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Smiling through the storms doesn’t mean to suppress emotions, it means to truly know from inside that the storm is a great gift in one’s life. When the SatGuru’s sacred feet walk into one’s life, everything changes. Horoscopes, destinies, and luck start to flow differently. The ultimate aim of every human birth is to attain the Lotus Feet of the SatGuru. However, the jeeva isn’t ready and doesn’t try to attract the grace of the SatGuru in every birth. So the life in which the SatGuru Himself comes and the jeeva is ready to offer itself fully are very, very rare. Millions of lifetimes may pass before such a rare occurrence. When the moon comes close to the earth many subtle and overt changes happen. The water behaves differently, high tides are more prevalent. The atmospheric pressure is greater. And so many other effects on the subtler realms as well. The atma rejoices joyously when the moon of the SatGuru’s grace comes close. The atma doesn’t care whether the tides are high or the pressure is greater. It is simply awestruck with gratitude that the Beloved Master has finally come to claim it back to Himself. Because of the incredible phenomenon of the SatGuru’s presence in one’s life, the closer He comes to the atma, the more mysterious and inexplicable things start happening. Sometimes the blessings are directly visible, whereas other times the blessings are hidden within other phenomena. The greatest sorrow of the atma is when the jeeva runs away because of the storm it is facing. The atma knows that the storm is just another way to experience the SatGuru’s Lotus Feet walking closer and closer to itself. The atma is truly happy because it knows that the storm one is facing is a great gift in one’s life. A great gift that is the mark of His arrival. The jeeva needs to awaken to the longing of the atma. The deep and earnest yearning to be closer and closer to the Lotus Feet of the SatGuru. If the jeeva ignores this deep inner longing, one will make terrible choices. Such as the choice to walk away because of perceived unpleasantness. All unpleasantness and sorrow can be overcome if one decides to see the hidden blessing within it. But one runs away rather than face the storm. One chooses to turns away from the SatGuru rather than learning to enjoy the winds, rain, lightning, and thunder. Even a storm can be enjoyed if one knows how to handle it. Choose elevate oneself with the Divine Name that the SatGuru has given and one will be able to sit on a high mountain to enjoy watching the storm from far away. But if one chooses to be stuck in the mud of worldliness and fear, one will feel the entire pressure, turmoil, and pain of the storm. The choice is in one’s hands. Welcome the footsteps of the SatGuru walking closer and closer by preparing oneself thoroughly. Or, run away from His deep love because one is unprepared to handle His greatness.
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Swami Vishwananda (@vishwananda) on X

Smiling through the storms doesn’t mean to suppress emotions, it means to truly know from inside that the storm is a great gift in one’s life. When the SatGuru’s sacred feet walk into one’s life, everything changes. Horoscopes, destinies, and luck start to flow differently. The

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Repost from BM Today
LIVE - Kirtan Wednesday 18 September 2024 Join Paramahamsa Vishwananda NOW live from Germany at the Ashram, Shree Peetha Nilaya! If you would like to support the mission of Bhakti Marga, you are welcome to donate an endowment to our non-profit organisation Bhakti Marga Stiftung. DONATE NOW Bhakti Marga Stiftung Am Geisberg 1-8 65321 Heidenrod Privacy Policy
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Paramahamsa Vishwananda - LIVE NOW from Shree Peetha Nilaya

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Meeting an enlightened spiritual master can be a life-changing experience that has the potential to shift your perspective on the world, transform your consciousness and bring profound healing and inner peace. Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda's mission is to open the hearts of mankind. He tirelessly serves humanity and teaches profound spiritual wisdom about how to cultivate a meaningful personal relationship with the Divine through Bhakti: love and devotion to God. –•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–•–• If you found value in this offering, please consider making a donation. The generous support of our donors allows Bhakti Marga to continue providing uplifting content to enrich and enhance your relationship with the Divine. Thank you for your support!

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Bhakti Marga is an international spiritual movement founded by Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda. 'Bhakti Marga' means 'the path of devotion' and all activities are offered as a means to help you rise in love with the Divine. Want to find out more?

