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Susan Ashley Ignite the light

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5d I am nolonger separate from god. I am one with it. I am the creator not at the mercy of something or someone else. I am connected to the all that is. No gender agenda. Triality is recognising the energy that connects us all. Animals plants water air we are one. We can in fact heal it all as we heal ourselves.
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A little observation I made some time Ago Ist betrayal Judas. Turning on Jesus  Mary is from the line of king David. Star of David. So that’s why she gave birth in bethalthem as you had to be registered for tax to different areas. So they were living in NaZareen. But went  there for the birth. It was busy and she wanted somewhere quite so she went to the barn.  Jericho. 10500 years old. Oldest in the world 250m below 40tisox people all farmers.  Cycamore tree. Jesus Zacharis was short and told him come down and I wil say in your house because he wanted to help him as he was an asshole tax man. In the end he gave back half the tax  Elija spring creates miracles.  Stayed in mountains for 40 days and was tempted 1 to change stone to bread  2nd to kill himself  3 worship the devil and be rich.  Jesus turned the salt water into pure water So woman stopped miscarriage etc. miracles of fresh water.  Old city is so old the story of Joshua and Moses travelled together. This land was the promised land for Moses. Isrolites gere slaves to the Pharos so he sent Moses to free the people. Moses parred rhe sea and brought them to here from Egypt. Over 1 million. Moses left them. In the desert for 40 days and left Joshua to look after them whilst he went to get the 10 commandments. Then the people started worship the golden cow.  So then they had to fight the cannonnites farmers so they sorhiped sun and moon so they had to fight them. So the amount of people where exaggerated. It’s not a million. So they waited 40 years for the old ones to die.  Rachel in Jericho helped them come in and know what was happening. Then they killed all the people by blowing the trumpet in turn for 7 days represented by 12 tribes and the walls fell down and they took the city  The round building is 8000bc  23 times the city was destroyed.  Moses was Iron Age. 1500bc  Prior to Iron Age. 
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A little word of advise when someone takes advantage of you. I have experienced this even from good friends. Now I think of it like this. Some people create and some can only copy.  They have no true ability so Cleary their desperate for attention praise and power. True power is what you have with your ability to take something from the ethers and place it gently on the earth. Don’t let this person stop you. Let them inspire you to do more. They are taking you to their very energy with all that your feeling right now. Don’t allow them to steel from you more than once.
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My video of from dark to light. Taking about how to release the darkness was taken down.
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-She was 6 years old when she was forced to participate in her first orgy, which included wearing an iron dog collar and eating human excrement. -She would actually be delivered back to her parents from time to time. However, her parents themselves were complicit in the crimes and always sent her back to her abusers. -Torture included being strapped to a butchers block used to execute other children. Other victims were forced to torture her for hours as part of their initiation. -She was considered attractive and that made her preferred by her abusers. She claimed that she tried to use that to her survival advantage to the best of her ability, but by the age of eleven, she had become so broken that she was slated to be executed and disposed of. -She said she was saved when one of her abusers negotiated for her freedom. That abuser would later sit as a defendant in the trial. Other witnesses and victims would soon come forward, describing such things as “Black Masses,” with child and adult sacrifices taking place in front of observers and participants, which included prominent politicians and figures. This would be corroborated by a note found by police at the house belonging to Bernard Weinstein—a man who previously worked with Dutroux, but whom Dutroux had murdered. The letter contained very specific requests for certain types of victims for satanic sacrifices. The letter was signed by a man who called himself 'Anubis'. It turned out 'Anubis' was the high priest of a satanic cult called 'Abrasax' whose real name was Francis Desmet. Police obtained a warrant and seized computers, documents, mail, actual human skulls, jars of blood, and all sorts of Satanic items - but none of this was enough to make an arrest. As the Dutroux trial went public, other victims stepped forward and confirmed the testimony, offering up descriptions of sexual abuse and human sacrifice. They also described “hunting parties” where elites would release naked children into the woods to hide, so that the elites themselves could hunt them down and slaughter them. Many of the stories from victims contained so many similarities, they were impossible to deny. For example, the hunting parties were often held at castles, where victims could not escape and were hidden from the public eye. Those not