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Repost from Ireland Knows
Black Epstein was finally arrested today. This legend breaks it down. @IrelandKnows
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✡️ 📺 👀 Have you ever watched television and NOTICED the fact that, within commercials, there is never an all-White family in the ad? Or an all-Black family for that matter? You only see interracial couples. And have you also NOTICED that, within these same commercials, there is an increase of f*ggot and lesbian content? Well. Like everything else in the miserable, Judaized world we live in, this is by design. And as such we only have two words for you: Marla Kaplowitz. ✡️ 📺 👀 That's right, Goyim. Marla Kaplowitz. This Sanhedrin sorceress is the CEO of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, better known now as The 4 A's, which, by their own admission, "serves 600+ member agencies across 1,200 offices, which control more than 85% of total U.S. advertising spend." You read that correctly. 85% of all advertising in the Jewnited Snakes of Jewmerica is controlled by this Kehilla witch and her team. Ah! And what is her specialty exactly? "Diversifying the talent pipeline" according to her colleague, Abbey Klaassen. Nothing like a little "diversity", eh?! Jews don't want Whites inspired to have White families. Nor Blacks moved to have Black families. Nor Latinos motivated to have Latino families. And so on. Jews want all Gentiles within European and European colonialist derivative nations to be thrown together in a mishmash where all forms of ancient ethnic, national and religious identity are exterminated and nothing is known thereafter but the Noahide Laws enforced by the Global Noahide Project. In fact, the very term "melting pot" was popularized by British-Jewish author 'Israel' Zangwill (L.A.) with his 1908 play of the same name. He was a Zionist fanatic who also popularized the dehumanizing slogan, "Palestine is a country without a people; the Jews are a people without a country." Another Zionist fanatic, the "philosopher" Horace Kallen (L.A.), used "melting pot" as a linguistic weapon in his essay, "Democracy Versus the Melting-Pot: A Study of American Nationality", to attack many a Gentile who didn't drop their historical ethnic identity in exchange for the all-encompassing, catch-all title of "American". Those specifically bombarded were those of European stock. Kallen, do keep in mind, was the founder of the exclusively Jewish secret society known as the Parushim--Hebrew for "Pharisees". From Zangwill and Kallen of yesterday... to Kaplowitz today. Think I'm reaching? Let's take a look at what REALLY motivates Ms. Kaplowitz, eh? What else would it be but "ANTISEMITISM" and Tikkun Olam?! In 2021, The 4 A's head honcho signed a letter condemning the former and hailing the latter as a means of browbeating American Gentiles for doing just a little bit too much... NOTICING. Predictive programming. Brainwashing. Psychological warfare. It all applies. Whether it's advertising in America or broadcasting pornography in the occupied West Bank, Jews like Kaplowitz do not want to "repair the world (Tikkun Olam)" for Gentiles... They want Gentiles defanged and docile so they can dominate us and subsequently enslave us to the Halakhic-Talmudic regime of the Synagogue of Satan. And it begins with the rerouting of how we think. Deny Muck-faced Marla and her Mishpucka what they want. Turn off the TV and don't switch it back on. It is nothing but degenerate swill and filth to begin with ANYWAY. ✡️ 📺 👀 #TheNoticing #GRNIntel 🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
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🇺🇸 The town of Whitewater, Wisconsin, of under 15k people, has seen its population grow over the past two years thanks to immigrants from Latin America. The migrants, most of whom are undocumented, have begun straining the town's resources. Police are overwhelmed by the rise in criminality. The town has taken in more than 1000 people since 2022. @CIG_telegram
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Repost from Jack Posobiec
Feds tried to intimidate the Founder of Odysee at his home today. It did not go well for them
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Jeremy Kauffman 🦔 (@jeremykauffman)

The FBI visited my house today for free speech acts they knew were not crimes. You can see the shame on their faces. This is the Democratic regime manifest.

