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Halal Muslim Couple

Live a happy marriage, have a good relationship with Allah!

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Tips For Raising Muslim Children... 1. Praise your child, even if they get 4/10 in an exam, praise your child in front of others. 2. Every time you speak with your children, speak with respect, say “JazakAllah khairan”, etc. Use ‘please' a lot and never swear. 3. He or she is just a child, don’t take away their playing time by treating them like adults. If you do this, they will rebel in life. 4. Assist your children in making decisions. Guide them by talking to them. If they want to go go for something, then help them plan. 5. Ask your child for his or her opinion. For example, if you are going to buy a car, ask them what colour they’d like the car to be. This develops the habit of consultancy in them. 6. Dedicate a corner of the house to your child and write the name of your child there – make it their little space. This will make them more confident of themselves. 7. Teach your child to follow you in salah. Lead them rather than merely instructing, it’s a more powerful way. Your child will remember what he/she sees you doing forever. Start instructing them to read salah at the age of 7. 8. Encourage your child to ask questions and try to answer each question. Otherwise, they will get the answer from the wrong source. Praise their questions at times. 9. Always fulfill your promises to your children. Do not make big promises which you cannot fulfill; this makes them develop a habit of making false promises. If you fail to fulfill any promise, explain. 10. Make dua for your children. Even if they have gone astray, pray for them. 11. Tell them you might fail once, but never lose hope. Teach them how they should react to a failure. 12. Apologize to your child if you have made a mistake, this teaches your child to repent to Allah. Don’t raise ifs and buts when you are wrong. 13. Praise their good deeds, give them gift and explain to them that this gift is for the good deeds that you did. 14. Make sure you train your children to read a portion of Quran daily, according to their capacity. 15. Tell your child repeatedly that you love them, tell them how gorgeous they are and how important they are to you, hug them, it’s a sunnah to kiss your children.
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Marriage ... By getting married you are not just getting a spouse, you are getting your whole world. From now until the rest of your days your spouse will be your partner, your companion, and your best friend. Your spouse will share your moments, your days, and your years. They will share your joys and sorrows, your successes and failures, your dreams and your fears. When you are ill, they will take the best care of you; when you need help, they will do all they can for you; When you have a secret, they will keep it; when you need advice, they will give you the best advice. they will always be with you: when you wake up in the morning the first thing your eyes will see will be theirs; during the day, they will be with you, if for a moment they are not with you by their physical body, they will be thinking of you, praying for you with all their heart, mind, and soul; when you go to sleep at night, the last thing your eyes will see will be them; and when you are asleep you will still see them in your dreams. In short, they will be your whole world and you will be their whole world!
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Your Wife Is Your Playmate! 22 Things You Must Do With Your Wife! 1. Call her with sweet nicknames (the Prophet SAW use to call Aisha "Aish"). 2. Play with her, any halal game at all (the Prophet SAW use to race with Aisha) and Allah loves it when a husband plays with his wife. 3. Treat her kindly and offer her everything that will soften her heart towards you (its a warning from the Prophet SAW on His last sermon at Arafaat) 4. Buy her gifts sometimes even if is toffee (they love to be treated like a baby). 5. Never have intercourse with her without a "messenger" eg. kisses and always make sure she is satisfied (Recommended by the Prophet SAW) 6. Help her in domestic activities eg. Cooking, washing, tiding up the room, etc, anytime you are available (It’s Sunnah) 7. Honor her parents and buy them presents sometimes. 8. Appreciate the good things she has been doing for you and be thanking her for that always. Allah says; He who does not thank people does not thank Me. 9. Let her know how much she means to you, how much you Love her and how lucky you are to have her. 10. Be carrying her to bed sometimes like a baby. 11. Before criticising her, praise her first. 12. Make yourself attractive to her always by smelling good (both mouth and body, It’s Sunnah). 13. Chat with her sometimes when you are together. 14. Phone to tell her, "I miss U" ,"I love U" when you are at work. 15. Be doing things together with her, e.g. Cooking, eating, bathing janabah, reading Quran, etc. 16. Don’t Reveal her fault in the presents of others. 17. Teach her about the Deen what she don’t know and encourage her on matters of the Dean. 18. Avoid hitting, beating or harming her (it's not Islam) 19. Encourage her to be wearing Hijab (its compulsory), praying the five times Salat at its fixed times and be fasting in the month of ramadan. 20. Thank Allah for the Hauwa of your Life. 21. Always remember her in your duaa (prayers). 22. Be the path she will pass to Jannah. May Allah SWT bless all our marriages Ameen.
