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💥BREAKING💥 Princess Diana is going LIVE With JFK Jr. For Special Announcement - Private Link Open Only In The Next Few Minutes‼️ 🔴 TAP HERE TO JOIN 🔴 🔴 TAP HERE TO JOIN 🔴 🔴 TAP HERE TO JOIN 🔴
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Parasitologist: One Teaspoon Kills All Parasites In Your Body! Scientists couldn't explain the dramatic weight loss people were experiencing. And After Testing several theories, doing numerous in- depth scans they realized the source of the problem was something happening in their intestines. Did you know that every time you use your water to shower, or to brew a coffe or even to drink it, you are ingesting millions of dangerous parasites? That's right: every tap water possess mutated bacteria and other microorganisms that are a sword hanging over the heads of Americans. This seed is proven to kill off parasites, which some medical experts are calling " the no.1 hidden epidemic in the US. Ancient tribal cultures like the Mayans have used this to flush out parasites for centuries. Watch Now: 👇
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Victory for the White Hats: Zuckerberg and Truss Expose the Deep State Agenda In what can only be described as a monumental win for the White Hats, major players in the establishment are finally coming clean about the sinister forces at play. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, recently revealed that the Biden administration relentlessly pressured his company to censor critical COVID-19 information. This isn't just about free speech—it's about control. The fact that Zuckerberg, a known associate of the Rockefeller family, is speaking out suggests that the tide is turning. Could it be that the Rockefellers are now aligning with the White Hats, or have they been replaced? Either way, this signals a massive shift in power dynamics. Adding to this momentum, former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss openly admitted that the real power in the UK lies not with the Prime Minister but with the Governor of the Bank of England. This is a clear acknowledgment that democratically elected leaders are mere puppets of a deeper, darker power structure. MI6 is reportedly aware of this hijacking and is finally ready to take action. The fact that these admissions are coming from high-level insiders shows that the deep state's grip is weakening. Zuckerberg's confession is also closely tied to Donald Trump's accusations that Zuckerberg conspired against him during the 2020 election. Trump has promised that Zuckerberg will face the consequences if he attempts such treachery again. This isn't just rhetoric; it's a warning shot across the bow of the entire establishment. As the truth continues to surface, the reality of the globalist agenda becomes undeniable. These elites have been orchestrating plans to depopulate the planet and enslave the survivors through their control of central banks and media empires. But with social media now under White Hat control, the narrative is changing. The public is waking up, and war crimes trials are on the horizon. The Satanic forces that have long controlled the West are being exposed, and their blackmail operations are unraveling. From Obama to Macron, and even Trudeau, the truth about their puppet masters and the dark secrets they harbor is coming to light. Queen Elizabeth herself was reportedly blackmailed with horrific footage, a tactic used across the G7 leadership to enforce compliance. But the White Hats are winning. The BRICS alliance is proving that the globalist agenda is failing. They control the real economy, and no amount of digital currency manipulation can change that. The West's desperate attempts to cling to power, including begging China for financial aid, are falling flat. As the White Hats and the BRICS reshape the world, the old order is crumbling. The truth is unstoppable, and soon, even the most deeply entrenched figures of the deep state will face justice. The endgame is near, and the White Hats are on the brink of total victory. Subscribe: NESARA GESARA-SECRETS ✅ Private
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Multiple Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors claim that the CIA is presently and has been since the end of World War II, raping, torturing and killing children in the Satanic Pedophile Rites of Mind Control Programming that are recorded and then used to blackmail Global Elites and control the International Financial System. The US Taxpayer funded CIA Mind Control program coordinated with the Vatican, US Inc. and the Crown of England to run an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring used to blackmail Global Elites and influence politics worldwide. The head of this CIA torture- based experiments on children MLULTRA Program was a Nazi brainwashing expert known as “Dr. Green” (a Jewish Turncoat from a Nazi Concentration Camp 1926-1984). The sadistic Green was one of 760 German experts brought into the US after World War II and given citizenship under CIA Project Paperclip. Based in the CIA Science Division, CIA Office of Research Development and Army Chemical Center, Green was given at least 80 million dollars to torture, sexually abuse and kill child human guinea pigs bought from multigenerational Satanic families, retarded children at Washington DC Children’s Center and mainly Catholic owned Canadian Native Residential Schools. Subjects of a 2007 Supreme Abuse survey of children who were sold into the CIA program claim they were subjected to Brain Implants (117); Electronic Harassment (460); Electroshock Treatments (558); Eugenics Experiments (90); forced impregnation (416) and abortion (395); forced participation in murder by perpetrators (502); forced to abuse other child victims (615) forced to murder or think they murdered a baby (560) and were the victims of Incest (780). In 1973, thirty years after the CIA MKULTRA Mind Control Program began, Congress finally decided to look into the matter. Suddenly CIA Director Richard Helms retired and supposedly halted the program, but not before ordering all MKULTRA records destroyed. Although, a multitude of Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors born after 1973 claimed they were tortured throughout childhood in the program and knew of children still being tortured even today. Subscribe: NESARA GESARA-SECRETS ✅ Private
