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Repost from Jimbo
Very rarely do you come across someone that embodies every principle that you stand for. Tim Lutze is a man amongst men, who I have the deepest respect for. Tim is a great man, a great father, and a great role model. Online anti-White vermin have harassed him and his business. Furthermore they successfully begged for the weaklings that run Boxing Victoria (the governing body) to deregister his gym, his coaching licence, his business partner's, and his athletes from fighting. We have made a fund-raiser to help support his gym and family. Tim will be fighting the governing body and needs all the help he can get. Tim is a fighter at his core. He embodies the spirit of our ancestors. He is a true Germanic, a European, an Aryan. @Thomas_Sewell
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Click here to Give now to Supporting Legacy Boxing & the Lutze Family by Jimeone Roberts


“Cities make ferocious men because they make corrupt men. The mountains, the sea, the forest, make savage men; they develop the fierce side, but often without destroying the humane side.” - Victor Hugo
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Repost from Jimbo
A once proud gym of promising Olympian’s established 1 week before the first lockdown in 2019. After the late and great Beau Gerring, we followed his philosophy: "Everyone is welcome." We trained young kids, we trained old blokes. Timmy, the heart of the gym was the head coach. He was kind, fair and level-headed as he mentored the current National Champion and State Champion  - both on the Victorian team aiming for Commonwealth Games next year. This is all credit to him. Then one day he opened the gym to a group of people who were like minded. Who share Tims characteristics of kindness, caring, and love for their own. The gym hosted a private community building event behind closed doors. It was not imposed on anyone other than those who wanted to be there. As a response to this, Boxing Victoria has accused and slandered Tim and his business partner Vanessa due to a slanderous piece of tabloid trash put out by the Jewish press. Not only that, they've stripped the gym of its ability to operate, and Tim and Vanessa of their boxing licenses. Tim has been a boxer since he was old enough to throw a punch, he's been a coach for as long as he has been able to tell which punch to throw. He has given his heart and soul to this sport, to his fighters, and to his gym and community for nigh on two decades without asking for anything besides seeing his young blokes strive for their potential. For aiding in the building of White Community and building a safe and friendly environment for White Men to train, spar, and interact socially - these evil parasites have gone after Tim's livelihood and his family. They've called for the kidnapping of his children publicly, they've deregistered the gym, and they've gutted his family financially - and they've done all this on Christmas Eve. The gym is now in dire need of memberships and funding to keep the Legacy alive, and to help support a White Nationalist brother who had given his life, his years, his experience, his heart, his soul, his tears, his sweat, and his blood (especially his blood) to securing an existence and future for White Men, White Women, and White Children. Talk is cheap - it's time to get around one of our own, lads I know you'll do us proud. @jimeonelyleroberts
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Click here to Give now to Supporting Legacy Boxing & the Lutze Family by Jimeone Roberts


The free man is a warrior, and only a man of war is a real man. We must look to their lives and exploits for inspiration and anticipate with great enthusiasm that such life will return."
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Repost from Jimbo
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To all the traitors, and all the scum, That sink their teeth into my brothers, Hear the call of the Aryan, Carried by the winds of Hyperborea, And know, Not just feel-- Know, Deep down in your soul, That the day is drawing nearer, And the hate runs thick, Like churned blood in our veins. @jimeonelyleroberts
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Repost from Jimbo
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It isn't easy to put in to words how I've felt during the trial of Thomas Sewell over the last weeks to months. Firstly, we all know Thomas is innocent. If you don't know this, you're IQ isn't high enough to follow along with the rest of this.