killed in the hunt were usually chased down and mauled/killed by Dobermans. All of these victims echoed the testimonies of other, older survivors of ritual Satanic abuse from around the world. * It is also notable that Dutroux owned 10 homes valued at 6 million dollars. * It is also notable that Dutroux was not employed. * It is also notable that Dutroux received $1,200 per month in public assistance. * It is also notable that documents released by Wikileaks show large sums of money in various currencies were deposited into his wife's bank account. * It is also notable that those deposits coincided with reported kidnappings and missing children reports. * It is also notable that before his removal, judge Jean-Marc Connerotte was on the verge of publicly disclosing the names of high level government officials who had been recognized on video-tapes of sexual torture that took place in Dutroux's dungeon. * It is also notable that 20 potential witnesses for this case have died without explanation. In all of it, the overwhelming majority of the facts and associated information was either glossed over, omitted and played down, leaving zero reports on it remaining after conveniently timed public events that were of course covered relentlessly by the mainstream media... that’s deeply tied into it all. DOES ANY OF THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? Are there any headlines today that sound like history is repeating itself? Guys, not one single thing in this post is theory. It's all proven and on record. You see the pictures attached to this post? Those are images of hunting games, child sacrifice and bizarre ‘art’ possessed by these people. They're paintings that people like Tony Podesta buy, and hang in their home, and invite others over to enjoy.
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We all know Epstein was a total sicko who had friends in high places - the same friends that hang out with Hillary Clinton’s friends and central to #pizzagate, the Podesta Brothers... who happened to be residing at a convicted pedophiles home near where Madeleine McCann went missing at the time. You think Epstein was the only one?  That he's somehow unique?  Or perhaps, just maybe, was he the low lying fruit they were willing to sacrifice to protect everyone else involved at a higher level? You bet your last dollar he was. Do you realize now that when it comes to trafficking, satanism, pedophilia, human sacrifices, organ harvesting, adrenachrome - that it is art imitating life? That these people who are so obsessed with the art that glorifes these things might actually, themselves, be engaged in these things? Do you think normal, non-pedo, non-cannibal, average Joes would hang that garbage up in their homes? Suddenly the claims that world leaders and governments being involved in this satanic horror show isn't so far fetched after all. Suddenly its not so crazy to say that world agencies who claim to stop these crimes (WHO, UN) are actually facades that cover up the real work of procuring and enabling - yes, even participating - in these crimes. Suddenly the whole house of cards comes crashing down. With this one case, all the unbelievers are silenced. For crying out loud, this trial was in 2004! Did you remember it? If not, do you wonder why it was not front page news across the world? And if you're asking yourself HOW DO THESE PEOPLE GET AWAY WITH THIS - have you not yet figured out that the very people who are supposed to end it, are doing it? Most everyone has watched an Epstein documentary on Netflix - I think there's been maybe 3 or 4 made since his death. And the one thing I heard people say over and over and over again was this: "Where is Epstein's girlfriend and why hasn't she been arrested yet?" Did anyone asking that question even try to find the answer? Or did you just shrug your shoulders and say, "Well, it is what it is and there's nothing I can do about it" and go on with your life? Let me help you out. Did you hear the news story from two weeks ago that President Trump fired federal prosecutor Geoffrey Berman? He was the prosecutor in charge of the Epstein case. AG Barr requested Berman step down, and Berman refused. So Trump fired him and Berman was replaced with prosecutor Audrey Strauss. And then suddenly BAM! Maxwell is in custody. You now get a front row seat for the horror show that is about to come out. But being witness to the horrors that will hopefully comes out is not the aim of the game here, it’s ridding the earth of the dark sickness so light can prevail. You will not believe who is involved and how deep it goes. I’m pretty sure - even from the entry level digging I’ve done - that I’m going to be shocked too. Many will not believe the lengths the sick, luciferian pedovores (yes, baby eaters) have been going to in order to protect their secrets - the Clinton bodycount is a bit of an indication.  Keep in mind that a potent, mass programming and distraction campaign has been going on against all of our minds for a very long time, and it’s going to be uncomfortable to realise what’s coming. I’m no authority on these matters, I just sincerely hope that we can all finally come together and rid this planet of the sickness... BUT WE MUST NOT LET THIS SLIP INTO OBSCURITY! We must speak out about it - no matter how “small”... share info, post about it, link new info and share whatever we can about it so it doesn’t disappear from the collective consciousness. ❤️🙏 https://www.theguardian.
