, ryumka ✔️  ground-floor - birinchi qavat ✔️  hedge - to’siq, panjara ✔️  housing construction - qurilish ✔️  to improve - yaxshilanmoq, tuzatmoq ✔️  inconvenient - noqulay, nobop, ongaysiz ✔️  kettle - chovgum (choy qaynatadigan idish) ✔️  kitchen-table - oshxona stoli ✔️  lamp-shade - abajur (lampa qalpogi) ✔️  lavatory - hojatxona ✔️  living-conditions - yashash sharoitlari ✔️  living-room - mehmonxona ✔️  looking-glass - kozgu, oyna ✔️  to make one's bed - karavotni tartibga keltirmoq Bizning kanal @ingiliztili_05
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