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A12 Supporters - Stop Fossiele Subsidies

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πŸ‘ 12πŸ”₯ 6❀‍πŸ”₯ 4
πŸ”₯ VNO-NCW moest gisterochtend door onze blokkade noodgedwongen hun mega kapitalistische conferentie verhuizen naar een B-locatie. ✊ Drie rebellen wisten daar toch binnen te glippen om onze duidelijke boodschap en eis van het podium te speechen! βŒ›οΈ β€œEr is een wereldwijde crisis. ‼️ Het is genoeg geweest en jullie gaan door alsof er niks aan de hand is. πŸ‘‰ Wij zijn van Extinction Rebellion en wij eisen een stop aan deze bijeenkomsten. πŸ“£ Het kan zo niet langer!” βž• Volgende keer ook nog een plan C regelen VNO-NCW. πŸ“… Tot binnenkort! ////////////// πŸ”₯ VNO-NCW was forced to move their mega capitalist conference to a B-location yesterday morning due to our blockade. ✊ Three rebels managed to sneak in there to speech our clear message and demand from the stage! βŒ›οΈ β€œThere is a global crisis. ‼️ Enough is enough and you continue even when nothing is wrong. πŸ‘‰ We are from Extinction Rebellion and we demand a stop to these meetings. πŸ“£ This cannot continue!” βž• Next time, VNO-NCW will also have to arrange a plan C. πŸ“…See you soon!
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❀‍πŸ”₯ 10πŸ”₯ 3❀ 2
πŸ”₯ 17❀ 4
πŸ”₯ Vanochtend blokkeerden we voor de 3e keer het hoofdkantoor van VNO-NCW, ditmaal inclusief confronterende uitvaart-performance! ☠️ Om de dodelijke effecten van hun desastreuze lobby voor het in stand houden van de fossiele subsidies Γ©cht voelbaar te maken voor hen. ❌ We wilden vandaag hun mega kapitalistische Market Access Day voorkomen, om een eind te eisen aan hun fossiele lobby! 😱 Maar VNO-NCW blijkt voor hun events al een plan B te organiseren, voor onverwachtse blokkades. ⏰ De conferentie werd mega snel verplaatst naar een conferentiecentrum een paar honderd meter verderop. ✊ Dit is precies de druk die we willen en moeten uitoefenen om hen te laten stoppen met hun desastreuze lobby voor fossiele subsidies. πŸ“£ De volgende keer hebben ze ook een plan C nodig, want een paar rebellen wisten binnen te komen op de B locatie en hebben daar voor alle genodigden op het podium een krachtige speech gegeven. ‼️ Want VNO-NCW: we komen terug met nog veel meer! πŸ”₯ STOP FOSSIELE SUBSIDIES /////////// πŸ”₯ This morning we blocked the VNO-NCW headquarters for the 3rd time, this time including a confrontational funeral performance! ☠️ To make the deadly effects of their disastrous lobby to maintain fossil subsidies really tangible for them. ❌ Today we wanted to prevent their mega capitalist Market Access Day, to demand an end to their fossil lobby. 😱 But VNO-NCW seems to already be organizing a plan B for their events, in case of unexpected blockades. ⏰ The conference was moved mega quickly to a conference center a few hundred meters away. ✊ This is exactly the pressure we want and need to use to stop their disastrous lobby for fossil subsidies. πŸ“£ Next time they also need a plan C, because a few rebels managed to get into the B location and gave a powerful speech on stage for all the guests. ‼️ So VNO-NCW: we will come back with many more! πŸ”₯ STOP FOSSIL SUBSIDIES
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❀ 22πŸ”₯ 7πŸ‘ 3😁 1
We are Extinction Rebellion. We are normal people, who are very concerned about the current state of the planet. We are in the midst of a huge crisis, which many of us, especially politicians and people involved in the fossil fuel industry, try to minimize or deny. But there is no other reality than this reality. Our planet is warming rapidly and the effects are devastating. Of the last 14 months, 13 months have been at least 1.5 degrees warmer than pre-industrial times. Climate disasters are destroying crops, homes, communities, lives, families. The most vulnerable have nowhere to go. They are... naked... That is what brings us here today. We have been here at VNO NCW a few times before. Not just to talk. We disagree on something very essential: the urgency of this crisis. And the need for urgent action. We cannot continue to live in this dream of ultimate and unlimited growth. That reality is a dream. A lie. We have to slow down. Now. The people at VNO NCW do not want to see reality. They want to continue living in a dream, a lie, with enough time to solve this undeniable crisis. A dream without victims dying from hunger, drought, cyclones, heat or floods. A dream about a funeral without a corpse. Without confrontation with reality. Without… death. But this is reality. People are dying en masse. And we have to stop using fossil fuels to stop this. Right now. This is a funeral with a corpse. This is a funeral like a funeral. This is how people die from the climate crisis. This is the effect of fossil fuels. This is the real price of not wanting to slow down. So what should we do? What would you do? VNO NCW helps the VNO NCW facilitates the fossil industry to maintain fossil subsidies. About 40 billion euros per year. They influence politicians with misinformation, with lies, with dreams. And the result is… more crisis, more death, more mourning. This has to stop. And that's why we're here today.Β  To stop the lobby for fossil subsidies.
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πŸ”₯ 25❀ 14πŸ‘ 10❀‍πŸ”₯ 6
πŸ”₯ 19πŸ‘ 6❀ 5πŸ‘ 2❀‍πŸ”₯ 1
πŸ”₯ 17❀‍πŸ”₯ 3❀ 3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘ 2
πŸ”₯ We blokkeren NU alle ingangen van fossiele lobby organisatie VNO-NCW! πŸ“Ί Kijk hier mee naar de livestream: πŸ€‘ VNO-NCW wilde vandaag in de Malietoren samen met het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en de Europese Commissie het superkapitalistische event β€˜Market Access Day’ houden. ‼️ Om te praten over onbegrensde economische groei, zonder maar een beetje oog voor planetaire grenzen of de noodzaak van snelle afbouw van fossiele subsidies. ❌ Maar dat gaat dus niet door vandaag! 🀝 Het hopeloze beleid van het huidige kabinet wordt vormgegeven samen met de lobbyisten van VNO-NCW. πŸ™ˆ β€˜Fossiele subsidies’ worden daarin sinds kort zelfs β€˜fossiele regelingen’ genoemd. πŸ€” Als vertegenwoordiger van fossiele grootmachten als Shell, KLM en Tata Steel, stuurt VNO-NCW de politiek de verkeerde kant uit. ✊ Wij blijven hier zitten tot VNO-NCW stopt met haar desastreuze fossiele lobby! ///////////// πŸ”₯ We are NOW blocking all entrances of fossil lobby organization VNO-NCW! πŸ“Ί Watch the livestream here: πŸ€‘ VNO-NCW wanted to hold the super-capitalist event 'Market Access Day' in the Malietoren today together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Commission. ‼️ To talk about unlimited economic growth, without even a little eye for planetary boundaries or the need for a rapid reduction of fossil subsidies. ❌ But that is not going to happen today! 🀝 The hopeless policy of the current cabinet is being shaped together with the lobbyists of VNO-NCW. πŸ™ˆ 'Fossil subsidies' have recently even been called 'fossil regulations'. πŸ€” As a representative of fossil superpowers such as Shell, KLM and Tata Steel, VNO-NCW is steering politics in the wrong direction. ✊ We will stay here until VNO-NCW stops its disastrous fossil lobby!
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πŸ”₯ 31❀ 11❀‍πŸ”₯ 8⚑ 3πŸ‘ 2
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❀ 22πŸ”₯ 2
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