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CENSORED AND CONTROLLED: Unmasking the Deep State’s War on Free Speech in America. A Must See Judicial Watch Documentary DoD Weaponized Spying Technology to Hunt Dissenters and Counter Disinformation "TRUTH" Lisa Haven Premiere in progress. Just Out October 23, 2023 Judicial Watch Documentary As Great as this documentary is, in truth it merely scratches the surface. The Twitter Files did indeed expose a lot. But both Jim Jordan and Tom Fitton are Wrong. This is Not a Right vs Left Battle. Our Entire Government is a Captured Operation. The Puppet Masters Control Both Sides. And American Citizens are being Attacked on Multiple Fronts. Jim Jordan is Not Going After the True Major Threats to our Free Speech, nor even calling them out. 5th Generation Information Warfare and Psychological Operations is being waged against us in Secret. And Jim Jordan knows these Secrets, yet Remains Silent. For instance. Retired General Jim Jones/Dynology, aka Shadowgate Military Technology - Interactive Internet Activities has been Weaponized Against the Population. And the DoD ARGUS AI is set to move the Information War Waged Against the American People to an entirely new level. Why is Jim Jordan silent about that? Very few people even know about the Aspen Institute, let alone understand the Great Significance they Hold. The Aspen Institute is the US equivalent of the British Royal Institute of International Affairs / Chatham House / The Pilgrims Society (The Top Secret Society in the USA) But calling the Aspen Institute a Think Tank and the Pilgrims Society a Secret Society is Completely Inadequate. They are not merely Consultants, but the Very Highest Level of Shot Callers over the Deep State. But they do not merely Call the Shots. These Operatives work from Withing Our Government Itself - At the Highest Level. They Run Out Government... @OratorBlog 10-23-2023 ******* “Censored and Controlled" is a documentary that details the coordinated effort by the government and Big Tech to censor and suppress information on topics such as Hunter Biden’s laptop, COVID-19, and election debates. - The documentary features interviews with people who have taken leading roles in exposing the collusion between government and social media to control what Americans see and hear. Included in the lineup of experts
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CENSORED AND CONTROLLED: Unmasking the Deep State’s War on Free Speech in America. A Must See Judicial Watch Documentary. DoD Weaponized Spying Technology to Hunt Dissenters and Counter Disinformation "TRUTH" | Alternative | Before It's News

CENSORED AND CONTROLLED: Unmasking the Deep State’s War on Free Speech in America. A Must See Judicial Watch Documentary DoD Weaponized Spying Technology to Hunt Dissenters and Counter Disinformation "TRUTH" CENSORED AND CONTROLLED: Unmasking the Deep State’s War on Free Speech in America - Premiere in progress. Just Out October

