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Tibet - Tor zum Himmel, preisgekrönte Doku mit sensationellen Aufnahmen vom Dach der Welt (1987)

"Hätte es Tibet nicht gegeben, hätte wahrscheinlich keines Menschen Phantasie ausgereicht, irgendwo etwas ähnlich Seltsames zu finden." So charakterisiert der englische Schriftsteller John Keay das immer noch geheimnisvolle Land auf dem "Dach der Welt". Fotograf und Autor Dr. Jaroslav Poncar und der Filmemacher Wolfgang Kohl, drehten dort diese außergewöhnliche Dokumentation Ende der 90er Jahre. Sie folgen den Wegen bis zu den Quellen des Indus. In der 90 Minuten dauernden Dokumentation zeigen sie ein Land in atemberaubenden Bildern, so wie es heute nicht mehr existiert. Sie drehten an Orten, wo Touristen, wenn überhaupt, nur schwer hingelangen. Mehrere Wochen dauerten die Dreharbeiten, verbunden mit großen Strapazen für das Filmteam, unter schwierigsten klimatischen und organisatorischen Bedingungen. Es entstand eine beindruckendes Filmwerk, das beim Bergfilmfestival in Trento/Italien ausgezeichnet wurde.

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Tibet - Tor zum Himmel, preisgekrönte Doku mit sensationellen Aufnahmen vom Dach der Welt (1987)

"Hätte es Tibet nicht gegeben, hätte wahrscheinlich keines Menschen Phantasie ausgereicht, irgendwo etwas ähnlich Seltsames zu finden." So charakterisiert der englische Schriftsteller John Keay das immer noch geheimnisvolle Land auf dem "Dach der Welt". Fotograf und Autor Dr. Jaroslav Poncar und der Filmemacher Wolfgang Kohl, drehten dort diese außergewöhnliche Dokumentation Ende der 90er Jahre. Sie folgen den Wegen bis zu den Quellen des Indus. In der 90 Minuten dauernden Dokumentation zeigen sie ein Land in atemberaubenden Bildern, so wie es heute nicht mehr existiert. Sie drehten an Orten, wo Touristen, wenn überhaupt, nur schwer hingelangen. Mehrere Wochen dauerten die Dreharbeiten, verbunden mit großen Strapazen für das Filmteam, unter schwierigsten klimatischen und organisatorischen Bedingungen. Es entstand eine beindruckendes Filmwerk, das beim Bergfilmfestival in Trento/Italien ausgezeichnet wurde.

Repost from Modern Kshatriya
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Do thou fight for the sake of fighting, without considering happiness or distress, loss or gain, victory or defeat – and by so doing you shall never incur sin. Bhagavad Gita 2.38
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Repost from Sons of Sol
I have been on a mission to find the truth, speak it and lay it out clearly Spirituality has been contaminated with positive, light, good and love. This is the light of the false spectrum that Krisna will destroy The other side is a state of negative and darkness which is ofcourse undesirable. All nature on Earth functions optimally at 50/50. Humans function best and are most happiest at 50/50. The animals are 50/50 and even the Gods are a balance between light and dark. I'm not here to paint Daimons as Saints because they aren't but Daimons like Humans are 50/50 because Daimons and Humans are both products of Nature and Daimons operate on behalf of the Immortal Gods to tend Nature. What is evil? That which breaks this 50/50 balance to go far by one end or the other. The Elohim or Angels who are Igigi are not from this world nor do they care about how this planet or nature functions They did not exist on this planet originally and do not belong here. They are here for one purpose to fulfill service to the Anti-God Saturn who was venerated by the Hyskos, Jews and Phoenicians that are enemies of the Heathen world which operate on a 50/50 basis Appearances are almost never what they seem. Just because something has been portrayed positive, celestial and good that doesn't mean they are not a part of the dark negative spectrum Fairies or Faes are depicted in films as these nice innocent creatures yet have you ever tried working with one. In reality they can be quite terrifying but these dark entities are essential to nature. Angel-Igigi are not, they are destructive to nature because they are not of the world The Cults of Saturn are unnatural because they demand by laws for their participants to abandon this 50/50 homeostasis under tight moral laws and regulations in pursuit of 'holiness'. This puts the human system into dysfunction Jews consider Nature as the enemy and Gentiles as beasts because they are Saturn cultists blinded by the drive to leave behind material emanation. Christians have deluded themselves by the Jews that this 50/50 is the result of the "fall" and as a result by departing from their native ways they have caused damage upon themselves This 50/50 is the basis of life. When humans operate out of this 50/50 natural homeostasis and pursue only one end of the pole, you get decadence like a fish out of water This is why we scorn religion because religion is the very cause of this imbalance and why these religions will be wiped by the will of the Devas once the Earth is unbound from Saturn chains. We never needed these religions since Humanity is the true religion. El-Anu has nowhere to hide. Jupiter on the Left and Uranus on the Right Shaivist-Sakta Tantra is the antidote to the effects of Saturn and his transcendental Judaism upon Vedanta, Buddhism and the other active creeds that posit the teachings of the Heavenly Asuras of Ahura Mazda or his 'Archangels' aka his messenger Yazatas who like in Abrahamism observe prayers since Zoroastrianism is the precursor of Abrahamism In Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda created six archangels because the seventh is his biological son Melek Tawus or Ahriman who is the Lord of this World The biggest enemy of the Angels is Vishnu, the peacock God and the Devas. The scriptures make it clear you either on one side or the other. "All those traditions (smriti) and those despicable systems of philosophy, which are not based on the Veda, produce no reward after death; for they are declared to be founded on Darkness" Laws of Manu
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Spoked Wheels were already in the Indus Valley in Ancient Times Representations of spoked wheels in Sindhu-Saraswati centuries before evidence of spoked wheels in Sintashta (home of imaginary "Aryan Invaders" in Central Asia) —————— SEE ALSO —————— Adam in India Abraham was of Indic Origin Regenesis Out of Mahabharat Theory OUT OF INDIA: Worldwide Holocene Seafaring Migrations Out of the Indus Valley Aryan Theories: Setting the Record Straight Collection of Info on the Aryan Invasion Theory The Out of India Theory Keeps Rising The Secret History of the Persians: Origins of Ginger and Blonde Peoples
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December 7 -- Pearl Harbor Attack Day One cannot deny that Pearl Harbour was a Victory and an example of the Empire's ability to shake the world. ----------------- SEE ALSO: ----------------- The Axis Cause: In Defense of Imperial Japan America is Guilty: Why Japan Declared War The Truth about the Imperial Japanese Military The Story of Subhash Chandra Bose Japanese Plans to Ally with African Americans | Japan WW2, US Invasion, Japanese Empire
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Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language. – Meister Eckhart
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Repost from Wandering SpΛrtan
Every man should go at least once in his lifetime into the wilderness to purify his soul. May those who hear the calling find the strength and wisdom to answer it. The opportunity to awaken a dormant seer capability will be presented to the one who is ready. His mission/purpose on earth will be revealed and he shall return to the realm of the living-dead with spiritual sight. That gift can only be given to those who are willing to kill their old self, for the gods do not reveal their secrets to the unworthy or the fool or the coward. Odin himself had to sacrifice his eye for Knowledge and hung himself from Yggdrasil for nine days and nights until the secret of the runes was revealed to him. Out from the heart of the wilderness the Eternal Wanderer, the Allfather calls out. For the time has come once again to gather his army.
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