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🥮 时值中秋,皓月当空,清辉遍洒,倍增思亲之情。遥望明月,虽千里之外,然心念所至,情义常存。今宵与君共赏此轮圆月,愿君家和人安,福寿绵长。举杯邀月,愿君事事顺遂,万事皆圆。天涯共此时,明月常相伴,愿君每一日皆乐,长安康,福满盈。中秋佳节,祝君团圆美满,幸福无疆!
SGK20 Beta 16日-19日,开放无限制查询 @SGK20bot
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加入 #DigitalResistance 运动并立即签署公开信:
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Digital Resistance

We strongly condemn the arrest of Mr. Pavel Durov by the French authorities, a blatant attack on the freedom of expression and the right to private life.

👍 2🫡 1
Repost from 百晓阁
😃推广计划 如果你错过了搜索机器人的推广,那就不要再错过百晓阁的推广!这可能是让你未来几年无需工作,便能获得稳定收入的绝佳机会! 邀请好友使用机器人,你将持续获得好友消费带来的收益。 邀请方式一:使用邀请链接直接推广。 邀请方式二: 将机器人添加到你的群组或频道,机器人将自动同步发布悬赏,操作悬赏的用户将成为你的直推用户。
奖励说明 直推 每笔悬赏金额的 0.6% 将作为你的收益。 裂变 每笔悬赏金额的 0.4% 将作为你的收益。
如果不想再错过这一次,请访问 @buy1oobot 并发送推广中心
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👍 1 1
Repost from Du Rove's Channel
❤️ Thanks everyone for your support and love! Last month I got interviewed by police for 4 days after arriving in Paris. I was told I may be personally responsible for other people’s illegal use of Telegram, because the French authorities didn’t receive responses from Telegram. This was surprising for several reasons:  1. Telegram has an official representative in the EU that accepts and replies to EU requests. Its email address has been publicly available for anyone in the EU who googles “Telegram EU address for law enforcement”.  2. The French authorities had numerous ways to reach me to request assistance. As a French citizen, I was a frequent guest at the French consulate in Dubai. A while ago, when asked, I personally helped them establish a hotline with Telegram to deal with the threat of terrorism in France. 3. If a country is unhappy with an internet service, the established practice is to start a legal action against the service itself. Using laws from the pre-smartphone era to charge a CEO with crimes committed by third parties on the platform he manages is a misguided approach. Building technology is hard enough as it is. No innovator will ever build new tools if they know they can be personally held responsible for potential abuse of those tools.  Establishing the right balance between privacy and security is not easy. You have to reconcile privacy laws with law enforcement requirements, and local laws with EU laws. You have to take into account technological limitations. As a platform, you want your processes to be consistent globally, while also ensuring they are not abused in countries with weak rule of law. We’ve been committed to engaging with regulators to find the right balance. Yes, we stand by our principles: our experience is shaped by our mission to protect our users in authoritarian regimes. But we’ve always been open to dialogue. Sometimes we can’t agree with a country’s regulator on the right balance between privacy and security. In those cases, we are ready to leave that country. We've done it many times. When Russia demanded we hand over “encryption keys” to enable surveillance, we refused — and Telegram got banned in Russia. When Iran demanded we block channels of peaceful protesters, we refused — and Telegram got banned in Iran. We are prepared to leave markets that aren’t compatible with our principles, because we are not doing this for money. We are driven by the intention to bring good and defend the basic rights of people, particularly in places where these rights are violated. All of that does not mean Telegram is perfect. Even the fact that authorities could be confused by where to send requests is something that we should improve. But the claims in some media that Telegram is some sort of anarchic paradise are absolutely untrue. We take down millions of harmful posts and channels every day. We publish daily transparency reports (like this or this ). We have direct hotlines with NGOs to process urgent moderation requests faster. However, we hear voices saying that it’s not enough. Telegram’s abrupt increase in user count to 950M caused growing pains that made it easier for criminals to abuse our platform. That’s why I made it my personal goal to ensure we significantly improve things in this regard. We’ve already started that process internally, and I will share more details on our progress with you very soon.  I hope that the events of August will result in making Telegram — and the social networking industry as a whole — safer and stronger. Thanks again for your love and memes 🙏
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还在担忧查档被骗吗?百晓阁是你所需要的! @buy100
🅱️ 这里是百晓阁,全网首个查档悬赏频道,致力于为用户提供最佳服务体验。 😃为何选我 1. 专业商家入驻,订单处理快速高效。 2. 赏金公开透明,杜绝中间商赚差价。 3. 售后服务保障,确保你权益不受损。 😃交易流程 …………………………
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3👍 1
好用的多向机器人!可以创建团队协作的客服系统。 邀请1人可以获得7天会员,邀请100人就能用2年😆
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多向机器人 - 自定义制作

‼️ 用人性化的操作逻辑打破传统双向,开启 [ 多向 ] 时代! 一键创建多向私聊机器人,自定义设置你和你的团队的专属客服系统。 自动回复、启动消息、强制订阅、消息广播、历史记录、用户管理、统计数据……

👍 3
Repost from Ton中文频道
Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
今天,我们与帕维尔·杜罗夫——Telegram的创始人站在一起。 为了支持 #DigitalResistance 运动,我们将更新Toncoin的标志和TON社区频道中的头像为全球数字抵抗的象征——抵抗犬。帕维尔·杜罗夫在为保护Telegram用户隐私和言论自由而斗争的过程中发起了这场运动。 加入 #DigitalResistance,#FreeDurov。激活抵抗包: 1️⃣ 使用 #FREEDUROV 标签分享此贴文 2️⃣ 在你的用户名中加上🆓表情符号 3️⃣ 更换头像为抵抗犬(我们的头像)
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13👍 4🔥 3
🌐钟皆连:450422200802151581 女 🌐钟*昌:45242******09141518 户主 🌐钟*文:450422****09191518 子 🌐钟*强:450422****04171512 子 🌐钟*莹:450422****03161527母亲离婚 一人做事一人当,全家敏感信息已变为*代替
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👍 18 3
🌐钟皆连:450422200802151581 女 🌐钟北昌:452423197709141518 户主 🌐钟健文:450422200109191518 子 🌐钟国强:450422201104171512 子 🌐钟莹莹:450422200903161527母亲离婚
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