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ALERT!!! 130 Soldiers Against Russia’s Military in Alaska: America Left Wide Open for a Full-Scale Invasion—Nuclear Submarines, Russia and China Ready to Strike While Biden Weakens Our Military! The U.S. military has sent just 130 troops and a few mobile rocket launchers to a remote island in Alaska. What’s happening? The Deep State is leaving America vulnerable—on purpose. This isn’t a defensive move; it’s an invitation to disaster. Russia and China’s forces are right at our doorstep, preparing for an attack. In the past week, Russia sent warships, submarines, and aircraft to the edge of Alaska. Alongside China, they’ve been practicing missile launches—right next to American territory. Think it’s a coincidence? It’s not. The elites pulling the strings are allowing it, even orchestrating it. In July, Russian and Chinese nuclear-capable bombers entered Alaska’s airspace. And how did we respond? A weak scramble of jets, no heightened alert. The reason? The Deep State wants this. They want Russia and China to feel emboldened, to push the limits without fear of consequences. Why else would they close critical military bases like Adak in Alaska back in 1997? That base was a key defense point in the Arctic, and the elites made sure it was shut down, leaving the northern frontier wide open for invasion. This is not incompetence; this is betrayal. The Deep State is setting up America to be overrun. They want chaos because chaos gives them control. This is all part of their larger plan for a new world order, and America is being sacrificed in the process. What the media won’t tell you is that there are undisclosed troop movements in Eastern Russia and China, right across from Alaska. Thousands of soldiers are being moved to secret bases, waiting for the green light. Russian nuclear submarines are already positioning themselves along the Pacific, ready to strike. The timing of these events isn’t random; it’s methodically planned. While we have 130 soldiers on a forgotten island, Russia and China are preparing to bring America to its knees with nuclear and cyber warfare, and our own government is doing nothing to stop it. The Deep State wants America to fall, and the attack is closer than you think. Russia and China are actively preparing for an attack, and it’s going to be much worse than you can imagine. The Deep State is complicit, making sure that when the attack comes, we will be unprepared and powerless. This isn’t about Alaska; this is about America’s survival. Russia and China are coming, and Alaska is just the beginning. If we don’t wake up now, America will fall. Don't miss anything:
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🙏 42👍 13🤔 7 6😱 6
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: If you got a Pfizer or Moderna mRNA jab (even one), chances are you have clots of nanoparticles floating around your body. Those clots are lipid nanoparticle that have regenerated over, and over in the veins of those who were unfortunate enough to take the jab. According to patents, these hydrogel clusters were to be used as a form of antenna, that could be part of a Digital ID, and Digital Currency transfer mechanism. Basically, you were being wired up with a network of hydrogel, FORCING the recipient to become TRANS-HUMAN. This replaces the antiquated technology of “micro chips” that could be implanted under the skin in the hand. The Globalists knew that wasn’t going to sell. · Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: U.S. Military Records 500% Increase in AIDS Since Covid Death Shot Rollout! “So it now appears that those who got the COVID-19 "vaccines" gave themselves AIDS and will die from Don't miss anything:
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John F. Kennedy