PUTIN AND RUSSIA ARE ALL FOR A NEW WORLD ORDER AND GLOBAL HEGEMONY JUST NOT A US WESTERN LED ONE THE MULTI-POLAR WORLD IS OF COURSE JUST AN ALTERNATE NEW WORLD ORDER Kremlin Says U.S. Can't Build 'New World Order' That Biden Spoke Of MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday that it agreed with U.S. President Joe Biden on the need to build a "new world order", but that it disagreed that the United States was capable of building it. In a call with reporters, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the U.S. was talking about an "American-centric" world order that would not exist in future. The exchange was emblematic of a contest, playing out against the background of the Ukraine and Gaza wars, in which Russia is trying to persuade developing countries to join it in building a new world free of U.S. "hegemony". *** ISRAEL LIES AND PROPAGANDA Israel Hayom Claims Protesters Against Israel's Ethnic Cleansing are Calling For Genocide, when the Protests are in Fact Against Genocide Biden's new world order creates a new era Israel Hayom 10-22-3023 In his policy address on Thursday pre-dawn (Israel time), President Biden sketched a new global map composed of a team of good guys – Israel, Ukraine, and the other democracies – on one side and a bad team – Russia, Iran, Hamas, and North Korea – on the other (surprisingly, China was left off the list). We in Israel focus on lifting the threat that we face, of course, but abroad the war is triggering domestic demonstrations and sometimes even riots. Western countries that have concentrations of migrants from Arab states, and Muslim states around the world, are especially sensitive. Even if they don't admit it, they are all afraid of the violent eruption of radical Islam that is unfolding under Hamas' influence. This makes our war a domestic interest of their own. In the US, Jewish institutions have been placed under stronger protection due to threats and demonstrations in support of genocide in most large American cities. In Berlin, synagogues have been attacked and Hamas supporters have demonstrated so tumultuously that the police now forbid any manifestation of identification with the terror organization. In the UK, apart from street protests, the BBC has tumbled into a public furor. A synagogue has been torched in Tunisia and demonstrations have taken place in other Arab states. This is but a partial account of domestic unrest around the globe. "Various threats" Transcending the domestic challenges as time passes, however, are the rising waves of blowback from the war that are affecting the international order. The first practical manifestation of this occurred last Thursday night when an American destroyer intercepted missiles and drones  See Full Article For More
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Kremlin Says U.S. Can't Build 'New World Order' That Biden Spoke Of

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday that it agreed with U.S. President Joe Biden on the need to build a "new world order", but that it disagreed that the United States was capable of building it.

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DoD/DHS Reporting Nations Are Making Final Preparation For WW3. Dave Hodges. Globalist Cabal Desperately Need WW3 to Subjugate the Masses and for Divide and Conquer Strategy. DISSENTERS MUST BE ELIMINATED Dr. Gabor Maté Speaks Out on Israel and Palestine: A Must-Watch Discussion 1,477,735 views Oct 13, 2023 Israel's Wizards of War and Death A Great Deception is Happening in So Many Ways Right Now. Uprising Revival 10-15-2023 The Level of Brainwashing and Stupidity among the Pro-Zionist Christians is Truly Disturbing. * Globalists Believe they have the FALSE PRETENSE For WW3 from the Very Problems They Created Themselves DO NOT COMPLY DO NOT SUPPORT CRIMINALS OR TRAITORS WHO ARE TRYING TO KILL OR ENSLAVE YOU IMPEACH BIDEN NOW The Globalists Desperately NEED WW3 for their Global Divide and Conquer to SUBJUGATE the Masses and ELIMINATE DISSENTERS DO NOT ACCEPT WAR DO NOT FIGHT DO NOT COMPLY Before It's News:
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The War Against You - Intro to - Your Government is Trying to Kill You By @OratorBlog - TheWarAgainstYou September 27, 2023 - PART 1 COMING SOON - THE WAR AGAINST HUMANITY IS DRAWING EVER MORE NEAR TO IT'S END - THE END GAME HAS ALWAYS BEEN - A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT NEW WORLD ORDER - A SECRET WAR IS BEING WAGED AGAINST THE GLOBAL POPULATION - WORLD GOVERNMENTS ARE AT WAR WITH THEIR OWN CITIZENS - But this War is Without Honor, Justice or Mercy - It is not a War Fought on the Battlefield. - These Cowards will not face you, nor look you in the eye before they Sentence You to Death - For they have conceived of the Most Evil and Vile Means for your Death, Destruction and Enslavement. + They are Demons who Pretend to be Angels of Mercy. - While they proclaim to be working for the benefit of humanity, they are hard at work to cause your demise... - If you have made it through: - The Toxic Chemicals and Poisons in our Food, Water and Air - The Deadly Drugs and Vaccines of Big Pharma - Toxic Consumer Goods - The Poisonous Chemicals and Heavy Metals Sprayed in the Air through the Global Chemtrail Geo-Engineering Agenda - The Weather Warfare Droughts, Hurricanes and Floods - The Marxist Pyro Lit Firestorms - And Directed Energy Weapon Attacks - Congratulations. You Are A Survivor - But Wait. That is Just The Beginning. - THE SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WAR - ARE NOW RAGING LOUDLY AND IN YOUR FACE - AND EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD AROUND YOU HAS BEEN WEAPONIZED
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The War Against You - Intro to - Your Government is Trying to Kill You