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Ten Rules for a Happy Marriage 😊 1. Never both be angry at the same time. 2. Never yell at each other unless the house is on fire. 3. If one of you has to win an argument, let it be your mate. 4. If you must criticize, do it lovingly. 5. Never bring up mistakes of the past. 6. Neglect the whole world rather than each other. 7. Never go to sleep with an argument unsettled. 8. At least once every day say a kind or complimentary word to your life partner. 9. When you have done something wrong, admit it and ask for forgiveness. 10. Remember it takes two to make a quarrel. and the one is the wrong is the one who does the most talking. May Allah SWT bless all our marriages. Ameen
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ABC's Of Successful Marriage... A bsolutely adore each other. B est friends. C ompromise. D iscover new things together. E ncourage each other. F orgive and forget. G aze into each others eyes. H old hands and hugs a lot. I nspire and intrigue each other. J oke and laugh and have fun. K eep each other’s secrets. L ove with all your hearts. M arvel at each other's talents. N uture each other's soul. O vercome problem together. P ray together. Q uiet each other's fears. R emember the little things. S ay "I love you" everyday. T ake time for tenderness. U nderstand and care deeply. V alue everything you share. W ish each other even for little things. X -press your true feelings. Y earn for each other's touch. Z zzzz in each other's arm. May Allah SWT bless us all with a successful marriage Ameen.
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A newly married brother recently said that he wanted to take his wife for a holiday but was unable to do so because he had spent all the money on his wedding!! For me, this just does not make sense! It is far better to spend money on yourself such as on a post marriage Umrah or vacation with your spouse than a lavish wedding simply to impress others! Sadly, we live in a time where “what others will say/think” has become a big part of our lives. Thousands upon thousands are spent on wedding ceremonies – sometimes violating Islamic laws – merely to impress and have a name in the community, with some even taking out loans! Indeed, we can invite people to the Sunna of Walima, but 1) our intention should only be to please Allah, and 2) it should be kept within the means. You can never make everyone happy; people will complain or make a negative remark no matter what; so keep marriages simple, invite people with sincerity, and spend the remainder of your money on yourself and your spouse! — Halal Muslim Couple
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Don't give up on your marriage. Don't give in to the enemy. As long as you have breath, get on your knees and fight for your marriage. Shaytan, the enemy of your marriage is hoping that you will get tired and give up and walk away. Let him know that you are a fighter, not a quitter. Let him know that you will fight him to the gates of hell and back. Let him know that you're a winner, not a loser. Don't give the enemy hope. Speak life and expectation to your marriage. Tell your spouse, “Beloved, I am not going anywhere. I am here to stay. We will work things out together. Like a pair of scissors, we will work together and cut anything that tries to get between us. We will raise our kids together and we will grow old together.” May Allah SWT bless all our marriages. Ameen
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💞12. LOW SELF-ESTEEM If you doubt your own sexiness and performance then intimacy will suffer. Confidence is crucial when it comes to all things sex. Embrace your body, your tummy, sagging breasts, stretch marks, balding head, your physique. Take care of your body, work out. Flaunt to your spouse what is good about you. Praise each other's looks and performance to boost confidence 🛑Sex education is a very important part of Islam which the prophet taught. But today, when we talk about it, many Muslims shy away from it and they see it as not being religious. Before getting married or as a couple, it's very very important for you to understand what sex is all about in Islam before getting married. Avoiding sex as a couple doesn't make you too religious. You need to know this. Sex constitutes more than 70% reason of why many people get married and it constitutes about 80% for a happy marriage. Couples who do not always satisfy each other sexually always turn to quarrel, disrespect each other, etc. Sex education is part of you as a Muslim and why shy away from it? When we try to educate you for free, some rather prefer to leave the group and tomorrow when married, they will be slowly dying of emotional starvation.
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💘9. A PENIS THAT CANNOT SUSTAIN AN ERECTION Most men lose their erection due to panic or lack of concentration because sex starts in the mind. Address this by calming down, relax, be in the moment, enjoy every sensation and if you're sexually weak, seek for solution to increase how long you last on bed. Don't starve your wife with your 2 minutes lasting during sex. ❤‍🔥10. AN OVERTHINKING WIFE WHO STRUGGLES TO CLIMAX Most wives who struggle to climax is because they over think. "Have the kids eaten? Is my vagina smelling? Is he really enjoying it? Am I moaning too loud? Am I too wet? Have we paid rent?... These are some of the thoughts running through her mind as he is pumping. Lady, relax. Sex is enjoyment and you can't enjoy it if you're not having a free mind. Free your mind when you husband approaches you, be focused about the sex and you will give in your best. 💓11. A PENIS THAT EJACULATES TOO QUICKLY If she makes you ejaculate that means she is so sweet and that is a good thing but what she desires is that you stay hard longer. Last by stopping the pumping when you feel you are about to climax, change positions at that time so that you look cool while at it and improve on yourself.
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💜7. PORNOGRAPHY Watching Pornography is a major sin in Islam but if you have mistakenly fallen into it, repent to Allah sincerely and know that it will distract you from cultivating intimacy with your spouse. It will make you ignore your spouse without you knowing it just to look at videos and pictures of naked strangers banging. Address this by desiring the real thing, not illusions and porn stars. Train yourself to say no to pornography because it's Haram. 🩷8. MASTURBATION Masturbation is Haram and it will make your spouse compete with your fingers. Your fingers will most likely win because you know how to please yourself but your marriage will lose. Address this by teaching your spouse how you want him/her to please you since you have already learnt your body. Avoid masturbation.
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