🙏 88👍 15 7😱 6🔥 5
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The financial system today operates like a parasitic organism, feeding off the labor and productivity of society without contributing anything of substance. Accountants, bankers, tax consultants, the taxman, and financial companies form a symbiotic network whose sole purpose is to enrich themselves by extracting wealth from those who generate real value. This closed circle of thieves masquerades their larceny under the guise of legality, using terms like “fees,” “taxes,” and “consulting services,” when in truth, their core operation is theft on a grand scale. These parasites produce nothing; they are ticks, feeding off the working class while hiding behind a veil of complexity and bureaucracy. Accountants, bankers, and tax consultants stand at the forefront of this grand deception, acting as the gatekeepers to an impenetrable labyrinth of financial jargon and tax codes. They promise to help navigate a system they deliberately make incomprehensible, charging exorbitant fees for services that only exist because the system is rigged to benefit them. The average person is forced to pay these self-appointed experts just to avoid being crushed under the weight of regulations designed to confuse, entrap, and financially drain them. Meanwhile, the upper echelons of bankers and consultants laugh all the way to the vault, hoarding the wealth they’ve siphoned through exploitation. Then, there’s the taxman—the enforcer for this criminal syndicate. The taxman’s role is to bleed the working class dry, extracting every last cent from those who produce, while turning a blind eye to the financial elite. The same government that claims to represent the people works hand-in-hand with banks and financial companies, crafting tax loopholes and favorable legislation to protect the parasites at the top. Governments have no issue squeezing the life out of the average person for minor infractions, but for the elites? They offer shelter, protection, and carte blanche to steal under the law. Financial companies are the executors of this twisted scheme, perpetuating debt traps and investment scams that enrich only the top executives and shareholders. These institutions, often with the blessing of the government, manipulate markets, dictate interest rates, and hide fees at every turn. Their most heinous act is exploiting the public’s ignorance of the financial system, marketing credit and debt as empowerment while shackling individuals to a lifetime of repayments. The profits from these deceptions funnel back into the coffers of the parasitic class, further perpetuating their cycle of wealth extraction. This web of exploitation is not limited to the world of finance; these parasites are in cahoots with the military-industrial complex to perpetuate endless wars. The same financial elites who steal from the working class profit from the destruction and chaos of war. These wars, often funded by debt, ensure that governments continue to borrow from banks, further enriching the same parasites who already control the economy. The military-industrial complex feeds off the same lifeblood as the financial system: endless extraction, endless growth, and endless exploitation of human lives. War, just like the financial system, is designed to benefit the few at the expense of the many, leaving devastation in its wake while bankers and arms dealers line their pockets. This entire structure—this mafia of parasites—operates with impunity, ensuring that wealth continues to flow upward while the masses toil under the weight of taxes, fees, and financial manipulation. They’ve rigged the system to win at every turn, and they use fear, complexity, and forced compliance to keep the population subdued and unaware of the true nature of their oppression. It’s not just about wealth; it’s about control. The financial system and the military-industrial complex are two sides of the same coin, both working in tandem to maintain their stranglehold on society. Don't miss anything:
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🔥 65🙏 30👍 18 10💯 4
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🎉 Congratulations, You just got paid! 💸 🚨 QFS Alert: You've received a new QFS(R) payment from TRB PAYMENTS in your QFS Wallet ending 2736.
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BQQQM!!! SHOW TIME! THE PLAN TO SAVE THE WORLD! THE WHITE HATS’ MILITARY DEVOLUTION PLAN IS LIVE! Breaking: The White Hats’ Military Devolution Plan is live! Global blackout, Project Odin, Tesla energy revolution, and the Deep State takedown—this is the moment we’ve been waiting for! The storm has arrived and it's going to shake the world to its core. The Plan is in motion, and the takedown of the Deep State is in full swing! #TheStorm #TrustThePlan This isn’t just a theory anymore—the White Hats, alongside Trump, have set their Devolution Plan in place, and it’s already underway. The dismantling of the Deep State is happening now, and with it comes the liberation we’ve all been fighting for. The revolution has begun—and we are on the frontlines. What’s Devolution? It’s about power being returned to the people, a full collapse of the corrupt systems that have enslaved us for decades. The Deep State’s control is crumbling as the military and patriots work to expose their crimes, one step at a time. This isn’t a fight we see on TV, but it’s happening right before our eyes—indictments, arrests, even executions are taking place as these criminals are brought to justice. The blackout is not just a metaphor. We’ve been hearing "blackout necessary," and now you know why. It’s part of the master plan to cut off the Deep State’s control of the media. The media’s lies, their manipulation, it’s all going down. This is about severing their grip on the narrative and unleashing the truth on a global scale. Project Odin is the strike that will take out the Mossad-controlled media satellites, cutting off their propaganda. And once those satellites go dark, it’s the beginning of the end for the Deep State’s reign of terror. The Tesla energy revolution will follow, bringing free energy to the world—something the elites have hidden from us for far too long. The arrest wars have begun. From political puppets to corporate elites, no one is safe. This is about cleaning house. These criminals thought they could evade justice forever, but their time has run out. The White Hats have all the evidence, and justice is coming. The Deep State’s empire is collapsing—trust the plan. The revolution is already here, and the best is yet to come. Stay vigilant, because the world is about to change forever. Don't miss anything:
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85🙏 60👍 18👏 8 3
Reports are flooding in from across the country of a massive deployment of National Guard Troops over the past 24 hours. From coast to coast, major cities are seeing an unusual presence of armed military personnel patrolling streets, government buildings, and critical infrastructure. The sudden influx of these troops has ignited a frenzy of speculation: Is Martial Law on the horizon? · Residents from New York to Los Angeles, Houston to Chicago, are on edge as these highly visible deployments raise red flags. There’s no clear reason for this surge—no major disaster, no widespread protests, no external threats. Yet, the troops are here. Why now? The coordination, the scale, and the timing suggest something bigger is brewing. Something they don’t want us to know about. · MARTIAL LAW RUMORS EXPLODE ACROSS SOCIAL MEDIA! As more footage of troops floods social media, one word is on everyone’s lips: Martial Law. This isn’t just a paranoid fantasy. Martial law means the suspension of our rights, where the military takes control of civilian life. Curfews, checkpoints, property seizures, and arrests without trial are all on the table. And now, it feels like we’re just one step away from that terrifying reality. · HAZMAT TROOPS? WHY NOW? The situation becomes even more alarming with reports of HAZMAT teams—military personnel in hazardous material suits—being spotted alongside these National Guard units. What are they preparing for? Is there an imminent bio-terrorism threat? Or is something more insidious at play? The government is silent, offering only vague statements about “preparedness exercises”, leaving the public in the dark. · UNPRECEDENTED MILITARY ACTIVITY, ZERO EXPLANATIONS Despite the overwhelming presence of military units in our streets, officials aren’t talking. The Department of Defense and local authorities have given the public no clear answers, only further stoking suspicion. If everything was under control, why the secrecy? · The lack of transparency is only fueling more speculation. Could this be preparation for mass arrests? A response to an unseen threat? Or is it the final push toward a totalitarian regime where our freedoms vanish overnight? · PANIC AND PREPARE You need to be ready. With the looming possibility of martial law, it’s time to stock up on essentials—food, water, medical supplies. Create a plan to communicate with loved ones. Stay alert and question everything you hear. · This isn’t just a drill. Something big is coming, and they’re not telling us the whole story. Don't miss anything:
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John F. Kennedy


