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👉Top Poker Myths👈 📉 1. Poker is a game of chance in which all players are doomed to lose Poker is indeed a money game. However, it is very different from roulette or slots. There is some debate as to whether poker can be considered a sport, but we can definitely say that poker is a ‘game of skill’ where the outcome depends not only on chance, but also on the class of the player. In poker, the point is that a strong poker player can play in the plus side, and what’s more, he can win in many deals! 🍀 2. Poker is all about luck There is a saying that “a day at poker is 90% luck and 10% skill, a year at poker is 10% luck and 90% skill.” That is very close to the truth. There is a lot of luck and randomness in the game. However, the more you play, the more you will feel the effect of your skill level. A strong player will gradually build up his bankroll, while a weak player will lose it. The player needs a number of skills: mathematical, psychological, poker technique, etc. when the cards are dealt randomly. Whoever is better with them will be on the winning side in many card deals. 💰 3. There is a ‘curse of the cashout’ This is another variation of the previous myth: after withdrawing some money from the poker room, the poker room starts to act against the player, the player loses an amount equal to the amount withdrawn. There are even specific tips on the network such as ‘if you withdraw money, do not play for a few weeks/months, then the room will “forget” about your withdrawal and will not penalize you.’ Of course, it’s ridiculous to talk about a computer program forgetting something. But maybe the ‘curse’ is real? It’s dubious... It’s not the room that gets the lost money. Other players will get it, and they will probably withdraw their wins as well.
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👍 153 77❤‍🔥 8🔥 7
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Hearts or Jacks on top? 💳 Who’s taking the pot? Time to choose👇
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634👍 403🔥 140💯 77😁 71
Push or Fold?🧐 Let us discuss today what a push/fold strategy is, why it is needed, and how to apply it. 📌 What kind of strategy is that? A flush/fold strategy means that for every pre-flop hand, you either go all-in or fold. You don’t have limps, flat calls or flat raises. You can either put all your chips in the middle of the table. Or you can fold. What’s the point of this? At first glance, especially on the bubble when there is not much left for prizes, this strategy seems very risky. Since the prize is virtually guaranteed and there is little left to wait for, you do not want to go all-in and risk your entire stack on the bubble. In fact, it’s just the opposite: in many places, you need to be aggressive on the bubble. 🧮 When should you Push or Fold? Use this strategy when you have a short stack of 12bb or less. In poker, the size of our stack is measured by how many blinds are left in it. For example, with t50/t100 blinds, our t1000 stack would equal 10 bb. When your stack reaches 12 bb or less, you should consider using a push/fold strategy. 💰 What are the benefits of this strategy? The main advantage is that if you have 10 big blinds and go all-in, your opponents can fold and you can take the blinds and ante without a fight. It turns out that you win about 2 bb without any post-flop action, and at the same time your stack increases by 20%. Five more times and you’re practically doubling up just by pressuring your opponents pre-flop.
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👍 817 323 108❤‍🔥 105🔥 62
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It’s all on the line! What’s your next move?🔥 Cards in hand: ♠️ 10 and ♠️ 9 On the board: ♠️ 7, ♦️ J, ♣️ 8 What will you do? 💥 ⚡️ Raise ❤️ Check 🔥 Fold Choose your reaction and make your move👇
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1022👍 622 273❤‍🔥 127🔥 127
How to play when the fish at the table is you?🐟 At least once in a while, we all are supposed to be that ‘fish at the table.’ General advice: play tight, max out the pot immediately and accept the variance. More to the point ... 😈 Sacrifice for the good The need to tighten up the game is intuitive to most of you: it's hard to take out a player who throws out all the garbage and attacks with strong range. Of course, you will lose some EV by defending your blinds less often, and stronger players will print money on their steals. However, this sacrifice is nothing compared to losing EV in no position spots against a stronger player. Stick with hands that allow you to realize the equity you received on the flop. The second piece of advice (maxing out the pots and accepting the variance) goes against most players' instincts. They fear that maxing out the pots will cause more frequent blowouts. 💸 A small pot is not our ally The bigger the pot, the lower the stack-to-pot ratio and the less advantage the stronger player has over you. With a low SPR, you can be confident in betting on the flop with any type of top pair. You can also play with strong draws. Even the strongest player in the world won't be able to find an exploit against you. Looking at the problem from the other side, the strategy of playing small pots against a strong player will not work. Basically, we're going to let him see the advantage of playing on our home field. Then the opponent can play multiple streets, barrel, and make more devious moves like floating/checking/raising and overbetting.