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SAVE THE DATE - UPCOMING EVENTS AT SRINIVASA 🔹Navaratri 09 - 11 October from 6:30pm onwards Day 7 – Devi Kalaratri Day 8 – Devi Mahagauri Day 9 – Devi Siddhidhatri This year we will be celebrating the last 3 nights of Navaratri at Srinivasa, we will worship a different aspect of the Divine Mother with special prayers, pujas, and bhajans. 🔹Kartik Night Saturday 26 October from 4:00pm onwards We venerate Lord Krishna with several pujas, singing Sri Radha Krishna bhajans, and take turns singing and dancing around the oil lamp. Registration links and additional information to follow 🙏💛
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True Sangha is the constant offering of humility, love, and service for others to be closer to Bhagavan. Tulsi Devi never took form as a human when Bhagavan Krishna took birth in Vraj. Even though she could have. Even though the Lord wanted her to. She remained hidden and only projected her love to help others be close to Sri Krishna. She helped every plant, every animal, every gopi, every gopa to become more humble and more aware of who they were seeing when they looked at Sri Krishna. Radha Rani knowing the utmost sacrifice of Tulsi Devi was always looking for ways to bring her in front of Sri Krishna. But Tulsi Devi always found a way to hide. Utmost humility and love. This was the relationship between Radha Rani and Tulsi Devi. One day, Radha Rani found the best way. She tricked Tulsi Devi to appear where Sri Krishna was playing His flute by pretending that they needed something from her. As soon as she appeared, Radha Rani became the Pujari and performed all the rites for the everlasting marriage of Tulsi Devi and Sri Krishna. Does that sound like jealousy? Possessiveness? Acting like a queen? No. Radha Maharani having the complete association of Sri Krishna wanted only that His most beloved Tulsi Devi also find a way to be closer to Him. To realize in that life again their eternal promise of being married to each other. They were one and the same Radha, Tulsi, Krishna. There was only Sri Krishna everywhere. As Tulsi Devi had kept herself completely in service for others, Radha Rani was also always the same way. It was never about themselves. Always about others. Always only about making His heart brim over with love and joy. All for Sri Krishna. Maiya Yashoda also helped every gopi to be closer to her little Kanha. Sewing clothes for Him, playing with Him as she took care of the house, bringing Him butter that they had prepared in their homes. In every way Maiya Yashoda was constantly in service to others. Nand Baba did the same for the gopas. Allowing them to bring Kanha to the Yamuna river to play, into the forests of Vrindavan with the cows, and protecting the village from attacks. Every soul was engaged in loving service to others. This is a true Sangha. Not about running in front to claim attention for oneself. But it is about looking out for each other. Taking care of each other. Serving each one with utmost love and kindness. Who did Sri Krishna not spend time with? Who did He not give His attention to? Can we claim that He loved Radha Maharani more than He loved Tulsi Devi, the gopas more than the gopis? It is impossible to compare. If Radha is truly the love of Krishna Himself. Then Tulsi is His most inseparable companion. Why do humans love to compare and claim one as greater than the other? It is so heartbreakingly sad. We hurt each other so much and then imagine that we can have the sweetest and closest relationship with God. It is 100% impossible this way. One has to learn to be humble. Be kind from within. Be fully prepared to sacrifice the needs and desires of the self for others. The One who is everywhere can you be further or closer to Him? Even if someone else receives attention in a public way or for a long time, does it mean that the others have missed out? This type of thinking can only drown one into arrogance and despair. It is just lower level pettiness and nothing else. One has to move beyond such foolishness if one wants to take even the first step on the spiritual path. If one is stuck in such things, it is sure that one hasn’t walked a single step on the path illuminated by the SatGuru. The SatGuru is only concerned with unconditional love. Nothing else. For how long will your attention be somewhere else?
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Swami Vishwananda (@vishwananda) on X

True Sangha is the constant offering of humility, love, and service for others to be closer to Bhagavan. Tulsi Devi never took form as a human when Bhagavan Krishna took birth in Vraj. Even though she could have. Even though the Lord wanted her to. She remained hidden and only