The War Against You - Intro to - Your Government is Trying to Kill You - By @OratorBlog - TheWarAgainstYou September 27, 2023 - PART 1 COMING SOON - THE WAR AGAINST HUMANITY IS DRAWING EVER MORE NEAR

War in Israel is Part of the Globalist Plan for the Multi-Polar New World Order TheWarAgainstYou. The Truth Others Do Not Know or Are Not Willing to Tell Everything is Connected Nothing is by Chance Everything that is Happening in the World Is Happening Because it is Part of the Globalist Plan for a New World Order - October 9, 2023 Working All Day & Night TheWarAgainstYou - Alex Jones stands as a perfect example of how the Narrative is Twisted to push the Globalist Agenda. - I will tell you Exactly WHY this War is happening. And then I dissect Alex Jones coverage of this conflict:
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War in Israel is Part of the Globalist Plan for the Multi-Polar New World Order TheWarAgainstYou

War in Israel is Part of the Globalist Plan for the Multi-Polar New World Order TheWarAgainstYou - Everything is Connected - Nothing is by Chance - Everything that is Happening in the World - Is Happe

I am hard at work on several Research/Video Projects. They are true Shockers. Next one coming out real soon. Please Stay Tuned. Thanks
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On 9-11 Google Attempts Takedown of Michael McKibben's Website Americans for Innovation BUT THEY WERE READY - Google Censorship Attack Takes Down ******** SAVE THIS LINK Learn the truth that Google fears will empower you: **********"* AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION (AFI) ANTICIPATED GOOGLE’S BRITISH-LED CENSORSHIP TYRANNY 11 YRS. AGO AFI HAS ALREADY RECOVERED FROM GOOGLE’S ATTACK Google made a viscous attack on TRUTH HISTORY RESEARCH at the Americans4Innovation website which was removed from the internet. See the censorship for yourself: We prepared for this day and think you will actually find great benefit in the way we have organized the material now. We encourage you to share the links with your downline; create your own urls for your distribution needs; and, most importantly, use our research to create your own videos, memes, articles, etc. * AFI’S TRUTH HISTORY INVESTIGATIONS ARE NOW EVEN MORE ACCESSIBLE - - DOWNLOAD THE ZIPPED ARCHIVE AND REPOST THE CONTENT EVERYWHERE LEARN THE TRUTH THAT GOOGLE DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW BECAUSE IT DE-PROGRAMS THEIR BRAIN WASHING * We would like to thank those of you who are supporting the TRUTH HISTORY project. Your donations help us keep the lights on in the AFI mines so that more truths can be unearthed and brought to the light of day. - Please consider a love donation for the preservation of truth history all around the world.
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On 9-11 Google Attempts Takedown of Michael McKibben's Website Americans for Innovation

On 9-11 Google Attempts Takedown of Michael McKibben's Website Americans for Innovation - BUT THEY WERE READY - Google Censorship Attack Takes Down -


Sorry Hannah. Giuliani is a Rockefeller UN Shill. Look at how he kissed their ass in this speech. U.N. ROCKEFELLER AWARD DINNER 1994. RARE VIDEO FOOTAGE
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U.N. ROCKEFELLER AWARD DINNER 1994. RARE VIDEO FOOTAGE - The Rockefeller's and the Founding of the United Nations. - RARE FOOTAGE - This one is quite interesting - (Please Note: I am Hard at Work on t

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CBDC. SHOCK REVELATIONS of a central banker, CBDC will be in the subcutaneous microchip!
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rivelazioni_shock_di_un_banchiere_centrale_il_cbdc_sara_nel_microchip.mp446.07 MB
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