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SPEAKING SAMPLE ANSWERS🔔 🎙 Topic: TOURISM 1. Do you like traveling?
Yes, I love traveling! It gives me the chance to explore new cultures, try different foods, and meet interesting people
2. What kind of places do you like to visit?
I enjoy visiting historical cities and nature spots. I love learning about the history of a place while also appreciating beautiful landscapes
3. Is tourism important in your country?
Yes, tourism is a major industry in my country. Many people visit to experience our rich cultural heritage and natural beauty
4. What are the benefits of tourism?
Tourism helps boost the economy by creating jobs and supporting local businesses. It also promotes cultural exchange and understanding between people from different backgrounds
5. Do you prefer traveling alone or with others?
I prefer traveling with others because it’s more fun to share experiences. Plus, it’s great to have company while exploring new places
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👍 4
IELTS Speaking Dan 7+ olmoqchi bo'lganlar qo'shilib olamiz
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IELTS Speaking dan 7.5 yoki 8 olish endi oson. September hamda December oylari orasida IELTS speakingdan tushadigon savollarga Band 7 and 8 sample answerlardan idea hamda vocabulary o'rganib yuqori ballni qo'lga kiriting. 🇺🇸American accentda gapirmoqchi bo'lganlar uchun maxsus darslar🇺🇸 Shaxsiy natijam IELTS Speaking 7.5 Speaking Part 1 Speaking part 2 Speaking Part 3 Venue @DY_IELTS
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🎥🇺🇸Ingliz tilida kino ko’ramizmi ? 🤔
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Ha, albatta😎
Yoq, 😩
Obuna bo’lish ✅
🇺🇸AMERIKAGA 100% GRANT🇺🇸 Kimlar uchun: ▪️9,10 sinf o’quvchilari Grant: 💸 ▪️100% hamma narsani qoplaydi IELTS kerak emas 🤩 KIRISH | KIRISH | KIRISH | KIRISH KIRISH | KIRISH | KIRISH |KIRISH
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🎁🎁🎁 Topganga sovgʻa.🥳 🥳 🥳 🤭Faqat 3% odam toʻgʻri topa olarkan😲 🥇Bu savolni uncha muncha odam topa olmaydi. Siz ham bir sinab koringchi!? 🛑Diqqat Savol👇 Savol: Ingliz tili alifbosida nechta harif bor🤔 A) 31 B) 26 C) 29 ⚠️ Siz qaysini toʻgʻri deb bilasiz ?? 👇
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A) 31
B) 26
C) 29
🌡Topic: Health
🤒To feel under the weather (C1) (idiom) - o’zini yomon his qilmoq 💪 To be in good shape (C1) - jismonan kuchli va sog’lom holatda bo’lmoq 💊Balanced diet (C1) - meyorida sog’lam ovqatlanish odati 🌡️Health is wealth (proverb) - sog’lik bu boylik 👩‍🎓Feel like a new person (C1) - o’zini zo’r his qilmoq (asosan qandaydur kassallikdan tuzalgandan keyin) 👨‍⚕️Health care (B2) - sog’liqni saqlash xizmati 👩‍⚕️Health professionals (B2) - sog'liqni saqlash mutaxassislari 🤕To damage your health (B2) - sog'lig'ingizga zarar etkazmoq 👩‍⚕To improve your health (B2) - sog’lig’ingizni yaxshilamoq
 Ochishga ochdingiz endi reaksiya bosib keting❤️‍🔥🕊❤️🤩 𝔼ℕ𝔾𝕃𝕀𝕊ℍ 𝕀𝔻𝕀𝕆𝕄𝕊
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👍 7 2
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Who is the best? @english_tezkor
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🔥 7🤓 3 2🤩 2👍 1
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