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Repost from BM Today
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FINAL CHANCE TO GET THE RECORDING OF THE SRI GURU GITA COMMENTARY just given by Paramahamsa Vishwananda Jai Gurudev, If you missed it before, we are excited to announce that signing up for the recent recording of Guruji's commentary on the Sri Guru Gita is now available for the next 48 hours! 🙏✨ Please note that this special opportunity to order will only be available for 48 hours. (Signup will be closed on 12 of September at 14:00 Germany time.) Don’t miss out on this final chance to experience the Sri Guru Gita as Guruji explains each and every verse. Register Now * Country Adapted Pricing: For the first time ever, and only for this time, we are able to offer Country-Adapted Pricing, which means that the price is set based on the economic factors in each country. * Pay in three instalments: 1/3 when you sign up, 1/3 due 11 November 2024, 1/3 due 11 January 2025. Bhakti Event GmbH Am Geisberg 1-8 65321 Heidenrod Privacy Policy
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Many blessings to all on Radha Ashtami. Radha. Krishna. The inseparable bond of love and devotion. Prem and Bhakti. As soon as Radha Rani saw Sri Krishna for the first time, she knew from her heart that He was her entire world. Bhagavan, Guru, friend, beloved, everything. There was nothing and no one other than Him. People so often misunderstand that deep devotion. One thinks that external associations, supernatural visions, or knowledge read from books makes one a bhakta. That is truly foolish. Devotion is the offering of the self regardless of anything. No matter what circumstances come up. No matter where the Beloved is. No matter what He chooses to shower one’s life with. Radha Rani had no complaints with her life. However it looked, whatever she had, wherever she was, everything was offered to her Kanha. Even in separation, her heart did not move. Not for a single second did she waver from her love. At the first glimpse of Sri Krishna, a deep determination of Sharanagati and Prem awoke in her heart. And the same determination stayed throughout her life and beyond. That is why millennia later she is still celebrated and worshiped so joyously. The life she led was so hidden and obscure, no one knew anything about her when she walked this earth. But the impact of her selfless and unconditional love was so strong that people revere her even today. It is not about how much people know about you. It is about how much you know about loving people. When true love arises for the people within your heart, you are making yourself ready for the SatGuru to walk into your life. But how many are truly willing to walk the path of humility, selflessness, compassion, and self-transformation. Very few. When you can’t even love the people, how will you learn to unconditionally love God? It is not possible. If you cannot joyfully accept your life, learn to look at things positively, and change yourself … how will you recognize God’s grace when it descends? Without your effort, there is no use of waiting for the SatGuru to change everything in your life. He is waiting for sincere effort from your side. He has been waiting for so long. He sees every soul experiencing life and death over and over again. But very people want to be completely free from this and bind themselves fully to His Lotus Feet. To the path of unconditional love. For very little effort, the SatGuru pours out His grace on the bhakta, but one is unwilling to even put in that little effort. On this blessed day, learn and change. Keep the example of Radha Rani in front of your eyes and pray to keep Sri Hari’s Lotus Feet in mind at all times. The example of these great Saints can become the guiding force of your life. Celebrate and learn from the extraordinary Prem and Bhakti that is Radha Maharani. May she bless everyone to transform fully into humility and love for the SatGuru’s Lotus Feet. Jai Jai Sri Radhe
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Swami Vishwananda (@vishwananda) on X

Many blessings to all on Radha Ashtami. Radha. Krishna. The inseparable bond of love and devotion. Prem and Bhakti. As soon as Radha Rani saw Sri Krishna for the first time, she knew from her heart that He was her entire world. Bhagavan, Guru, friend, beloved, everything. There

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Repost from SPN Events
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🛌 Available Beds for Darshan Weekend - 28 September ☀️ Jai Gurudev! Additional spots have been opened for the Darshan weekend in the 5-Bed Room! If you are planning to come for one or more nights, check it out here. We look forward to welcoming you to the ashram.
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GURUJI SATSANG IN FACEBOOK LIVE NOW - Bhakti Marga CH 😃💕 17 years of Radhavrindavaneshwari Temple in Möhlin with Paramahamsa Vishwananda
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There is one thought in our mind that we keep coming back to. There is usually one thought in our mind that is the strongest. When we have free time usually the mind gravitates back to that thought. It is like a magnet that keeps attracting the mind from wherever it is wandering. What is that thought for you? The yogis and saints made that thought the name and form of Bhagavan. Every time they were engaged in work, every time they were free, when they were talking to people, when they were by themselves. They kept the primary thought as God. They would call Him to help them, to eat with them, to walk with them. It was a constant pulling of the Lord to come and be with them in every moment. Do we realize how strong this constant thought is? It changed the most unforgivable sinners into Saints. And if we are arrogant and ignorant, this constant thought can also take us from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell. The thought that is the go-to thought for you, it forms such a strong base in your life. It becomes what you will remember when you look back. It becomes what you expect when you look forward. To keep the Lotus Feet of the SatGuru in the forefront of everything is the easiest thing but also in which you have to invest all of yourself. There is no 99%. You have to invest 100% and more of yourself. Then you will see results. You work so hard at your school, at your job. You work so hard to maintain your family. But usually keep a very random attitude towards service to the Guru. But developing yourself under the shelter of the Guru is the most valuable and rarest of rare opportunities. To build a relationship with the Guru is the sweetest gift from God. Grab the opportunity to love, serve, and surrender to the SatGuru with both hands.
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Swami Vishwananda (@vishwananda) on X

There is one thought in our mind that we keep coming back to. There is usually one thought in our mind that is the strongest. When we have free time usually the mind gravitates back to that thought. It is like a magnet that keeps attracting the mind from wherever it is

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Repost from BM Today
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NEW RELEASE! 📣 🎊 Sri Gopi Gita - Verses & Commentary by Paramahamsa Vishwananda | Audiobook Paramahamsa Vishwananda has said many times that the Gopi Gita is the heart of the Srimad Bhagavatam. The Song of Love from the Gopis to Krishna reveals to mankind the purest form of Love. Enjoy Guruji's commentary of this most special holy text. Jai Gurudev! Enjoy and share it with a friend 🙌 😊 Find it on the following audiobook platforms: Audible Google Play Apple Books . . .
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