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الدكتوره حنان لحل جميع واجبات اللغة الانجليزية والبرزنتيشن والكويزات والتقارير والبحوثات وكل شي يتعلق باللغه الانجليزية وجميع اسئلة الاختبارات قرامر وبحوثات التخرج برايتنق ريدنق والاستماع لكافه الخدمات الطلابيه المتكاملة.

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يوجد حوالي 200 فعل منتظم في اللغة الإنجليزية. الأفعال المنتظمة هي الأفعال التي تتبع نمط تصريف منتظم لتكوين زمن الماضي والمضارع المستمر والماضي التام والمستقبل البسيط. يتم تصريف جميع الأفعال المنتظمة بإضافة اللاحقة "-ed" لتكوين زمن الماضي والمضارع المستمر، واللاحقة "-ing" لتكوين المضارع المستمر، واللاحقة "will" أو "shall" لتكوين المستقبل البسيط. على سبيل المثال، الفعل المنتظم "play" (يلعب) يتصرف على النحو التالي: * الماضي البسيط: played (لعب) * المضارع المستمر: playing (يلعب) * الماضي التام: had played (كان قد لعب) * المستقبل البسيط: will play (سيلعب) إليك بعض الأمثلة الأخرى للأفعال المنتظمة: * work (يعمل) * study (يدرس) * eat (يأكل) * sleep (ينام) * talk (يتحدث) * write (يكتب) * read (يقرأ) * watch (يشاهد) * listen (يستمع) * drive (يقود) من المهم ملاحظة أن هناك بعض الأفعال غير المنتظمة الشائعة، مثل "go" و"do" و"have"، والتي لا تتبع نمط تصريف الأفعال المنتظمة.
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الأفعال الشاذة في اللغة الإنجليزية الأفعال الشاذة هي الأفعال التي لا تتبع قواعد تصريف الأفعال المنتظمة في اللغة الإنجليزية. وتشمل بعض أكثر الأفعال الشائعة الاستخدامًا: * be (يكون) * do (يفعل) * have (لديه) * go (يذهب) * see (يرى) * come (يأتي) * get (يحصل) * make (يصنع) * take (يأخذ) * think (يفكر) * know (يعرف) * bring (يحضر) * buy (يشتري) * catch (يمسك) * choose (يختار) * drive (يقود) * eat (يأكل) * fall (يسقط) * feel (يشعر) * fight (يقاتل) * find (يجد) * fly (يطير) * forget (ينسى) * give (يعطي) * grow (ينمو) * hear (يسمع) * hide (يختبئ) * hold (يمسك) * hurt (يؤذي) * keep (يحتفظ) * know (يعرف) * lay (يضع) * lead (يقود) * leave (يترك) * lend (يقرض) * let (يسمح) * lie (يكذب) * lose (يفقد) * make (يصنع) * mean (يعني) * meet (يلتقي) * pay (يدفع) * put (يضع) * read (يقرأ) * ride (يركب) * ring (يرن) * run (يجري) * say (يقول) * see (يرى) * sell (يبيع) * send (يرسل) * shake (يهز) * shine (يلمع) * shoot (يطلق النار) * show (يظهر) * shut (يغلق) * sing (يغني) * sit (يجلس) * sleep (ينام) * speak (يتكلم) * spend (ينفق) * stand (يقف) * steal (يسرق) * stick (يلتصق) * swim (يسبح) * take (يأخذ) * teach (يعلم) * tear (يمزق) * tell (يخبر) * think (يفكر) * throw (يلقي) * understand (يفهم) * wake (يستيقظ) * wear (يرتدي) * win (يفوز) * write (يكتب) من المهم ملاحظة أن بعض الأفعال الشاذة لها أشكال مختلفة للماضي البسيط والمضارع البسيط والمضارع المستمر. على سبيل المثال، الفعل "go" له ماضي بسيط "went" ومضارع بسيط "goes" ومضارع مستمر "is going". من الأفضل حفظ الأفعال الشاذة عن ظهر قلب، حيث لا يوجد نمط واضح لتصريفها. ومع ذلك، فإن الممارسة المنتظمة والتعرّض لها في الكتابة والقراءة والتحدث ستساعدك على إتقانها.
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Verbs in English are words that describe actions, states, or occurrences. They are the workhorses of a sentence, conveying the main action or event. Verbs can be classified into different types based on their function and form: * Action verbs: These verbs describe physical or mental actions, such as run, jump, think, or speak. * State of being verbs: These verbs describe a state of existence or condition, such as be, seem, or appear. * Transitive verbs: These verbs require a direct object to complete their meaning, such as give, take, or send. * Intransitive verbs: These verbs do not require a direct object to complete their meaning, such as sleep, walk, or cry. * Auxiliary verbs: These verbs are used to help other verbs, such as have, do, and be. Verbs can also be conjugated to indicate different tenses, moods, and aspects. For example, the verb "walk" can be conjugated as follows: * Present tense: I walk, you walk, he/she/it walks * Past tense: I walked, you walked, he/she/it walked * Future tense: I will walk, you will walk, he/she/it will walk * Present continuous tense: I am walking, you are walking, he/she/it is walking * Past continuous tense: I was walking, you were walking, he/she/it was walking * Future continuous tense: I will be walking, you will be walking, he/she/it will be walking Verbs are essential for communication in English. They convey the main action or event of a sentence and provide information about the tense, mood, and aspect of the action.
