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The person you will be in 10 years depends on the: 🔻skills you learn 🔻books you read 🔻habits you create 🔻network you build 🔻mindset you develop Start investing in yourself today. Your future is written in the present.
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እግዚሀርን ካሜራን . . ከያነ ሃፍታሙ ሕሸ ( inspire tigray ) #motivation #mindset #tig...
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ሰላም ከመይ ሓዲርኩም creative lkone tik tok video ንክትሰርሑለይ ብትሕትና ይሓትት፡፡ mention ምግባር ከይትርስዑታ፡፡@fevaimmanent የቐንየለይ፡፡
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rshintiktok (2).mp38.12 KB
ሃሳብን ወደ ተግባር መለወጥ  አንድን ያመንንበት ሃሳብ ወደ ተግባር ለመለወጥና ስኬታማ ለመሆን ከፈለግን የሚከተሉት ሶስት መሰረታዊ ልምምዶች ያስፈልጉናል፡፡ 1.  እውቀት ለመተግባር በፈለግነው ማንኛውም ጽንሰ-ሃሳብ አንጻር በቂ እውቀት ማዳበር በምንም ነገር ሊተካ የማይችል ልምምድ ነው፡፡ ካለእውቀት የሚጀመር ነገር ረጅም ርቀት ለመሄድ ካለመቻሉም ባሻገር አንድ እርምጃ ለመራመድ እንኳን እውቀቱን በጨበጡ ሰዎች ላይ የምንደገፍ ያደርገናል፡፡ 2.  እምነት በአንድ ማከናወን በፈለግነው ነገር ላይ በቂ ወይም ለመነሻ የሚሆን እውቀት ካዳበርን በኋላ ወደፊት ለመገስገስ ከፈለግን የምንጀምረው ነገር እንደሚሰራ በሙሉ ልባችን ልናምን ይገባናል፡፡ እንደሚሳካም ሆነ ወደፊት እንደምንገሰግስ ልባችን ያላመነበትን ነገር መጀመር አስቸጋሪ ከመሆኑም በላይ፣ ቢጀመርም እንኳን ዘላቂነቱ አጠራጣሪ ነው፡፡ 3.  እርምጃ ማድረግ የፈለግነውን ነገር አወቅነውም አላወቅነውም፣ እንደሚሰራ አመንንበትም አላመንበት፣ የመጨረሻው የውጤታማነት ምስጢር ያለው በዚያ ነገር ላይ እርምጃ በመውሰዳችን ላይ ነው፡፡ እርምጃና ተግባራዊነት የሌለው እውቀትም ሆነ እምነት የትም አይደርስም፡፡ በቂ እውቀት! ጽኑ እምነት! የማያዳግም እርምጃ!
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Dr. Eyob Mamo

Life skill development! You can contact me @DrEyobmamo

Dark Truths that will Make You Stronger 1. Nobody cares about you, your plans, your goals, or your little dramas. So, stop pretending they do, or getting upset when they don't. Do the good things you have to do for your benefits. 2. When it comes to reaching your goals, discipline is more important than motivation. If you don't have discipline, you will never be committed to anything. 3. You are the only person capable of changing your life; no one can do that for you and no amount of excuses can do it for you. The easiest way to change yourself is to change the things you do each day. 4. The biggest threat to your progression in life isn't something or someone around you. It is you. 5. The key to a successful life lies not in what you know, but in what you do with what you know. 6. Failure is just a steppingstone on the road to success. 7. You can't change the past, but you can still d£stroy your future if you repeat the mistakes. 8. Success is not about what you accomplish, it's about who you become in the process. 9. Your comfort zone is a barren place. Nothing ever grows there. 10. Anything in life worth achieving will not be easy to get. Stop believing otherwise. If it was easy, everyone would get what they wanted. Most people give up on their goals when things become too difficult. Don’t be like them.
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