100🙏 44👍 35😱 4👀 3
NESARA GESARA: The Project for the Golden Age Get ready for a revelation that could change everything! The NESARA GESARA Act is a key piece of legislation tied to the Great Currency Reset and Revaluation. This bold initiative aims to overhaul the global financial system, redistributing wealth and establishing a fairer world for all. Imagine a future where debt forgiveness becomes a reality, not just for individuals but nations too. The oppressive income tax system will be eliminated, replaced by a fair, fixed tax on non-essential goods. Picture the confiscation of assets from corrupt institutions and individuals, redistributing that wealth to those who truly deserve it. A new gold-backed monetary system is on the horizon! This isn’t just a dream; it’s a necessary shift toward financial freedom. Most importantly, NESARA GESARA mandates that a significant portion of the world’s wealth be directed toward humanitarian projects. This is a call to action for the visionaries among us. The funds will be used to uplift the vulnerable and support community development. The time to rise up and embrace this chance to build a better world is NOW. The storm is gathering, and with it comes the promise of justice and equality! Get ready, because the Golden Age is within reach! Don't miss anything:
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John F. Kennedy


95👍 28🙏 20🔥 1
A. POSSIBLE TIMING: · Mon. 16 Sept. 2024 John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram: In one week everything will change. The channels everyone has been waiting for will publish devastating information that is kept secret from the public. A big scandal happened this week, so we have it all. Donald Trump has promised. · Absolutely no time frame has been given for EBS Activation. No one knows when it will happen, other than it will occur at the top of the hour. It was designed this way for a reason. · When it happens you are to follow EBS instructions to the letter. · Be ready for 3-6 weeks where everyone will be home. · There is no reason to panic as everything has been factored in. Sun. 15 Sept. 2024 EBS: The Moment We’ve Been Waiting For …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram · U.S. Military Alert: All military forces worldwide are preparing to suspend all media, internet, phone, and TV services. Emergency services will stay active, but everything else is about to go dark. · During this time, no internet, no ATMs, and phones only working for 911 calls. This is the Global Martial Law we've been talking about, and it comes with a 10-day communication blackout. · But here’s the kicker: the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated worldwide. Nonstop, 24/7, 8-hour documentaries exposing the darkest secrets of the elite—fraud, corruption, pedophilia, and their arrests—will play three times a day. The truth will be unleashed. · The military is taking down Cabal-controlled governments worldwide, executing mass arrests based on 500,000 sealed indictments. This is the moment we’ve been fighting for. · After the 10 days of darkness, we will reconnect to a new Quantum Internet. The old systems of government, education, finance, health, and commerce? Gone. A new age is coming. · GESARA/NESARA activated. Don't miss anything:
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John F. Kennedy


👍 115🙏 78 24👌 7😱 4
How was Ryan Routh, a convicted felon, able to fly from Hawaii to Florida and obtain an AK47 with an obliterated serial number and then get within 300 yards of President Trump? Don't miss anything:
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John F. Kennedy


🔥 129💯 52🤔 37👍 12 3
🚨 URGENT: Trump & RFK Jr. Breaking Their Silence! 🚨 The world is buzzing—Trump and RFK Jr. are about to go LIVE, and what they’re planning to drop will send shockwaves across the globe! There’s no stopping it now—this is THE LIVESTREAM that will expose what’s been hidden from us for decades. There’s limited time to join—spots are filling up FAST! Patriots are lining up to be part of this groundbreaking reveal. Get your private link NOW before it’s too late, and prepare for the most unforgettable moment of our time. History is about to be made.
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