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Synonyms in English * Beautiful - pretty, handsome, gorgeous, stunning, attractive * Big - large, great, huge, enormous, vast * Cold - chilly, frosty, icy, freezing, frigid * Good - fine, excellent, great, wonderful, superb * Happy - joyful, delighted, pleased, glad, cheerful * Hot - warm, boiling, scorching, burning, sizzling * Important - significant, crucial, vital, essential, momentous * Interesting - fascinating, intriguing, captivating, engaging, compelling * Little - small, tiny, miniature, diminutive, petite * Many - numerous, abundant, countless, innumerable, myriad * New - recent, novel, modern, fresh, unfamiliar * Nice - pleasant, agreeable, delightful, charming, amiable * Old - ancient, antique, aged, elderly, venerable * Pretty - beautiful, handsome, attractive, comely, fair * Sad - unhappy, sorrowful, depressed, gloomy, melancholic * Scary - frightening, terrifying, horrifying, dreadful, alarming * Small - little, tiny, miniature, diminutive, petite * Ugly - unattractive, hideous, repulsive, revolting, loathsome * Warm - hot, boiling, scorching, burning, sizzling * Young - youthful, juvenile, adolescent, immature, tender
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هاذا جميع مفردات اللغة الانجليزية بالكامل 👆
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A * A * About * Above * Across * After * Against * All * Almost * Alone * Along * Already * Also * Although * Always * Among * An * And * Another * Any * Are * Around * As * At * Away B * Be * Because * Been * Before * Behind * Below * Beside * Between * Beyond * Both * But * By C * Can * Cannot * Come * Could * Could not D * Did * Do * Does * Does not * Doing E * Either * Else * Even * Ever * Every * Everyone * Everything F * Far * Few * For * From * Further G * Get * Got * Good * Great H * Had * Has * Have * Having * He * Her * Here * Hers * Himself * His I * I * If * In * Into * Is * It * Its * Itself J * Just L * Last * Later * Least * Less * Let * Like * Little * Long M * Make * Many * May * Me * Might * More * Most * Much * Must * My N * Near * Nearly * Need * Never * New * Next * No * Not * Now O * Of * Off * Often * On * Once * One * Only * Open * Or * Other * Otherwise * Our * Ours * Ourselves * Out * Over P * Past * Per * Perhaps * Please * Put Q * Quite R * Rather * Rarely * Read * Really * Right S * Same * Say * See * Seem * Seldom * Send * She * Should * Show * Since * So * Some * Someone * Something * Sometimes * Somewhere * Still T * Than * That * The * Their * Theirs * Them * Themselves * Then * There * Therefore * These * They * This * Those * Though * Through * Throughout * To * Today * Together * Too * Toward * Towards U * Under * Until * Up * Upon * Us * Use * Used V * Very W * Want * Was * Way * We * Were * What * When * Where * Which * While * Who * Whom * Whose * Why * Will * With * Within * Without * Would Y * Yes * Yet * You * Your * Yours * Yourself * Yourselves
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In the eerie silence of the night, a lone figure approached the House of Stone. The moon cast an ethereal glow on the ancient structure, its dark gray walls looming like a fortress in the darkness. The figure paused at the heavy wooden door, its heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and dread. With a trembling hand, the figure reached out and pushed open the door. It creaked loudly on its hinges, as if it had not been opened in years. The figure stepped inside, and the door slammed shut behind them with a deafening thud. The interior of the house was dark and cold. The only light came from the moon, which streamed in through the narrow windows. The figure could make out the shapes of heavy wooden furniture and a large fireplace in the center of the room. Suddenly, the figure heard a noise. It came from the far end of the room, a faint whimpering sound. The figure froze, its heart pounding in its chest. Slowly, cautiously, it moved towards the noise. As it got closer, the whimpering grew louder. The figure could now see a small, huddled shape in the corner of the room. It was a young woman, her clothes torn and her face streaked with tears. "Who are you?" the figure asked. The woman looked up, her eyes wide with fear. "I'm... I'm Mary," she stammered. "I'm trapped here. Please help me." The figure took a step towards Mary, but she flinched away. "Don't come any closer," she begged. "He'll hurt you." "Who will hurt me?" the figure asked. "The Master," Mary whispered. "He's the one who keeps me here. He's a cruel man. He'll kill you if he finds you." The figure hesitated. It could feel the cold fear radiating from Mary. It knew that she was telling the truth. "I'll help you," the figure said. "I'll get you out of here." Mary looked at the figure with hope in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you for saving me." The figure smiled. "Don't worry," it said. "I'll protect you."
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_____ في لحظة ما ... قد تشعر أن كل شيء يعاكس رغباتك ، و كل الأحوال تقف ضدك ، و كل الطرق سدت أمامك ... لا تيأس ، فهناك أمل ﴿لا تدري لعل الله يحدث بعد ذلك أمرا﴾..🖤🥀 _____
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Repost from خواطر 🍂
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غيمه☁️., [٨‏/٥‏/٢٠٢٤, ٤:٠١ ص] [🖼 "اللهم يا مسهل الشديد ويا ملين الحديد ويا منجز الوعيد يامن هو كل يوم في أمر جديد سهل لي ويسر لي أموري وافرح قلبي بما انت به اعلم فرج همي ويسر أمري وارحم ضعفي وقلة حيلتي".] "اللهم يا مسهل الشديد ويا ملين الحديد ويا منجز الوعيد يامن هو كل يوم في أمر جديد سهل لي ويسر لي أموري وافرح قلبي بما انت به اعلم فرج همي ويسر أمري وارحم ضعفي وقلة حيلتي". غيمه☁️., [٨‏/٥‏/٢٠٢٤, ٤:٠١ ص] [🖼 صورة]
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