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Princess Diana & JFK Jr are LIVE! The two recount the misdeeds they suffered and were committed against them all these years! You will also hear how they survived and who helped them the most. “I WILL BRING DOWN THE WHOLE CORRUPT TEMPLE.”- said JFK Jr. Look, the live stream is still going on! Acceptance is automatic, press request and in a few minutes you are watching! WATCH NOW - REQUEST HERE 🛑
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Princess Diana & JFK Jr LIVESTREAM

Are you ready for the biggest comeback? Watch HERE⬇️

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So California is really going with the it’s legal if you steal $1000 worth of merchandise but a crime if you make a meme, approach? Assuming Kamala approves? Subscribe: NESARA GESARA-SECRETS ✅ Private
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Given how far the Deep State have gone, not only would Trump be justified in throwing every single corrupt actor behind bars, he would be irresponsible not to. Also, Trump has what he did not have last time. The public are more awake, and the MSM have lost their potency. The public are no longer buying the MSM lies, thanks mostly to Elon’s defense of free speech on X, and the rise of independent journalism. Now with the MSM largely neutralized, and the public red-pilled after 4 years of the Biden/Kamala circus, Trump has the variables in place that would be necessary to carry out an unprecedented cleansing of the US government. Trump has the public support, the optics, the precedent, the political ammunition, and the surrounding cast, to do what is necessary. No more niceties. The enemies of We the People must be uprooted and eliminated, never to rise again. Subscribe: NESARA GESARA-SECRETS ✅ Private
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Masters of GCR/RV: The Power of Tiered Redemption, QFS, and the Hidden Role of the Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Tier 4B, and the NESARA GESARA Act A global financial revolution is unfolding, hidden beneath the noise of daily distractions. This isn’t a theory—it’s a transformation that will disrupt the old system and lead to the redistribution of wealth on a scale never seen before. The Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revaluation (RV) are the tipping points that will bring justice to a corrupt system. For years, the elites have maintained their grip on the world's wealth, using manipulation and control to keep the masses in financial chains. But the time is coming when that control will break, and those who are ready will rise. Exotic currencies like the Zimbabwe Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, and Vietnamese Dong—dismissed as "worthless" by mainstream economists—are at the center of this seismic shift. These currencies, backed by real assets and resources, are poised to revalue and create unprecedented wealth for those who hold them. Tiered Redemption is at the core of this transformation. The informed few in Tier 4B are preparing to exchange their holdings for massive gains while Tier 5—the unaware masses—remain in the dark. Tier 4B isn’t just a group of lucky investors; they are warriors in the Information War, challenging the status quo, while Tier 5 will be left behind, struggling to understand what’s happening. The gap between these groups is widening, and those who are ready will be part of the new elite in the post-reset world. At the heart of the GCR/RV is the Quantum Financial System (QFS), a new financial infrastructure designed to replace the corrupt, outdated system controlled by banks and governments. The QFS ensures that every transaction is secure and immune to manipulation. This technology will destroy the old structures of power, putting control of wealth back in the hands of the people. This revolution isn't just about personal wealth. The NESARA GESARA Act outlines a future where debt is erased, wealth is redistributed, and humanitarian projects flourish, lifting up the oppressed and rebuilding societies. The wealth that the elites have hoarded for centuries will be used to restore balance and bring about a Golden Age. This is a moment of decision. Those who are aware, who have prepared, and who understand what’s coming, will claim their place in history. The Information War is almost over, and the time for action is now. Will you stand with the informed few or be left to watch as the world transforms around you? The reset is here. Subscribe: NESARA GESARA-SECRETS ✅ Private
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Swallowing These Bacteria Is Better Than Dental Implants It may sound odd but it is scientifically proven… According to a Harvard scientist, swallowing these newly discovered bacteria is all you need to do to fix all your dental issues, from gum bleeding and teeth rotting to bad breath and cavities. These amazingly efficient bacteria work by reconstructing your enamel (the outer layer of your teeth)… Making them 20x stronger than a normal tooth… Like a titanium shield against cavities, root infection and enamel erosion. Some say their teeth are now stronger than a dental implant… Click here to find out how easy it is to get these bacteria and start your teeth reconstruction today👇👇
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If you feel like things are FALLing apart.. That's because they are. You are witnessing the destruction of the old Deep State [CABAL] System. >The EYE of the STORM is approaching. >MORE PAIN< >CONFUSION EVERYWHERE< (Often Times WITNESSES are traumatized...But heal through time) The GREAT AWAKENING Isn't for everyone. God WINS doesn't mean everyone survives this GAME_theory EVENT ____ DAYS OF DARKNESS/[EYE] OF THE STORM On The Clock All countries are almost done testing EBS the past 5 months /Space Force>[      ]16,000 SATS Ready Subscribe: NESARA GESARA-SECRETS ✅ Private
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