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👍 1209 481👏 119🍾 119🎉 106
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Как играть, когда фиш за столом — это ты?🐟 Всем нам хотя бы иногда приходится быть тем самым "фишом за столом". Общие советы: играйте тайтово, разгоняйте банки сразу и смиритесь с дисперсией. А если подробнее, то ... 😈 Жертва во благо Необходимость затайтить игру интуитивно понятна большинству из вас: трудно выбить игрока, который выбрасывает весь мусор и нападает с сильным диапазоном. Конечно, вы теряете часть EV, реже защищая свои блайнды, и более сильные игроки будут печатать деньги на своих стилах. Однако эта жертва — ничто по сравнению с потерей EV в спотах без позиции против более сильного игрока. Придерживайтесь рук, с которыми можете реализовать полученное на флопе эквити. Второй совет (разгоняйте банки и смиритесь с дисперсией) идёт вразрез с инстинктами большинства игроков. Они боятся, что раздувание банков приведёт к более частым вылетам. 💸 Маленький банк нам не друг Чем больше банк, тем ниже соотношение стэка к банку и тем меньше преимущество более сильного игрока над вами. При низком SPR можно смело выставляться на флопе с любой топ-парой. Точно так же можно играть с сильными дро, и даже у самого сильного игрока в мире не будет эксплойтов против вас. Если подойти к проблеме с другого конца, стратегия розыгрыша маленьких банков против сильного игрока не даст ничего хорошего. Мы по сути даём ему реализовать преимущество игры на своём поле. Тогда оппонент может разыгрывать несколько улиц, баррелить и исполнять более коварные мувы — флоаты, чек/рейзы и овербеты.
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How to play flush draws💳 Playing flush draws on the flop is an art that requires strategic understanding. Here are some valuable tips for playing as the preflop aggressor: 🤷‍♂️ C-betting with a flush draw Ten years ago, c-betting with a flush draw was common, but with the evolution of poker solvers, we’ve learned it’s not always optimal. Solvers now recommend balancing your betting range and choosing c-bets on more favorable boards. Good flops to c-bet: K72ss, AAQss, KK6ss. Flops to check: 864ss, T42ss, J73ss. 👌 Turn play Checkbacks: Sometimes, it’s crucial not to bet, especially if your range doesn’t have a clear advantage. Use a mix of checks and bets to maintain uncertainty in your lines. Active Bets: Don’t hesitate to bet, particularly if the turn card fits your range. For example, if the turn card is A♦️A♣️Q♣️ followed by 7♥️, solvers recommend betting 48% of the time, with bets split between half the pot (38%) and an overbet (10%). 🤔 Betting vs checking on the turn Your decision depends on how well the turn card fits your range. If the turn improves your position, semi-bluffs are more likely to succeed. For instance, on the turn K♥️, which fits your range well, the solver suggests balancing between checking and betting. Examples: Bad Turn: 6♥️. The solver will usually check, as this card might have completed your opponent’s straights or two pairs. Good Turn: K♥️. Here, the solver uses bets and checks more actively, as this card doesn’t improve your opponent’s range. 💡 Insight Adapting your strategy to different scenarios and choosing the right move based on the cards and your opponent’s actions is key to mastering flush draws in poker.