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Dismantling the Cults' Abuse of John 10:30

Jesus explicitly says he's God in John 10:30, no matter how much the unitarian cults want to twist his words. Are you a Christian struggling with doubts? Get 1-on-1 counseling at

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🇷🇴 Corneliu Zelea Codreanu - 🔥 125th anniversary of the captain's birth! He was born on 13 September 1899 in Huși, the eldest of the seven sons of professor Ion Zelea Codreanu (three times deputy, from a former family of foresters). Between 1912 and 1916, he studied at the military high school of the "Dealul" monastery. Later, between 1916 and 1919, he continued his military studies at the Military Infantry School in Botoșani. It was during this time that he learned to love the trench and to hate bourgeois comfort, receiving a military education that would mark him throughout his life. He then attended the Faculty of Law in Iasi. In 1919, he joined the National Guard of Conscience, a militant anti-communist organisation led by the worker Constantin Pancu and promoter of national Christianity. With great courage, he successfully opposed the opening of the university year without religious services. Elected president of the Law Students' Society on 10 May 1922, he founded the Christian Students' Association. In the autumn of 1922, he left to study in Berlin and Jena, but returned in winter to take part in the great student movements of December 1922. The main point of the young Romanians' demands was the "numerus clausus", i.e. the limitation of the number of places allocated to Jews in universities to the percentage they actually represented in the Romanian population. Together with Professor A.C.Cuza, he founded the National League for Christian Defence (LANC) in 1923. In the same year, together with Ion Moța, Corneliu Georgescu, Vernichescu, Ilie Gârneață, Radu Mironovici, Leonida Bardac and Tudose Popescu, he organises the revolt against the stateless bankers and the corrupt leaders of Romanian politics. The plan is betrayed by Vernichescu from Cluj. He was released and found innocent by the courts. In 1924, he shot in self-defence the police prefect Manciu from Iasi, accused of unimaginable abuses against nationalist high school and university students. He was acquitted a year later in the Turnu Severin case. On 24 June 1927, together with Ion Moța, Corneliu Georgescu, Ilie Gârneață and Radu Mironovici, he founded the Archangel Michael Legion. In 1930, he organised two large marches in Bessarabia, with the aim of calming communist agitation. The youth organisation of the Iron Guard was formed, and the legionnaires were not the only ones to join it. It was dissolved three times without reason between 1931 and 1933. He was elected deputy for Neamt in 1931 and in 1935 he organised the legionary trade, a unique form of fundraising for the movement and at the same time a parallel alternative to bourgeois capitalist materialism. He also founded the All for the Patriot Party, a political expression of the legionary movement. He was arrested on the night of 16-17 April 1938 for having insulted Nicolae Iorga in a public letter, calling him "dishonest in spirit" because, after having supported the young Romanian patriots, the historian had turned his back on them in order to enter the good graces of King Carol II. He was sentenced to six months in prison. In May, he was tried again and sentenced to ten years of hard labour. On the night of 29-30 November 1938, he was murdered by gendarmes together with other important legionaries, Nicadorii and Decemvirii, while they were being transported to Jilava. After the creation of the National Legionary State in September 1940, the captain's body was dug up and reburied as a Christian burial ground at the Casa Verde in Bucharest, the headquarters of the movement. The grave was destroyed by the communist regime and today we do not know the final resting place of the man who marked the interwar generation with his example of sacrifice, dedication, orthodox life, and deep love for all that is Romanian. #TrăiascăLegiuneaȘiCapitanul
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"Sfanta Tinerete Legionara"- Parintele Iustin Parvu - 92 de ani.

"HoțNews"-ul lui Soros si "Adeverul" lui Patriciu (practic doi comunisti-capitalisti verosi), se revolta aluturi de o organizatie dubioasa, Centrul pentru Monitorizarea si Combaterea Antisemitismului din Romania, pentru ca un martir al inchisorilor, Parintele Justin Parvu de la Petru Voda, cu 17 ani de temnita, este sarbatorit la aniversarea celor 92 de ani impliniti luna aceasta pe versurile celui mai mare poet roman al secolului trecut, la randul lui un mucenic anticomunist, Radu Gyr. Bunul Parinte Justin Parvu, care a implinit pe 10 februarie 92 de ani, a fost reclamat la Patriarhie pentru "legionarism" de catre un personaj al lumii interlope, de origine evreiasca, Marco Maximilian Katz, aflat in relatii cercetate de DNA cu un alt personaj similar, din Guvernarea Nastase, pe numele sau Sorin Tesu.

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Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker)

Here we go: Yet another Trump shooting suspect who appeared in a globalist commercial. Ryan Routh was in a Pro-Ukraine propaganda video. Thomas Crooks was in a Blackrock commercial. These would-be Trump assass*ns were very good at following scripts.

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Apparently there was another assassination attempt on Donald Trump. This time prevented by secret service.
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Freedom 🇺🇸🦅 (@PU28453638)

Breaking: Gold Star families from the Afghanistan withdrawal gifted a specially made knife to Trump during a Utah fundraiser. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 ‘The blade was forged from the steel of the door that al-Baghdadi was hiding behind.’ 💥

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