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DavidXRPLion -AΩ- "Messenger of GOD'S REVELATION"

Son of the Most High Living GOD, Cousin w/ WD GANN: Sacred Math RSR 37 yrs, PhiloMath, 14th Gen Am. Chairman & Founder, Humanitarian Trust Compliance Servicest™

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But you are not listening! Like your fathers before you, and those before them; we are a people who hate and reject the truth, and instead love and worship the lie. As the walls of this nation is starting to tumble down all around you, and the other nations on earth are reeling in disbelief; you continue to look to someone (who is as much a part of this system as any other) just because he has the same skin color as ours. You are drowning! You are about to die! The message of life is being offered to you, but you want a false leader. You want to save the system that has enslaved you. You want a miracle. But the only miracle that will be given to this lost generation is the fact that this knowledge, which has been lost to the earth for thousands of years, is now being restored to us. But, you can’t see that. You invite me to your meetings, conferences, and services. You want me to become your partner. Yet not one of you has even so much as read a single letter that can show you the way to safety. Not one of you has even taken the time to investigate these letters to see if your own life is truly in danger. I’m standing on a huge yacht with a life preserver in my hand, and what do you do? Do you ask me to please throw you the life preserver so you can become a part of this work that is restoring the truth to our people? No! You ask me to come down and drown in the water with you. Part of me want to say “Drown and Die!” Because, I will not get back into that water! But! There is another part of me that want so desperately for as many of our people as possible to open their eyes and look around them before it’s too late. There is a part of me that wants to plea with you to, for once in your life – Think! Use the intelligent reasoning power that we, as a people, have been gifted with, and connect the dots, put the pieces to the puzzle together, and save yourselves. Time is running out. There is not much time left before the phoenix will make its reappearance. Soon, you are going to wish you would have listen to this warning. Soon, you are going to regret not getting your hands on these letters when you had the chance. You are going to regret not having access to the only source that’s providing the information that ensures surviving the next few years. One thing will be for certain though, you will not be able to stand before the Creator and say you did not get the warning, because the Creator have promised that the message of their plan for this earth will go out to all nations as a warning! Mtt. 24:14: And this message of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations – And Then The End Will Come! (Emphasis and changes mine) This message has been going out worldwide since June 2006, there is now only three more years left before the planet Venus will make its final transit in front of the sun in our lifetime. So, I’m going to finish this Bible study I’ve started, but this maybe the last Bible study I’m going to do here for a while. For the next few months, I’m going to return to focusing my attention on preparing those who have read the letters for what’s about to take place on the earth in the coming years.
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This Describes What The Cabal's Plan Was. In the next few years, millions and even billions of people are not going to be able to comprehend what their eyes are witnessing. The coming events will be so disturbing they are going to defy logic and suspend reality. As the United States of America enters its final death throw, and the world economy begins to suffer more and more as a result of placing their trust (and money) in this system: A world economic collapse will bring the nations of this planet to financial devastation. Hunger and starvation, sickness, and disease will be the plight of billions worldwide. Many of the world’s poorest nations are already experiencing the first wave of what’s coming. In these nations, there is already a food shortage, water shortage, medical supply shortage, and an energy shortage. The worst is yet to come! This Is What We've Already Seen Happen. There will also be major upheavals of natural disasters occurring around the planet. In less than five years, the United States alone has experienced devastating hurricanes that have left large portions of the Gulf Coast almost uninhabitable. Not to mention the natural disasters experienced this year alone in China, Burma, and other places on the earth, which left hundreds of thousands, maybe even a million, dead in their wake. And the worst is yet to come! The United States’ invasion, and subsequent endless war, have exasperated and accelerated the tensions between the nations of the world, and now has all the people on earth living under a nuclear threat. And the worst is still yet to come! The Ancient Egyptians predicted that just before the destructive devastation that signaled the end of one era (epoch) of civilization; the Firebird (phoenix) would appear in the sky, and reappear to usher in the new era. The Mayan calendar also predicted this event to the very day. (Sidenote: I've proven the date of 12/21/12 to be incorrect, whereas 12/21/20, eight years later was the actual date--before God had me correct the "day-count" that Goodman, Martinez & Thompson purposefully altered. Once I made the proper corrections, April 3, 2024, was the final result. And, it just happened to end on the Day God's Son, YAHUSHA, was born.) But, mankind