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I am placing this story here for the record. When I worked in the field of SRA for many years. I had the privilege to work with people from All over the world. All telling me the same Story of abuse. They didn’t know each other at all. This is what made me put the pieces together 39 years ago. I haven’t told their stories because it’s their story to tell. I honour confidentiality. Always have. It was hard for me to face this truth of just how dark the world can be. I felt it my duty to lift up the planet to a vibration of love. I have literally dedicated my life To this whilst balancing the horrendous truth of abuse. We don’t want to hear it. We don’t want to know it because it hurts our souls to admit this truth however it is the truth and until we can admit it. It will remain a plague that is growing. The story I'm about to tell you is true. If you feel the urge to offer cynicism or your own take on it with the intent of ‘debunking’ it or making out like I somehow enjoy posting about this stuff or somehow use it to benefit myself - in short - please keep it to yourself. *I’m taking this opportunity- first - to warn you of graphic content, so please do not make out like I’m inconsiderate or insensitive. Perhaps the most intriguing part of this story is that every single person reading this post - every single one of you - was alive when this story became international news in 2004. That fact is intriguing because everyone reading this post has either never heard this story, or forgot about it (I'm betting on the first one, because it is truly unforgettable). Furthermore, once you hear this story in its entirety, I can promise it will be seared into your memory forever. Our main character is a man named Marc Dutroux. He was born in Belgium in 1956. He was twice convicted of kidnapping and raping children. The first time was in 1989. The second time occurred in 1996. That was not a typo - you read that correctly. He was convicted and served a (much too brief) sentence in 1998. He served only 3 and a half years of his 13 year sentence because he was released for good behavior... and “looked after” by those in power. Less than 10 years later, he was arrested again on the same charges (different victims). In the second round of charges, he was convicted of kidnapping, torturing and abusing his child victims, some of them to the point of death. What I am about to tell you comes from the statements made by his surviving victims (called the X Files), Marc Dutreox himself, and evidence from law enforcement. I've also added references/citations at the very end of this post. Here we go... Mr Dutroux confessed to kidnapping, raping, drugging, torturing and filming children for many years and that the footage was on-sold to others. He also stated that HE WAS DOING IT AT THE BEHEST OF A POLITICAL & CELEBRITY ELITE who financed his career as a professional trafficker. Not only did this political & celebrity elite finance his efforts - they made specific requests of him. Sometimes they requested specific types of children (they were called "party favors" and he was asked to deliver kids of certain age, sex, race etc.). Sometimes they requested specific means of torturing the children to fulfill their desires (orgies, satanic rituals involving sacrifices, torture games etc.). And sometimes they requested he film certain influential people engaged in these acts, for later use as blackmail, not unlike what occurred on Epstein’s pedo island. He claimed many of his customers and financiers were world leaders. This was not a stretch of the imagination because he lived in Belgium, where the EU and NATO headquarters were located. This statement was also corroborated by victims who were able to identify specific politicians. Anneke Lucas was one of his victims who testified against him. She claimed she was 6 years old when the cleaning lady hired by her mother sold her to the pedophile network in 1969. Her claims were extraordinary: -She was raped over seventeen hundred hours before turning 12 years old.
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We will never forget shopping in 2020 These photos should get into textbooks as the biggest IQ test of human history Join @awakenedspecies
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