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Thomas sewell found guilty by kangaroo court.mp419.48 MB
Repost from Jimbo
Now, the first point that needs to be covered is that this "security guard", and I use the term lightly, actually tailors and sells suits along with working in the I.T industry. This man was not a veteran within the security sector, if he was a security guard at all. Those who have followed along with this trial have seen how much confusion and inconsistencies there have been regarding his "swipe card" and lack of a security "lanyard". Now, I'm not saying he wasn't working as security there, I'm simply pointing out the discrepancies other people have brought up. Secondly, this man (of his own admission) finished work at 5pm. If you cross reference the time from the CCTV footage - this incident began after 5pm. So, even if this man was a fully employed, fully licensed veteran security guard: He was off the clock. A euthanasia specialist may be allowed to end peoples lives all day, during their shift, but if they start knocking people off in the middle of the night, I'm fairly sure that is illegal. In contrast, I'm also sure there is a degree of insistence, enforcing authority, and yes - even physical force involved in working in the security sector. However, that does not give people working within that sector the right to assault people, put their hands on people, or even give insistent directions, when they are not working. Thirdly, and likely the biggest point is this: This case was not simply a case of accused assault being met with a claim of self-defence. The reason that this incident occurred AT ALL was because of the Jewish Lying Press, specifically A Current Affair, and Channel Nine of the Nine Network slandering the National Socialist Network, and European Australia Movement led by Thomas Sewell and Jacob Hersant as a group of home-grown extremists, and domestic terrorists - a lie that is simply based in fiction. Due to these corrupt and traitorous proclaimers of "public opinion", the right of reply was not offered to these men or any of the men within their respective organisations - and it was for this reason Thomas and Jacob found themselves at the Channel Nine building at all. They simply wanted their right of reply, and I think anyone who has seen the original footage of the incident knows that to be fact. It was only then, a potentially unlicensed, and certainly off duty "security guard" exhibited a pattern unusual behaviour, before (and I quote from his witness testimony) he was triggered, and launched at attack at Jacob Hersants throat, to which Thomas Sewell came to the defence. The Nine Network then collected a slew of "evidence" and I use this term lightly too, as it was Jacobs body-camera footage that provides the clearest and most obvious evidence to date - which has simply been reflected and confirmed for accuracy through the other angles. The "evidence" the Nine Network brought to the courtroom, was simply staffers and employees of Channel Nine - the very same people who were writing and producing this slanderous piece on Thomas, Jacob, and their organisations. One Sam "Selective Memory" Cucchiara, could be seen giving evidence on Tuesday and Wednesday, only to be seen interviewing Thomas Sewell a week later as he left Melbourne Magistrates yesterday - and you and I are simply supposed to accept that there is no bias or conflict of interest involved here. @jimeonelyleroberts
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Repost from Jimbo
It is even more obvious to me that the Magistrate, one Stephen Ballek, had either accepted a rather wadded envelope or had a stern talking to by his superiors over this last week. A man who was full of confidence, to the point of ending the hearing with words akin to, "I do not believe the prosecutions witnesses to be liars, I simply believe that they are mistaken." then came into the court room this weak with an entirely different demeanour, and he shakily read out his scripted verdict, not forgetting to now note that the same discrepancies that bordered on lies a week ago, were simply negligible now - all the while touting the truthfulness and professionalism of a nigger who swore under oath one of either Jacob or Tom had been playing "Dance Money" by Tones & I off some device prior and during the nigger assaulting Jacob. To help others understand this a little better, The Honourable Stephen Ballek is what is known as an "activist Judge" which means by his own merit, or by the suggestion of others, the verdict he hands down is anything other than unbiased and objective. This can be seen in the cases prior to Thomas Sewells in which he found yet another nigger innocent of sexually assault, and set him free again on the streets of Melbourne. The reason for this is quite simple, Stephen Ballek was appointed Magistrate by one JEWISH Martin Philip Pakula (born 7 January 1969), a Labor Party member of the Parliament of Victoria since 2006. Pakula has served as a minister under Premier Daniel Andrews since 2014. Most recently until June 2022, Pakula was the Minister for Industry Support and Recovery, Minister for Trade, Minister for Business Precincts from June 2020, the Minister for Tourism, Sport & Major Events from November 2018, and the Minister for Racing from December 2014. He previously served as the Minister for Jobs, Innovation & Trade (2018–2020), Attorney-General (2014–2018). He also served as Minister for Industrial Relations (2008–2010), Minister for Industry and Trade (2008–2010) and Minister for Public Transport (2010) in the Brumby Ministry. It was during his stint as Attorney-General of Victoria that he appointed Stephen Ballek as Magistrate, and you can be damn well sure it was this man, and this mans handlers that either produced that envelope, or had that talk with the Magistrate. The long and the short of it is this: there is no judicial solution, there is no political solution. Our enemies wage war on us in every aspect of our life, and they control every aspect of their evil beast system like a Kraken of lies thrashing about its tentacles and it sinks into the deep depths of degeneracy. There is no justice in an unjust world. There is only tyranny, suffering, and evil. Embrace the struggle, or you too will sink. Hail Thomas Sewell, an Australian Aryan!!! @jimeonelyleroberts @Thomas_Sewell
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