has been given religions that tell them to just have faith in the unknown. Religions that tell their followers to disconnect from the science of the world and the universe they live in, and believe in unsubstantiated claims and unproven dogma: In essence, live in a world of illusion; a world of fantasies, fables, and blatant lies. So, on June 8, 2004, when one of the rarest astronomical events ever witnessed by human eyes happened; most people went about their normal day totally oblivious of the significance of the planet Venuses orbit transiting the planet directly in front of the sun. Therefore, according to the ancient Egyptians and the Mayans, the phoenix’s (firebird) appearance, which is suppose to warn mankind that the end of an era is approaching; went completely unnoticed by a world that has been deceived into disconnecting from the reality of the world and universe they live in. Mtt. 17:10-11: And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” Then the Savior answered and said to them, “Elijah truly is coming first and will restore all things. (Emphasis and changes mine) The Savior was speaking in future tense, not past tense; he was not, at that moment, speaking of John the Baptist. He was talking about the time in the distant future when just before the end of the age the truth of the Bible would be restored to the earth. Mal. 4:5: “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Eternal comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land (whole earth) with a curse.”
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We see here that from autumn 2024 to summer 2025, the 4 great master constellations for Christianity and the Vatican converge: Saturn-Neptune, 347°, Jupiter 108° & Mars stationary 108°. Statistically, this is only to be expected every 1000-5000 years and thus fits perfectly with Armageddon, the final battle of light against darkness. This convergence is strongest in October 7/8, 2024, and is also relatively strong: Mars for the first time over the holiest degree 108° & Saturn heliocentrically over the Christ degree 347°. These constellations are similar to those of January 2020, where Neptune was at 347°, Chiron & Lilith at the war degree 0° & there was a massive 6-fold stellium at hell's gate 288° (18° Capricorn), opposite heaven's gate 108° - but they are much stronger.
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God Created; A Man and A Woman. He did NOT create religion, that was man's doing to control and manipulate God's Creation. The Semitics and Greeks used the letters in their alphabet to wrongly transform the ineffable name of God -- YHWH into their language as JEWE, or JEW so they could disavow God's Holy Name bearing witness to Him as our Creator. This proof is found in our DNA. It contains YHWH. Any religion is a FALSE DOCTRINE. More on the way. Even the names we've been taught were changed from their TRUE MEANING.
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WOW. Looks like more than EXPECTED know NOT to Buy a NEW iPhone with the NEW QFS "QPhones" being given to each person making it through the "Redemption Centers." Orders DOWN 12.7% to just 37 Million. Means 4.7 Million Got the NEWS.
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🥰 290🤩 223👏 198🔥 146 142👍 126
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hanks to Over 50+ Years of MK Ultra Programming on the MASSES, TikTok & YouTube, Pictures are a MORE EFFECTIVE way to help the 99.9% GET THE MESSAGE!
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563🔥 474🤩 458👏 263👍 134🥰 67
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@DavidXRPLion01 ✅ 🚨WHY IS [XRP]&[XRPL] SUCH WELL GUARDED SECRET(S)? BECAUSE THEY ARE AT THE CORE OF NESARA/GESARA & THE ERADICATION OF ALL EVIL...OFF THE FACE OF EARTH. THEY ARE GOING STRAIGHT TO THE LAKE OF FIRE [that's hell!]🚨 [This ALL comes directly from GOD, the One & Only Universal CREATOR of ALL THINGS SEEN & UNSEEN] 1) OPENS the "GATEWAY for 5D Reporting, Recording & Storage of ALL GLOBAL TRANSACTIONS" with a MINIMUM COST of $1.00 DOLLAR. 2) It is the ONLY "MASTER KEY" that can open the "gateway" and as well it's the "DIGITAL ASSET COLLATERAL" [backed by the physical gold in Cheyenne Mt having been assayed, certified and blockchain identified] seized under Executive Orders 13818 & 13848. This includes ALL the GOLD from 2 Tunnels from the VATICAN to Jerusalem & Switzerland. Charlie Ward and his TEAM flew approximately 650+ Cargo Planes & 9 Cargo Ships to bring it back to the US. 🦁❤️🔥 Repost.
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893🔥 478🥰 477🤩 444👏 55👍 21
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All banks have paid the transactions released yesterday in their accounts. Now they just need to send the notifications to those involved. You can celebrate because there is no turning back. They have up to 72 hours -to finalize the transaction, with the risk of a fine of 20 billion per institution. The Hague Court entered this battle and brought order to this brothel.
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465🤩 272🥰 191👏 132👍 63🔥 37
Tonight the kid gloves have come off and the LORD wanted the 800lb gorilla to be exposed. I'm His Messenger. 🦁❤️🔥🕊️✅ P.S. I didn't SEE this one coming from the LORD Today. @DavidXRPLion01
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DavidXRPLion Is John Deaton Really Who He Claims To Be MUST WATCH TRUMP NEWS | Prophecy | Before It's News


380🤩 263👍 179🥰 152🔥 115👏 74
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Once AGAIN! Here "IT IS, One & DONE!" Copy and share so others will know what’s coming.
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🥰 469 317🔥 162🤩 112👏 100👍 66
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