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👍 1040 368🍾 89😎 85🆒 83
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Key considerations before going pro in poker⭐️ Becoming a professional poker player takes more than just skill and strategy — it requires careful planning. Here are three important things to consider before taking the leap: 💰 Income potential: Before quitting your day job, ensure that your poker income is stable and consistently higher than your current expenses. Patrick suggests your poker earnings should be at least three times your monthly needs. This buffer helps you manage financial fluctuations and the natural variance in the game. 🤔 Additional income streams: Explore other income opportunities to support you during downturns. This could include affiliate programs, investments, coaching, or content creation. These extra sources can strengthen your financial foundation. 🙄 Skill development and backup plans: Always work on acquiring new skills that could be valuable in the future, especially if the poker landscape or laws in your country change. Content creation, social media management, blogging, or streaming could serve as your plan B if you need to pivot your career. 🚀 Conclusion: A poker career isn’t just about playing at the table—it’s about ongoing planning and personal growth. By considering these aspects, you’ll be better prepared to make an informed and responsible decision about going pro in poker.
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👍 525 154🏆 28🆒 27👏 13
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Ключевые аспекты перед тем, как стать покер-про⭐️ Переход в профессиональные игроки в покер требует не только умений и стратегии, но и тщательного планирования. Вот три важные вещи, о которых стоит задуматься перед тем, как уйти в покер полностью: 💰 Потенциальный доход: Прежде чем оставить основную работу, убедитесь, что ваши доходы от покера стабильны и значительно превышают ваши текущие расходы — Патрик рекомендует, чтобы покерные доходы в три раза превосходили ваши ежемесячные потребности. Это поможет минимизировать риски, связанные с финансовыми потрясениями и дисперсией в игре. 🤔 Дополнительные источники дохода: Рассмотрите возможности дополнительного заработка, который может поддержать вас в периоды неудач. Возможности включают участие в партнерских программах, инвестиции, тренерство или создание контента. Наличие подобных источников может значительно укрепить ваш финансовый фундамент. 🙄 Развитие и альтернативные пути: Постоянно работайте над приобретением новых навыков, которые могут пригодиться в будущем, особенно если обстановка в покерной индустрии или законодательство вашей страны изменится. Создание контента, управление соцсетями, ведение блога или стримы — всё это может стать вашим планом Б в случае необходимости переориентировать карьеру. 🚀 Заключение: Покерная карьера — это не только игра за столом, но и постоянное планирование и развитие. Учитывая все эти аспекты, вы сможете подойти к решению о профессиональной карьере в покере обдуманно и ответственно.
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How did bluffing get started?😬 ⭐️ Let’s make you aware of how bluffing has become an integral part of the game today. 🤞 Bluffing is a poker trick in which a player creates the illusion that he has a strong hand when in fact he has a weak combination or nothing. Actually, bluffing is a lie And if in real life you have to pay for lying sooner or later, in poker bluffing is a good way to make money on the spot (and lose it, too, remember). 🗺 The traveler and cartographer Jonathon Green was one of the first to describe ‘cheating at the game.’ While on a ship on his voyage to North America, Green noticed sailors playing a card game. He literally called it a ‘cheaters’ game.’ The sailors told the traveler a little about the rules. It turns out that at that time, the ability to deceive your opponent was considered almost the most important thing in the game. At that time, it was not yet known how many different combinations of poker hands there were. As you can understand, it was not about the cards and the order of the combinations, but about who would be better at bluffing. The one who was believed was definitely successful in the game and made a lot of money. ⚓️ The sailors also said that the game was very popular with cheaters. While playing cards with their victim, they only distracted their attention by using cardboards, and stole their wallets. In thieves’ slang, there is a word like ‘poke,’ which means wallet. This is like one of many variations on the origin of the word ‘poker’. 😎 This is one of the few stories about how bluffing came to be used in poker. Creating the illusion that you have a strong hand is an art. This is an element of the game that a good player must master. Learn how to bluff in poker, but do so responsibly and in moderation.
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👍 506 147 41🔥 41🤣 37
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